PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Im not gettin any night sweats either. I dont have any raws left and I really dont wwant to send out the little bit i have left cus im close to finishing this blast. Even if the tren is underdosed or something its gonna do more than the primo lol. Only running 200 test too.

You look like you're using tren with a very restricted calorie diet in your picture. You're really just look like you need to run a few bulks and put some more muscle tissue on before you worry too much about cutting. And tren isn't very good for bulking. Npp is a much better compound for bulking. Your metabolism is going to keep you lean even through a bulk.

Don't look for sides for the quality of the tren. I personally only get light insomnia the first two weeks I start tren. I never have night sweats and it doesn't feel like it really affects my cardio either.

Edit: One more side I forgot about. I do believe that everything walking on two legs wants to screw me when I'm on tren. And I would be more than happy to oblige lol.

I'm sure that the ppl tren raws are fine. Just run a couple of bulks, put on some more muscle and then do a cut. And don't forget the cardio when you cut.
You look like you're using tren with a very restricted calorie diet in your picture. You're really just look like you need to run a few bulks and put some more muscle tissue on before you worry too much about cutting. And tren isn't very good for bulking. Npp is a much better compound for bulking. Your metabolism is going to keep you lean even through a bulk.

Don't look for sides for the quality of the tren. I personally only get light insomnia the first two weeks I start tren. I never have night sweats and it doesn't feel like it really affects my cardio either.

I'm sure that the ppl tren raws are fine. Just run a couple of bulks, put on some more muscle and then do a cut. And don't forget the cardio when you cut.

Thanx for the advice. I always use npp to bulk. I got up to 185 this last bulk. Now im down to 160. I feel like i lost more muscle than i should have with the amount of tren im running.
Thanx for the advice. I always use npp to bulk. I got up to 185 this last bulk. Now im down to 160. I feel like i lost more muscle than i should have with the amount of tren im running.

I find tren to be very powerful in muscle sparing during low calorie phases. What it will do however is remove wet, adipose tissue. Maybe you were carrying a bit more body fat than you thought and this cycle has turned into a nice recomp for you.
So you're just going to continue to troll then? When are you going to stop?

Hopefully this will help him realize he just needs to mature his muscle structure. He's got a nice foundation. Just needs to build it up.

I still feel the tren raws are good quality. That's the subject that made it worth keeping this discussion in this thread.
Do you do refeeds or carb days or cheat days, whatever you want to call them. I ask because you just look flat to me. Obviously because of the diet. I'd be curious to see what you look like if you took in like 500 carbs.

Does a dozen donuts count? Then I love my refeeds on Saturday mornings lol
Thanx for the advice. I always use npp to bulk. I got up to 185 this last bulk. Now im down to 160. I feel like i lost more muscle than i should have with the amount of tren im running.

You said you are on 2000 calories..what the fuck do you expect to happen.
Hire a coach/trainer...listen and everything will fix itself.
Do you do refeeds or carb days or cheat days, whatever you want to call them. I ask because you just look flat to me. Obviously because of the diet. I'd be curious to see what you look like if you took in like 500 carbs.

No i havent really done any refeeds. I did eat at maintenance like 2 or 3 times out of these entire 9 weeks of week of cutting. 500g of carbs? Lol i cant fit that into 1900 calories. I stay at about 150-200g carbs per day. I may have one low carb day out of the week but its like 100g.
You said you are on 2000 calories..what the fuck do you expect to happen.
Hire a coach/trainer...listen and everything will fix itself.
I started at maintenance of 2800 Then dropped 100cals each week. Like 1st week was 2800 then 2700 next week then 2600 now im down to 1900

Im only 5'7 and very sedentary besides the gym.
Im liking the ratios you used. What kind of carrier oil do you use?
Id prefer to use GSO because im not sure how id react to Mct

I used mct but it held easy . Im sure gso would work fine with the same recipe. Even just that small amount of guaiacol made a huge difference.
Thats a lot of tren-a, shits probably bunk to if your not feeling shit, I'm not only going by feel but by appearance too. My body didnt change at all from the big jump in dosages. Plus I'm probably alot smaller than you.
Thats a tough one to pass on but im gonna pass.:rolleyes:
I can second that kind if experience while on tren. My first time i was expecting to really feel something but it didnt have much effect. It wasnt until after i discontiued its use that i really noticed exactly how much it did for me in the gym.

One could easily assume underdosed or bunk gear going in with unrealistic expectations.
Thats why tren has this bad reputation. People dont feel it so they keep upping the dose. Thats when she bites like a bad bitch. A dab will do ya if you arent used to "her". ;)
I find tren to be very powerful in muscle sparing during low calorie phases. What it will do however is remove wet, adipose tissue. Maybe you were carrying a bit more body fat than you thought and this cycle has turned into a nice recomp for you.
Nice to see you around youngster:D