PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Thats why tren has this bad reputation. People dont feel it so they keep upping the dose. Thats when she bites like a bad bitch. A dab will do ya if you arent used to "her". ;)

Yea well i started with 300mg and now im at 500mg and it made no difference. Why u think that is? Bunk im assuming.
Just had a friend come up to me in the gym. Hes like "daaaamn you got super skinny. Holy shit"...yea great tren. Thanx PPL for makin me lose all my gains
I will send you some free shit if you will take your fuck boy ass back to Evo or wherever you're dumb ass come from why in the fuck would you run the whole batch if it wasn't good we seen all the progress pics.
Your pissing and moaning hoping your broke ass can get some free shit before you run out.
Sorry everyone just tired of this punk talking shit.
Fucking awesome. No more rep status and look at this response. Gloves off and dirty. I Love it.
I'm on 250mg test cyp and 600mg of ppl tren e intl raws and everything seems on par to any other tren I've ever used. Strength is through the roof and fat is melting away. You need to put up some tests on your gear or else realize your missing something in your program.

Best current pic I've got. 225 and getting leaner everyday and body weight staying up.

Edit: I'm only on test and tren and I know 250mg of test cyp is not going to give the results that I'm getting.

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Damn IV! Looking good man. Nice work.
I brewed some tren e I got from ppl received it couple months ago and been on it for about 5weeks at 400mg wk and 250test e a week also from ppl Raws and inn the 5 weeks I feel like a monster I’m 100% happy with mine idk if yours come out of same batch I got but I’m happy with the raws I got they came from international
I don’t know why I’m even about to do this because you don’t listen but fuck it I’m bored. @AnTabolic73 is right. You need to eat. You look flat as a pancake. We are the same height and I have about 40-50 pounds on you. Closer to 40 now and I’m cutting too. You are fucking starving yourself. With my age and lifestyle I’m burning about 3200 to 3800 calories a day. I take in about 2700 to 3000. I’d like to think I’m averaging about 500 a day. I’m in a deficit but it’s a mild one and I eat 2 cups of rice or 2 sweet potato’s. A post workout shake high in carbs and some other carbs here and there. You clearly have no understanding of diet and the importance of it. Listen to this very carefully. It applies to everything in life. It’s not the how’s it’s the whys. You may know HOW to diet and cut but you don’t understand the WHY. WHY is what will get you the results you are looking for. If you don’t understand what I just said you have proved your ignorance and lack of understanding. You said you don’t have much time left on this blast. Finish it by bring your macros back up. Eat in a surplus if you have to. Just make sure it’s clean. You can try and carb cycle and refeed but you may not have enough time. Just eat bro. Keep it clean. you are fucking starving yourself and it shows. I won’t bullshit you nor would I steer you in the wrong direction.
I brewed some tren e I got from ppl received it couple months ago and been on it for about 5weeks at 400mg wk and 250test e a week also from ppl Raws and inn the 5 weeks I feel like a monster I’m 100% happy with mine idk if yours come out of same batch I got but I’m happy with the raws I got they came from international

Mine came from intl also. Starting to think they dumbed my shit down bcus i used a 10% off code or bcus they resent me free finished tren b4 when i made my first purchase with them and they were having the issue with the painful ass gear.
I don’t know why I’m even about to do this because you don’t listen but fuck it I’m bored. @AnTabolic73 is right. You need to eat. You look flat as a pancake. We are the same height and I have about 40-50 pounds on you. Closer to 40 now and I’m cutting too. You are fucking starving yourself. With my age and lifestyle I’m burning about 3200 to 3800 calories a day. I take in about 2700 to 3000. I’d like to think I’m averaging about 500 a day. I’m in a deficit but it’s a mild one and I eat 2 cups of rice or 2 sweet potato’s. A post workout shake high in carbs and some other carbs here and there. You clearly have no understanding of diet and the importance of it. Listen to this very carefully. It applies to everything in life. It’s not the how’s it’s the whys. You may know HOW to diet and cut but you don’t understand the WHY. WHY is what will get you the results you are looking for. If you don’t understand what I just said you have proved your ignorance and lack of understanding. You said you don’t have much time left on this blast. Finish it by bring your macros back up. Eat in a surplus if you have to. Just make sure it’s clean. You can try and carb cycle and refeed but you may not have enough time. Just eat bro. Keep it clean. you are fucking starving yourself and it shows. I won’t bullshit you nor would I steer you in the wrong direction.

Then how the fuck do i get below 10% bf? I bet u never been that lean. I was big as fuck b4 this cut. Bigger than u at 185. Ill send u a pic.
Then how the fuck do i get below 10% bf? I bet u never been that lean. I was big as fuck b4 this cut. Bigger than u at 185. Ill send u a pic.
Hate to be the bearer of good news but You are at or slightly below 10 percent. Yes I have and in the winter I’m over 200lbs so I don’t see how you could be bigger than me at 185. I’ve put up 405 on the bench. 495 on dead’s 315 on squat and 185 standing strict press. That’s not bragging that’s putting us in perspective.
Hate to be the bearer of good news but You are at or slightly below 10 percent. Yes I have and in the winter I’m over 200lbs so I don’t see how you could be bigger than me at 185. I’ve put up 405 on the bench. 495 on dead’s 315 on squat and 185 standing strict press. That’s not bragging that’s putting us in perspective.

Then why dont my abs show unless i realy try to flex them. On another board they said i have to drop down to 150-155lbs.
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I brewed some tren e I got from ppl received it couple months ago and been on it for about 5weeks at 400mg wk and 250test e a week also from ppl Raws and inn the 5 weeks I feel like a monster I’m 100% happy with mine idk if yours come out of same batch I got but I’m happy with the raws I got they came from international

Are u getting any sides?
How long have you been consistently going to the gym. What do you do for work.

4+ years consistantly never took any time off besides rest days used to do 5 days a week. Now ive been doing 6 days a week. Goin on 2 years blastn n crusing. Ive done like 4 bulk blasts and this is my 3rd cut on a actual blast. Before i used to cut while cruisin. Im not trying to be huge mainly aesthetic like jeff seid maybe a lil bigger. Im not a powerlifter.
Then why dont my abs show unless i realy try to flex them. On another board they said i have to drop down to 150-155lbs.
Your not gonna get bone dry shredded by just restricting calories and doing cardio and taking tren . It takes tracking everything down to the smallest details , knowing how to minipulate your macros daily based on what you see in the mirror. Are you tracking your water, electrolyte intake , do you know when your metabolism is stalling and when to add calories back into your diet , are you using thryoid meds to KEEP your metabolism from stalling , do you have your estro perfectly dialed in , ect ect so on and so forth ?

Getting from 10% to single digits is harder than getting from 20% to 10% by a long margin. I think you are really miss evaluating how hard it really is to get "Jeff Seid" shredded. Only the genetic elite of elite can just cut cals and will power their self into getting that shredded.

I failed probably a half dozen times or more trying to figuring out the formula that worked for me to get to single digit bf . But point is its not just starving yourself , your body will just adapt you will lose myscle no matter how much gear you're taking.