PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Hey Everyone,

It’s going to be nice to be back and be more interactive with everyone. First off I can assure everyone there is nothing ominous going on behind the scenes at Panda. I’ve just found myself with a larger then normal amount of free time due to the fact I’ve stopped pursuing my hobbies during the last few months of my wife’s pregnancy since she wants me at home with her and the baby. I’ll be back here to answer and questions, complaints, concerns for any and all customers and potential customers. All PMs will be answered in a timely fashion.

There shouldn’t be a MG option on my website. Right now we are accepting about 4 WU payments per day. It’s getting much much more difficult in China to collect WU payments(MG is virtually impossible here). However, within the next week there will be a change in money receivers(have found someone I trust in a non asian country to accept payments). So Money Gram and Western Union will be back on the table as full time payment options
I tried wu and it just send a blank for the info you need to send the cash
I tried wu and it just send a blank for the info you need to send the cash

Right now we only can pick up four transfers. After those four have been picked up it will show as blank for the receivers info. You can try again tomorrow. I apologize for the inconvenience, but the issue with receiving western union and MG is about to be fixed
Ive went up to 1400mg for awhile just to see what itd do .... its not like tren in any way shape or form ... or any other steroid for that matter really .

Im using it to grow right now at 800 and its nice , definitely has a positive effect in nutrient partitioning. But imo primo for me shines in a cut because I was able add lean muscle slowly even into very low body fat % when me calories were getting low , where no other compound has ever done that for me to the same degree .

But its not gonna give you a particular look like tren or mast winny ect . Its a misunderstood compound and most dont know how to utilize it its seems like . But thats because people talk outta there ass and say its like tren or super boldonone or whatever just making assummtions , and theyve probably never even used it before lol ..

This is my exact thoughts and I could t have worded it better. Glad to know I’m not crazy for thinking I’m getting bigger in a calorie deficit.
This is my exact thoughts and I could t have worded it better. Glad to know I’m not crazy for thinking I’m getting bigger in a calorie deficit.
Yeah it made no sense to me either but its the only variable I changed over the last few times I cut.

Once got down to 10-12% bf (guesstimate) I went from there to 7%ish and basically ended up at the same exact scale over a 16 week peroid. Granted my diet was spot on but it always is once i switch into that gear .

I figure minimum i added 7 lbs of lean tissue over that peroid . And i dont want someone to read that and think that im saying thats typical for primo because i honestly dont know . I dont think thats how good most people will react to primo , but as far as far as an anticatobolic compound(atleast of dry compounds) its gotta be pretty much at the top imo.
Yeah it made no sense to me either but its the only variable I changed over the last few times I cut.

Once got down to 10-12% bf (guesstimate) I went from there to 7%ish and basically ended up at the same exact scale over a 16 week peroid. Granted my diet was spot on but it always is once i switch into that gear .

I figure minimum i added 7 lbs of lean tissue over that peroid . And i dont want someone to read that and think that im saying thats typical for primo because i honestly dont know . I dont think thats how good most people will react to primo , but as far as far as an anticatobolic compound(atleast of dry compounds) its gotta be pretty much at the top imo.

I had another guy who recently won his pro card say he gained about 5lbs lean mass during his cut, but again diet has to be really good.

I feel like you have to be really advanced in knowledge and body progress for this to work and the average gym goer/AAS user would not get the same results.
I had another guy who recently won his pro card say he gained about 5lbs lean mass during his cut, but again diet has to be really good.

I feel like you have to be really advanced in knowledge and body progress for this to work and the average gym goer/AAS user would not get the same results.
Guess I’m shit out of luck lol. Honestly though I’m only two weeks in maybe 3. Still not 100 percent back to the gym but I have a good feeling about this cycle. Doing the best I can with what I got. Check out my hardcore gym.
@Thegreek dude thats fucking dope . When you told me about I wasnt imagining it would look that good honestly lol ... your gonna be looking like one of those jacked african dudes that use car axels as barbells an shit :D
Yeah it made no sense to me either but its the only variable I changed over the last few times I cut.

Once got down to 10-12% bf (guesstimate) I went from there to 7%ish and basically ended up at the same exact scale over a 16 week peroid. Granted my diet was spot on but it always is once i switch into that gear .

I figure minimum i added 7 lbs of lean tissue over that peroid . And i dont want someone to read that and think that im saying thats typical for primo because i honestly dont know . I dont think thats how good most people will react to primo , but as far as far as an anticatobolic compound(atleast of dry compounds) its gotta be pretty much at the top imo.

I dunno about at the top in my opinion. I almost put it at the bottom lol

The only one I think that's worse is EQ... the amount of oil you need to inject to be at the top is where it breaks for me.
I could run like 1200-2400mg of Deca for that amount of oil. To run at even like 800/week is like 4cc's-8cc's of oil alone (depending if it's 100 or 200mg). And personally the pip on 200 bites.
So for me it gets a bad rating on the scale.
Memberships are free. You just have to follow 2 rules.
Rule 1. My life motto. Don’t be a pussy.
Rule 2. Don’t be a gym douche.
All my bags of concrete were 80lb bags and the pot sizes are the same for each piece. Hard to gauge exactly the weight. Plus I used 1.25” inch sch 40 galvanized pipe so each bar is like having a fat gripz on it. The small dumbbells around 35 a piece. The large dumbells around 75 a piece. The small barbell around 100. My deadlift bar around 200. Nothing crazy just keeping the muscle moving.
And personally the pip on 200 bites.

It shouldn't. I pinned 2ml last night, 400mg, and I had to think for a second before typing this where I even pinned it... Feel nothing. It was in my delt, lol.

One of the smoothest oils I've ever used... It's bold cyp though, I've never taken EQ, I don't think that would make much difference.
I dunno about at the top in my opinion. I almost put it at the bottom lol

The only one I think that's worse is EQ... the amount of oil you need to inject to be at the top is where it breaks for me.
I could run like 1200-2400mg of Deca for that amount of oil. To run at even like 800/week is like 4cc's-8cc's of oil alone (depending if it's 100 or 200mg). And personally the pip on 200 bites.
So for me it gets a bad rating on the scale.
Im not saying primo is the best anabolic/anticatobolic compound you can use . Yeah you could use deca hell even dbol and probably gain lean tissue in a calorie deficit , but that doesnt mean im going to try and use them to get to single digit bodyfat lol.

Primo's highly effective at causing a positive nitrogen balance even at a lower calorie intake , more so than any other dht . It doesnt covert obviously so its a perfect compound for getting to extremely low bf% while adding or atleast maintaining lean tissue . Also its a mild androgenic so it doesn't cause much mineral retention which can make you hold water like other stronger non aromatizing androgens if you dose too high.

Everyone has to find the compounds that work for them , and primo isnt gonna be everyones cup of tea. Particularly people that use the strongest drugs they can get there hands on to make up for their lack of knowledge or consistency in diet .

But this all really got away from the point I was originally getting at. Primo is a misunderstood compound , and people try to use it like another compound . Then when it doesnt meet that expectation they shit on it and say its a weak drug . When in reality its arguably the best at what it was created for .... muscle wasting :)
Im not saying primo is the best anabolic/anticatobolic compound you can use . Yeah you could use deca hell even dbol and probably gain lean tissue in a calorie deficit , but that doesnt mean im going to try and use them to get to single digit bodyfat lol.

Primo's highly effective at causing a positive nitrogen balance even at a lower calorie intake , more so than any other dht . It doesnt covert obviously so its a perfect compound for getting to extremely low bf% while adding or atleast maintaining lean tissue . Also its a mild androgenic so it doesn't cause much mineral retention which can make you hold water like other stronger non aromatizing androgens if you dose too high.

Everyone has to find the compounds that work for them , and primo isnt gonna be everyones cup of tea. Particularly people that use the strongest drugs they can get there hands on to make up for their lack of knowledge or consistency in diet .

But this all really got away from the point I was originally getting at. Primo is a misunderstood compound , and people try to use it like another compound . Then when it doesnt meet that expectation they shit on it and say its a weak drug . When in reality its arguably the best at what it was created for .... muscle wasting :)
There's a reason it was Schwarzenegger's favorite compound
I dunno about at the top in my opinion. I almost put it at the bottom lol

The only one I think that's worse is EQ... the amount of oil you need to inject to be at the top is where it breaks for me.
I could run like 1200-2400mg of Deca for that amount of oil. To run at even like 800/week is like 4cc's-8cc's of oil alone (depending if it's 100 or 200mg). And personally the pip on 200 bites.
So for me it gets a bad rating on the scale.

My previous comment was that it was more for people who had been doing this for awhile and understood advanced techniques other than AAS. Since you’re comparing Deca and Primo you fall outside that group I believe.

Samuilo provided a good description a couple comments before this one.

There’s half a dozen people I’ve designed an EQ stack and diet plan for that day it’s one of the best cycles they’ve run. There’s a lot more out there than test, deca and tren.
It shouldn't. I pinned 2ml last night, 400mg, and I had to think for a second before typing this where I even pinned it... Feel nothing. It was in my delt, lol.

One of the smoothest oils I've ever used... It's bold cyp though, I've never taken EQ, I don't think that would make much difference.

Some people seem to get pip from primo for some reason, kind of like I can’t use test prop at any concentration.