PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Heres a post in a another board about ppls tren-e. Posted on 7-9-18

"I'm starting to get a little concerned now from all the recent news about the the Tren e raws ppl has distributed to everyone.

I've been a loyal customer and supporter of ppl and will continue to do so even if it's true that ppl had a poor batch of Tren e raws that was distributed to everyone. As long as ppl makes it right and fixes the issues that would lead to something like this happening. I've received a lot of products and never a issue with raws

This being said though y second to last order of Tren e raws I received from ppl did in fact concern me. It slipped my mind until all this come about but to be honest with y'all the Tren e raws I'm talking about didn't seem like the normal Tren raws I received. Idk exactly what caught my attention but something about it was off. Enough for me to pm his reps and ask them if anyone had any complaints with them as of recent and I even sent them pics of my finished tren to get their opinions. But after talking with his reps and his track record I figured I was just over worrying and forgot about it.

Just makes me wonder now if my sixth sense was in fact correct. I even told the reps I wanted to get a labmax to test them.

Im responsible for multiple friends and family using these raws as many brothers on here so when something like this comes to light it definitely worries the fuck out of me as well as everyone involved"
I'm on 600mg of tren ace ew, homebrew panda raws at 10% od.

I don't feel anything superhuman or anything crazy. I look great, feel great and am killing it in the gym, nutritionally and am leaner and more fit at 250# than I've ever been.

I think you're reaching for some level of "insane" that's unrealistic. I just went through hell and back purchasing a house while on tren and it didn't change how I act or live my life one bit. And that's on a proven batch of ace.

Only way to know is by testing the remaining oils. If it's bunk you have solid ground to stand on. Ultimate point being is your feelings don't mean shit. Imperical evidence matters. Don't take this the wrong way but that's the way it is, especially with all the other guys saying there never had an issue with his raws.
I can second that kind if experience while on tren. My first time i was expecting to really feel something but it didnt have much effect. It wasnt until after i discontiued its use that i really noticed exactly how much it did for me in the gym.

One could easily assume underdosed or bunk gear going in with unrealistic expectations.
I can second that kind if experience while on tren. My first time i was expecting to really feel something but it didnt have much effect. It wasnt until after i discontiued its use that i really noticed exactly how much it did for me in the gym.

One could easily assume underdosed or bunk gear going in with unrealistic expectations.
I'm on low test. If I ratchet the test up I'll turn into a giant asshole, sweat like a pig and have heartburn that would cripple a hardened drill sergeant.

I also had a much less favorable experience with it while I wasn't as militant about my nutrition. Being dialed in makes a huge difference for me.

All I have to say is if you have a complaint that isnt something tangible like a hair in the vial please have something other than your feelings to back it up.
Thats a lot of tren-a, shits probably bunk to if your not feeling shit, I'm not only going by feel but by appearance too. My body didnt change at all from the big jump in dosages. Plus I'm probably alot smaller than you.
I will send you some free shit if you will take your fuck boy ass back to Evo or wherever you're dumb ass come from why in the fuck would you run the whole batch if it wasn't good we seen all the progress pics.
Your pissing and moaning hoping your broke ass can get some free shit before you run out.
Sorry everyone just tired of this punk talking shit.
Thats a lot of tren-a, shits probably bunk to if your not feeling shit, I'm not only going by feel but by appearance too. My body didnt change at all from the big jump in dosages. Plus I'm probably alot smaller than you.
Dude look at ur fucking pics u change big time iv got people on the tren e and tren a and they love it
Seems low for 250mg/ml. Most i read about had trouble with crashing at 200mg/ml and that was with EO added.
Ive done a good bit of bold cyp , and @Jeffg353 might have just got lucky with 2/20% holding . I would either up the bb if you were gonna go 200mg , or what I personally do is 1/20% and add in 2%guaiacol and it hold great and pins smooth at 200mg .

If you are really bent on using standard solvent ratio's though id brew it at 150mg . Ive never got 200mg to hold with standard ratios.
How much does it cost? This is the only time I had a problem with their raws. Ive brewed their test, npp, also the primo im on which I'm also now skeptical about. But cmon 500mg of tren is not something you cant notice. I'm not stupid.

I'm on 250mg test cyp and 600mg of ppl tren e intl raws and everything seems on par to any other tren I've ever used. Strength is through the roof and fat is melting away. You need to put up some tests on your gear or else realize your missing something in your program.

Best current pic I've got. 225 and getting leaner everyday and body weight staying up.

Edit: I'm only on test and tren and I know 250mg of test cyp is not going to give the results that I'm getting.

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Ive done a good bit of bold cyp , and @Jeffg353 might have just got lucky with 2/20% holding . I would either up the bb if you were gonna go 200mg , or what I personally do is 1/20% and add in 2%guaiacol and it hold great and pins smooth at 200mg .

If you are really bent on using standard solvent ratio's though id brew it at 150mg . Ive never got 200mg to hold with standard ratios.
Im liking the ratios you used. What kind of carrier oil do you use?
Id prefer to use GSO because im not sure how id react to Mct
How much are you running and how long have you been on it? $300 is what the other panda rep told me to test it.

I've been on 12 weeks and running 600mg with 1g primo 200mg test. Changes were slow. Nothing really happened for 6-7 weeks but the night sweats and insomnia but now it's is insane how my body is changing. Not counting macros or calories just eat when I'm hungry and eat what I like most of the time.

If you have raws left maybe you could send out some of those for testing and finally put it to bed once and for all.
I'm on low test. If I ratchet the test up I'll turn into a giant asshole, sweat like a pig and have heartburn that would cripple a hardened drill sergeant.

I also had a much less favorable experience with it while I wasn't as militant about my nutrition. Being dialed in makes a huge difference for me.

All I have to say is if you have a complaint that isnt something tangible like a hair in the vial please have something other than your feelings to back it up.

That's me too. Low test and let the tren and other stuff build the lean tissue. I'm have very few sides with the low test higher tren.

High test isn't for me anymore
I've been on 12 weeks and running 600mg with 1g primo 200mg test. Changes were slow. Nothing really happened for 6-7 weeks but the night sweats and insomnia but now it's is insane how my body is changing. Not counting macros or calories just eat when I'm hungry and eat what I like most of the time.

If you have raws left maybe you could send out some of those for testing and finally put it to bed once and for all.

Im not gettin any night sweats either. I dont have any raws left and I really dont wwant to send out the little bit i have left cus im close to finishing this blast. Even if the tren is underdosed or something its gonna do more than the primo lol. Only running 200 test too.
Where im at now 9 weeks into my cut.
Biggest piece of crap ever .. can’t stand tren absolute rat poison will never use it again , actually if I was paid to use it I wouldn’t lol
Yea very much so and when i bulk I just get skinny fat. Look lean af in tank but look like shit without it.

If you can get lean easily then dont cut your calories too low. i eat my normal food but i have a cheat meal every night and a tub of hagen dass salted caramel.

guys like you and I need dense food. especially when using tren. too clean and i will look stringy and flat. order yourself a dominos and ice cream
Yea very much so and when i bulk I just get skinny fat. Look lean af in tank but look like shit without it.

I’m fucking sick of people thinking that gear is the end all be all drug that will magically get results for you. If you don’t have proof that the gear is bunk then shut the fuck up. No one with give a fuck about you bitching that the gear is bunk. I have taken tren and felt no side affects but got results. It’s about diet and workouts. Gear is just a tool to help. If you can’t understand this then you have no business in taking gear
I’m fucking sick of people thinking that gear is the end all be all drug that will magically get results for you. If you don’t have proof that the gear is bunk then shut the fuck up. No one with give a fuck about you bitching that the gear is bunk. I have taken tren and felt no side affects but got results. It’s about diet and workouts. Gear is just a tool to help. If you can’t understand this then you have no business in taking gear

No shit asshole.