PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the postmaster didn’t open your pack and smash then give it back to you. Also I would think If someone opened the pack and smashed the vials then resealed it you’d be able to tell. Take a few minutes and calm down and examine what you have. I’m not calling bullshit. Yet. But your story feels a little jumbled so either you really are just all nerved up or it’s a scam/bullshit story. I for one would never come on here all emotional and freak out like you just did. Get your shit and thoughts together. Hopefully it’s just a shitty situation and it all works out.
S/O to @purplepandalabs @PurplePandaLabs Rep.

Just an update I’m Currently on my 4 week of my cycle of test cyp and Anavar. I feel amazing and my body has changed dramatically. I’ve so far had minimal sides I just get emotional sometimes but other then that everything has been going great. I also have been getting compliments from both sexes on my change which is a huge boost.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the postmaster didn’t open your pack and smash then give it back to you. Also I would think If someone opened the pack and smashed the vials then resealed it you’d be able to tell. Take a few minutes and calm down and examine what you have. I’m not calling bullshit. Yet. But your story feels a little jumbled so either you really are just all nerved up or it’s a scam/bullshit story. I for one would never come on here all emotional and freak out like you just did. Get your shit and thoughts together. Hopefully it’s just a shitty situation and it all works out.
I immediately ran home, tossed my shit in my car, cleared computer. What made me so paranoid is that the customer service guy at the post office desk said word for word "it wasnt delivered because it was sitting on the -boss's- desk." I'm like why was it on the BOSS'S desk and something had leaked on it. Thats all. (i assumed even if the package was leaking it will still make it to my mailbox, so i was like why didnt they still deliver it) They let me walk out of the post office with the package. So likely no one opened it. I have made like 10 orders with PPL if not more. I order like every month. I have no reason to reverse scam a lab 100 dollars for 3 vials of testosterone. Especially when i am on TRT and currently have like 15 grams of anadrol and a lot of superdrol and halo and more. I used to post td reviews on other forums every order. The whole "it was on the bosses desk" thing is what fucked me up. I hope panda will reship the pack. but im not gonna scream and cry if they dont. Ill just throw another 100 dollars.
I immediately ran home, tossed my shit in my car, cleared computer. What made me so paranoid is that the customer service guy at the post office desk said word for word "it wasnt delivered because it was sitting on the -boss's- desk." I'm like why was it on the BOSS'S desk and something had leaked on it. Thats all. (i assumed even if the package was leaking it will still make it to my mailbox, so i was like why didnt they still deliver it) They let me walk out of the post office with the package. So likely no one opened it. I have made like 10 orders with PPL if not more. I order like every month. I have no reason to reverse scam a lab 100 dollars for 3 vials of testosterone. Especially when i am on TRT and currently have like 15 grams of anadrol and a lot of superdrol and halo and more. I used to post td reviews on other forums every order. The whole "it was on the bosses desk" thing is what fucked me up. I hope panda will reship the pack. but im not gonna scream and cry if they dont. Ill just throw another 100 dollars.
They probably turned it over to the "boss" for safety reasons. I'm sure they're not supposed to handle leaking packages. Right to know laws, osha...

this is literally the postal workers in nyc.
dropping shit off the trucks, throwing it in doorways, small envelopes blowing down the street, stacking large boxes on top another.

@350lift try not to get yourself worked up, it was probably mishandled and damaged. maybe they were acting suspicious because they didn’t want to piss off a customer. i can’t imagine why they would smash the vials over just contacting local LE and handing them over illegal drugs to deal with. just my opinion... maybe contact a lawyer for peace of mind and to determine a “what if” situation.
I believe the post office has it’s own law enforcement. Even if they don’t No way would they let you walk out of there if they knew what was in the pack. Like I said I’m not calling bullshit but you posted a lot of shit and certainly wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to pull some shit on here. If all of what your saying is true then just chill a little and I’m sure it will all be ok. Besides sounds like this is a domestic order. If it was an international order I could see being worried that your name was now flagged for anything coming in from overseas but what are they going to do search every thing bigger than an envelope that goes to your address domestically. I would imagine ppl domestic is putting tons of different return labels on his shit. Who knows where it’s coming from.
this is literally the postal workers in nyc.
dropping shit off the trucks, throwing it in doorways, small envelopes blowing down the street, stacking large boxes on top another.

@350lift try not to get yourself worked up, it was probably mishandled and damaged. maybe they were acting suspicious because they didn’t want to piss off a customer. i can’t imagine why they would smash the vials over just contacting local LE and handing them over illegal drugs to deal with. just my opinion... maybe contact a lawyer for peace of mind and to determine a “what if” situation.

I’ve had LE let me go for infractions because they didn’t want to do the paperwork and it was a bullshit infraction. Speeding tickets at the end of a dude’s shift... weed smell and I’m just straight up with the cop and he just let’s me go.

I would assume a hefty report and LE referral this boss would have to do... with the official response to obviously be not let the drugs go through.

Sounds like they didn’t look inside and it was just smashed... or they did look inside, and simply didn’t care or want to bother.
this is literally the postal workers in nyc.
dropping shit off the trucks, throwing it in doorways, small envelopes blowing down the street, stacking large boxes on top another.

@350lift try not to get yourself worked up, it was probably mishandled and damaged. maybe they were acting suspicious because they didn’t want to piss off a customer. i can’t imagine why they would smash the vials over just contacting local LE and handing them over illegal drugs to deal with. just my opinion... maybe contact a lawyer for peace of mind and to determine a “what if” situation.
i thought it might be one of those situations where if theres something illegal in the package, they cant do anything because the package requires no signature. so instead they smash it so i dont get my stuff. I live in a fairly small town. I dont know i can think up all sorts of reasons for shit.
I’m wondering why the vials wasn’t in a vacuum sealed bag to begin with? It should be a common shipping practice to vacuum seal all vials just in case this problem arises.
If it’s not being vacuum sealed then I blame this misfortune on the shipping team for this lab.
Careless mistakes like this is uncalled for @purplepandalabs
Here’s where having packs vacuum sealed doesn’t make sense to me. And they’re both solid points. Smashed glass sounds like it would cut through a vacuum seal bag. And if the glass didn’t manage to puncture the vacuum seal bag the B.B. in the steroids themselves would certainly melt through the vacuum seal bag. I’ve had B.B. melt through hard plastic before. But if each vial was wrapped in a bunch of paper towels first I believe that would work

I immediately ran home, tossed my shit in my car, cleared computer. What made me so paranoid is that the customer service guy at the post office desk said word for word "it wasnt delivered because it was sitting on the -boss's- desk." I'm like why was it on the BOSS'S desk and something had leaked on it. Thats all. (i assumed even if the package was leaking it will still make it to my mailbox, so i was like why didnt they still deliver it) They let me walk out of the post office with the package. So likely no one opened it. I have made like 10 orders with PPL if not more. I order like every month. I have no reason to reverse scam a lab 100 dollars for 3 vials of testosterone. Especially when i am on TRT and currently have like 15 grams of anadrol and a lot of superdrol and halo and more. I used to post td reviews on other forums every order. The whole "it was on the bosses desk" thing is what fucked me up. I hope panda will reship the pack. but im not gonna scream and cry if they dont. Ill just throw another 100 dollars.

Please contact me with your order number and a more detailed/well articulated accounting of events that transpired.
I believe the post office has it’s own law enforcement. Even if they don’t No way would they let you walk out of there if they knew what was in the pack. Like I said I’m not calling bullshit but you posted a lot of shit and certainly wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to pull some shit on here. If all of what your saying is true then just chill a little and I’m sure it will all be ok. Besides sounds like this is a domestic order. If it was an international order I could see being worried that your name was now flagged for anything coming in from overseas but what are they going to do search every thing bigger than an envelope that goes to your address domestically. I would imagine ppl domestic is putting tons of different return labels on his shit. Who knows where it’s coming from.
True true. well i used to post all sorts of reviews on PPls orders. This is like my 10th order. Not really a source id want to lose at all. Regardless of me getting impatient over TA times the quality is too good to me. That whole "boss's desk" freaked me the hell out.
i thought it might be one of those situations where if theres something illegal in the package, they cant do anything because the package requires no signature. so instead they smash it so i dont get my stuff. I live in a fairly small town. I dont know i can think up all sorts of reasons for shit.

Lacking a signature is no form of protection. Silly to think so. You can have you home searched without a signature.
Here’s where having packs vacuum sealed doesn’t make sense to me. And they’re both solid points. Smashed glass sounds like it would cut through a vacuum seal bag. And if the glass didn’t manage to puncture the vacuum seal bag the B.B. in the steroids themselves would certainly melt through the vacuum seal bag. I’ve had B.B. melt through hard plastic before. But if each vial was wrapped in a bunch of paper towels first I believe that would work

Please contact me with your order number and a more detailed/well articulated accounting of events that transpired.
I replied to your PM. As i said in the messages, i have pics, a video ov the package, all copies of emails after order was placed, tracking number, snapshot of bitcoin transfer, everything.
I’ve had LE let me go for infractions because they didn’t want to do the paperwork and it was a bullshit infraction. Speeding tickets at the end of a dude’s shift... weed smell and I’m just straight up with the cop and he just let’s me go.

I would assume a hefty report and LE referral this boss would have to do... with the official response to obviously be not let the drugs go through.

Sounds like they didn’t look inside and it was just smashed... or they did look inside, and simply didn’t care or want to bother.
very good point sdryx i’m a big believer of this. it’s three vials of testosterone. granted he said he’s from a small town so who knows. some postman or cop decides they want to be a cowboy and screw him over, but we are certainly not talking about pablo escobar.
and small town or not, its a bit ghetto here and im sure they got way more problems with that and the bars than 3 vials of steroids in the mail.
No man that’s the thing I’ve never had a problem ever. Not once with anything I ordered. Now the package is out for delivery. RANDOMLY doesn’t get delivered. Then it updates and says arrived at post office. I go in to get it it’s leaking wet. The guy says we didn’t see it because it was on the bosses desk and another package leaked onto it. He said “ do u want to open it here so u can reject the package” I said no and I took the package. I knew the shit had been opened and broken. The box was in good condition the vials were smashed. They opened it and smashed the contents.
Did you get pictures before you opened anything to show the source?
In private of course.
Was it not vacuum sealed I ask because they have been doing it for awhile.
Did you get pictures before you opened anything to show the source?
In private of course.
Was it not vacuum sealed I ask because they have been doing it for awhile.
I always get the plastic bag. No vaccuum seal. And no I only have pictures of right when I left the post office. I then threw the package away but went back like an hour later pulled it out the trash and took a video of everything. If it means anything, the vial caps are still tightly sealed to the top of the vial even though the vial is smashed.

Plus I literally just made another order of some tren and dbol yesterday that’s already paid. And I still have halo proviron superdrol methyldht anadrol from them and cialis. This is the only source I’ve used since I first found them in November
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I always get the plastic bag. No vaccuum seal. And no I only have pictures of right when I left the post office. I then through the package away but went back like an hour later pulled it out the trash and took a video of everything. If it means anything, the vial caps are still tightly sealed to the top of the vial even though the vial is smashed.

Plus I literally just made another order of some tren and dbol yesterday.
I believe your ok I been thru the same thing and it's definitely a o shit moment.
I'm sure panda will get you taken care of m
Here’s where having packs vacuum sealed doesn’t make sense to me. And they’re both solid points. Smashed glass sounds like it would cut through a vacuum seal bag. And if the glass didn’t manage to puncture the vacuum seal bag the B.B. in the steroids themselves would certainly melt through the vacuum seal bag. I’ve had B.B. melt through hard plastic before. But if each vial was wrapped in a bunch of paper towels first I believe that would work
I see what you’re saying but all I’m saying is this should be something that is taken into consideration when packaging items to be shipped.
Wrap it in paper towels, then vacuum seal it, or whatever else it takes to reassure oil doesn’t leak out.
I was just stating preventative measures should be taken in the packaging process.
Nobody wants to be in @350lift position in the post office with a leaky package in their name.

