PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Hey Everyone,

It’s going to be nice to be back and be more interactive with everyone. First off I can assure everyone there is nothing ominous going on behind the scenes at Panda. I’ve just found myself with a larger then normal amount of free time due to the fact I’ve stopped pursuing my hobbies during the last few months of my wife’s pregnancy since she wants me at home with her and the baby. I’ll be back here to answer and questions, complaints, concerns for any and all customers and potential customers. All PMs will be answered in a timely fashion.

placed 1st order yesterday afternoon, chose mg as payment, after submitting order i was taken to screen that looks like its supposed to show me the mg info but there are dashes (placeholders basically) where the actual info should be. i assumed this was normal and that i would receive follow up email with the deetz, but no email as of yet and now i see this talk of ominous change and im getting a little nervous. talk to me panda rep guy.

There shouldn’t be a MG option on my website. Right now we are accepting about 4 WU payments per day. It’s getting much much more difficult in China to collect WU payments(MG is virtually impossible here). However, within the next week there will be a change in money receivers(have found someone I trust in a non asian country to accept payments). So Money Gram and Western Union will be back on the table as full time payment options
Hey Everyone,

It’s going to be nice to be back and be more interactive with everyone. First off I can assure everyone there is nothing ominous going on behind the scenes at Panda. I’ve just found myself with a larger then normal amount of free time due to the fact I’ve stopped pursuing my hobbies during the last few months of my wife’s pregnancy since she wants me at home with her and the baby. I’ll be back here to answer and questions, complaints, concerns for any and all customers and potential customers. All PMs will be answered in a timely fashion.

There shouldn’t be a MG option on my website. Right now we are accepting about 4 WU payments per day. It’s getting much much more difficult in China to collect WU payments(MG is virtually impossible here). However, within the next week there will be a change in money receivers(have found someone I trust in a non asian country to accept payments). So Money Gram and Western Union will be back on the table as full time payment options
Welcome back. How's life been? Been a minute.
crap dude, i mean the option was available when i placed the order. im old and unaware of how crypto works so i guess ill let the 72 hours pass so the order cancels and reorder when you get mg/wu back. thanks.
crap dude, i mean the option was available when i placed the order. im old and unaware of how crypto works so i guess ill let the 72 hours pass so the order cancels and reorder when you get mg/wu back. thanks.
Its vary easy to learn
Hey Everyone,

It’s going to be nice to be back and be more interactive with everyone. First off I can assure everyone there is nothing ominous going on behind the scenes at Panda. I’ve just found myself with a larger then normal amount of free time due to the fact I’ve stopped pursuing my hobbies during the last few months of my wife’s pregnancy since she wants me at home with her and the baby. I’ll be back here to answer and questions, complaints, concerns for any and all customers and potential customers. All PMs will be answered in a timely fashion.

There shouldn’t be a MG option on my website. Right now we are accepting about 4 WU payments per day. It’s getting much much more difficult in China to collect WU payments(MG is virtually impossible here). However, within the next week there will be a change in money receivers(have found someone I trust in a non asian country to accept payments). So Money Gram and Western Union will be back on the table as full time payment options


This is an interesting turn of events.

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. Going to use the same name you had prior or a new one?

You've been one hell of a rep. Hope this isn't indicative of anything to come.

What was his old name?

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Welcome back. How's life been? Been a minute.

Life’s been good man. Wife is about to pop. Just got back from cphi last Saturday that was in Shanghai(it’s chinas largest pharmaceutical exhibition) met a ton of awesome new vendors for pharma hgh, peptides, raws and lab equipment. Hopefully all of the contacts I made will pan out and I’ll have some new cool things to offer everyone.
Read through thread. Don’t know if I missed it or I got caught up on the other post. Has anyone tested or ordered the in town Primo? If so, how’s it worked out.
Read through thread. Don’t know if I missed it or I got caught up on the other post. Has anyone tested or ordered the in town Primo? If so, how’s it worked out.
In town Primo? You mean domestic. I did a month back brewed and running now. 7 days in and feelin good. Pumps are getting fuller. So I have high hopes come 2 more weeks.