PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Life’s been good man. Wife is about to pop. Just got back from cphi last Saturday that was in Shanghai(it’s chinas largest pharmaceutical exhibition) met a ton of awesome new vendors for pharma hgh, peptides, raws and lab equipment. Hopefully all of the contacts I made will pan out and I’ll have some new cool things to offer everyone.
got any interesting stories about what's going on in the world of hgh
Life’s been good man. Wife is about to pop. Just got back from cphi last Saturday that was in Shanghai(it’s chinas largest pharmaceutical exhibition) met a ton of awesome new vendors for pharma hgh, peptides, raws and lab equipment. Hopefully all of the contacts I made will pan out and I’ll have some new cool things to offer everyone.
It'd be cool if you could get a hold of some jintropin or ansomone hgh. If the price is right and it's legit, I bet they'd sell like hotcakes.
It'd be cool if you could get a hold of some jintropin or ansomone hgh. If the price is right and it's legit, I bet they'd sell like hotcakes.
have to be careful which lines you pick up, and how much you charge, seems to be a shift in the market for hgh where the cost is going down, and the quality going up
have to be careful which lines you pick up, and how much you charge, seems to be a shift in the market for hgh where the cost is going down, and the quality going up
Yea I've only started my research into hgh. I haven't taken the plunge yet.
when will Dom get a restock on raws? I see a few things out and have been out for some time
I have 15kg in route now. Should be there within the next week.

got any interesting stories about what's going on in the world of hgh

It'd be cool if you could get a hold of some jintropin or ansomone hgh. If the price is right and it's legit, I bet they'd sell like hotcakes.
Anke bio(makers of Ansomone) were at the convention and agreed to sell to me domestically. And genescience(makers of Jintropin) were also there. Unfortunately they said for me to have it sold to me within China I would need a hospital license lol. So that idea was out. But I also found another Chinese pharma brand that I hadn’t previously heard of that also agreed to sell me their hgh domestically in China(but only bad thing was 8iu vials were the largest iu amount they had per vial). I’m just waiting for the rep from ansomone to get back to me as well as the rep from the other pharma brand. Once I hear back and see if it is worth the potential risk of losing packs if I ship it over I’ll let everyone know.


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I don’t know shit about hgh. Is that good shit. What’s a kit go for and how long does it last. Generally just curious. Not looking for my hand held.
I don’t know shit about hgh. Is that good shit. What’s a kit go for and how long does it last. Generally just curious. Not looking for my hand held.

ansomone is western pharma grade. as good as any of them. can buy direct from the supplier but its sometimes hassle. if you buy it from a reseller the price alomost doubles. im sure if ppl can buy enough the price will be good that everyone will come out a winner
Is it possible to visit a doctor in China, get a prescription for hgh for lets say one year?

Of course you can. But I think what you want to ask is if you can use that Chinese prescription in an American pharmacy. The answer to the latter is a strong NO.
Of course you can. But I think what you want to ask is if you can use that Chinese prescription in an American pharmacy. The answer to the latter is a strong NO.

Correct, same reason a script for AAS from Mexico (or any other legal country) holds no water here.
Of course you can. But I think what you want to ask is if you can use that Chinese prescription in an American pharmacy. The answer to the latter is a strong NO.

Yes i understand that the prescription is only valid in China.
I was more thinking of a shopping trip to China :D
Have you found any advantage to using primo over tren besides less side-effects?
Sorry Bruh this my first go at Primo. I started with 600mg a week and will get to 800 by week 6 thru 12.

I heard/read the talk of super high dose primo giving tren related results but Im playing the sceptic on this cus I know tren and that is a big shoe to fill.

If I get even close to tren gains keeping low water and head trip sides I will be happy.

I wilk update inba few weeks Bruh.
That’s step 2.
I don’t know how much i can take on a airplane.
I have never done that. My friend did it some years ago, not from China though.

Ever been to jail in a foreign country???? Trust me, not something you would want to risk.

You know what’s much safer and easier than trying to smuggle drugs across the border of a foreign country?... Is buying them online like we always do, completely safe from prosecution, from my living room couch in my undies with bitcoin.
Any unbiased news/updates on PPL for the last couple months?

(I've been stuck sick, in third world country, insurance doesn't apply there) so I couldn't train much, let alone juice or surf Meso.
I heard/read the talk of super high dose primo giving tren related results but Im playing the sceptic on this cus I know tren and that is a big shoe to fill.
Ive went up to 1400mg for awhile just to see what itd do .... its not like tren in any way shape or form ... or any other steroid for that matter really .

Im using it to grow right now at 800 and its nice , definitely has a positive effect in nutrient partitioning. But imo primo for me shines in a cut because I was able add lean muscle slowly even into very low body fat % when me calories were getting low , where no other compound has ever done that for me to the same degree .

But its not gonna give you a particular look like tren or mast winny ect . Its a misunderstood compound and most dont know how to utilize it its seems like . But thats because people talk outta there ass and say its like tren or super boldonone or whatever just making assummtions , and theyve probably never even used it before lol ..