PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Take it easy brotha, you're good. @350lift Odds are like 99.9% that the vials were damaged in transit. My pack looked like hell when I received it. Lucky for me it was just raws. Once you calm down a little I'm sure you'll be thinking a little clearer. If the vials were removed and then smashed it would be VERY evident. There would be at least some signs that had happened i.e. oil on the inside of one of the flaps, holes in the bag from smashing the vials with something outside the box. Most likely what happened was it was saturated upon arrival and the postal worker set to deliver didn't want to take on the responsibility for the likely broken or damaged contents. In that situation they would have to take the package to their superior likely the person's desk you found it on. I doubt it even raised any red flags.
it looks bent like something was dropped on it. but im extremly paranoid right now. Lots of what ifs running through my head like what if they opened it broke it resealed it, then bent the package, to make it sound like something dropped on it. But then why would they let me walk out the post office with the package? just a bit rattled right now

i took an entire video of the pack to send to purple panda as evidence

They can let you take the package out.

After all, they could have documented all the contents in the package and Have you on camera picking up said package. ( can’t deny that’s you getting package now)

Dea doesn’t have to charge you right then, they can continue to record evidence for years before nailing you.

It’s like under cover officers selling drugs to someone for years while investigating... then nailing them. They let the drug user walk off with the drugs.. right?
Take it easy brotha, you're good. @350lift Odds are like 99.9% that the vials were damaged in transit. My pack looked like hell when I received it. Lucky for me it was just raws. Once you calm down a little I'm sure you'll be thinking a little clearer. If the vials were removed and then smashed it would be VERY evident. There would be at least some signs that had happened i.e. oil on the inside of one of the flaps, holes in the bag from smashing the vials with something outside the box. Most likely what happened was it was saturated upon arrival and the postal worker set to deliver didn't want to take on the responsibility for the likely broken or damaged contents. In that situation they would have to take the package to their superior likely the person's desk you found it on. I doubt it even raised any red flags.
yeah. hopefully. youre probably right. the thing that really got me was i didnt look at the cardboard box closely before taking the vials out and seeing they were smashed.

It was later that i went to the dumpster to pull it out and noticed the box did have some indentation marks on the carboard like it had been roughed up. So at first before that, i had thought the box was in perfect condition with smashed vials inside. Still the box was in better condition than i had thought it would take to crush any contents inside. The post office guy at the desk had seemed a bit weird about it like he had known something was up. But there could be a lot of factors for that.
I’m wondering why the vials wasn’t in a vacuum sealed bag to begin with? It should be a common shipping practice to vacuum seal all vials just in case this problem arises.
If it’s not being vacuum sealed then I blame this misfortune on the shipping team for this lab.
Careless mistakes like this is uncalled for @purplepandalabs

This is a suggestion that has been brought up many times. But they opted for fancy boxes to put them in instead. Again, more worried about branding than customer safety and freedom.
They can let you take the package out.

After all, they could have documented all the contents in the package and Have you on camera picking up said package. ( can’t deny that’s you getting package now)

Dea doesn’t have to charge you right then, they can continue to record evidence for years before nailing you.

It’s like under cover officers selling drugs to someone for years while investigating... then nailing them. They let the drug user walk off with the drugs.. right?
yeah see this worries me. What if they let me walk off with the package so they will raid my place later. I do have a prescription for testosterone. But i dont think thats gonna save me from ordering it through the mail and having quantities higher than my prescription allows me and getting it somewher that isnt a pharmacy. Or what if theyre waiting for the next pack to come in. Im just gonna try to get this last shipment and be done for a long while. i really just dont like how that guy had the desk said "would you like to open it hear and deny the contents" or whatever he said with a strange tone. no one deserves to go to jail over trying to get big in the gym. Dumb shit.

If they did open it they wouldve had to have smashed the vials,and thrown it back in the package how it was originally packed, purposefully damage the box, and close it up. Then give it back to me. It would be a messy job considering everything was soaked. Oil throughout the whole pack. I dont even know if this would make sense, maybe theyd rather just let me have the package with the contents if they were gonna do a raid later on because otherwise id obviously throw it away being damaged. i really just dont know.

Roger i know you say they let people walk off and continue on collecting evidence. But really would they go that far for someone whose never had another offense, im not some drug lord. Its 3 vials of testosterone. Theyd really be spending their resources on someone who literally is nobody compared to whats out there.

Plus what kind of force could crush 3 small glass vials id figure atleast one would keep in tact. there were also 2 dnp pills in there. just 2. and those were also still in there when i opened it up
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I see what you’re saying but all I’m saying is this should be something that is taken into consideration when packaging items to be shipped.
Wrap it in paper towels, then vacuum seal it, or whatever else it takes to reassure oil doesn’t leak out.
I was just stating preventative measures should be taken in the packaging process.
Nobody wants to be in @350lift position in the post office with a leaky package in their name.

Typically it’s bubble wrapped vials inside a ziplock bag, inside another non transparent bag. But I’m going to have it have paper towels then bubble wrap. If anyone else had any ideas PM me your suggestion on how to make a pack leak proof
I believe the post office has it’s own law enforcement. Even if they don’t No way would they let you walk out of there if they knew what was in the pack. Like I said I’m not calling bullshit but you posted a lot of shit and certainly wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to pull some shit on here. If all of what your saying is true then just chill a little and I’m sure it will all be ok. Besides sounds like this is a domestic order. If it was an international order I could see being worried that your name was now flagged for anything coming in from overseas but what are they going to do search every thing bigger than an envelope that goes to your address domestically. I would imagine ppl domestic is putting tons of different return labels on his shit. Who knows where it’s coming from.

They will let you walk out. The eveidence is already documented. Him taking it just puts him on camera for further eveidence.

Again, they sell drugs to people all the time and let them walk out the door before the sting happens.
Here’s where having packs vacuum sealed doesn’t make sense to me. And they’re both solid points. Smashed glass sounds like it would cut through a vacuum seal bag. And if the glass didn’t manage to puncture the vacuum seal bag the B.B. in the steroids themselves would certainly melt through the vacuum seal bag. I’ve had B.B. melt through hard plastic before. But if each vial was wrapped in a bunch of paper towels first I believe that would work

Please contact me with your order number and a more detailed/well articulated accounting of events that transpired.

Wait what?

You might have had pure B.B. melt through hard plastic. But we are talking about diluted B.B. here. It would take 14-20 days before this would even attack the vacuum seal.

Second- type one glass which is a flacton or also known as vials are tempered also known as type one glass. The counteracting stresses or surface compression gives toughened glass its increased mechanical resistance to breakage, and when it does break, causes it to produce small, regular, typically square fragments rather than long, dangerous shards that are far more likely to lead to injuries. So your theory on “ cutting” the plastic doesn’t make sense but rather and avoidance to do the right thing for the consumers safety and freedom.
This is a suggestion that has been brought up many times. But they opted for fancy boxes to put them in instead. Again, more worried about branding than customer safety and freedom.
I didn’t get any fancy boxes with my mast, only bubble wrap and tape :(

yeah see this worries me. What if they let me walk off with the package so they will raid my place later. I do have a prescription for testosterone. But i dont think thats gonna save me from ordering it through the mail and having quantities higher than my prescription allows me and getting it somewher that isnt a pharmacy. Or what if theyre waiting for the next pack to come in. Im just gonna try to get this last shipment and be done for a long while. i really just dont like how that guy had the desk said "would you like to open it hear and deny the contents" or whatever he said with a strange tone. no one deserves to go to jail over trying to get big in the gym. Dumb shit.

If they did open it they wouldve had to have smashed the vials,and thrown it back in the package how it was originally packed, purposefully damage the box, and close it up. Then give it back to me. It would be a messy job considering everything was soaked. Oil throughout the whole pack. I dont even know if this would make sense, maybe theyd rather just let me have the package with the contents if they were gonna do a raid later on because otherwise id obviously throw it away being damaged. i really just dont know.

Roger i know you say they let people walk off and continue on collecting evidence. But really would they go that far for someone whose never had another offense, im not some drug lord. Its 3 vials of testosterone. Theyd really be spending their resources on someone who literally is nobody compared to whats out there.

Your not a drug lord correct. But if you are ordering 1 time per month... then you have more than “usage” this collected for a year add up to “distribution “ level right?

I’m sure you are just over paranoid though. I don’t think they went through the box, which is typically pretty evident from the retaping they do.
Your not a drug lord correct. But if you are ordering 1 time per month... then you have more than “usage” this collected for a year add up to “distribution “ level right?

I’m sure you are just over paranoid though. I don’t think they went through the box, which is typically pretty evident from the retaping they do.
Yeah there was absolutly no tape on the box. the little cardboard flap had a slight tear. The box was bent but nothing drastic that i would consider enough to damaage what was inside. Dont mean to be posting a million replies my bad. Im looking for someone to 100 percent assure me that im not gonna be raided soon. But obviously anythings possible and no one truly knows.

Either way swole panda was helpful through this situation and apologized and it atleast helps to know the owner does personally PM you to deal with these kind of things probably better than a good amount of UGLs.

I have another pack coming from PPL and plus a re ship. Do you guys think this is safe? It will be my last order for awhile. I would like to finish up this cycle. However when it does arrive ill probably leave the box alone for like a week or some shit in spite of what happened today. All my shit is out of the house.
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Typically it’s bubble wrapped vials inside a ziplock bag, inside another non transparent bag. But I’m going to have it have paper towels then bubble wrap. If anyone else had any ideas PM me your suggestion on how to make a pack leak proof
Seems most of the issues are with US domestic. Members are complaining that domestic is taking way to long. So at least you would think having to wait two weeks on a package that the products inside are secure and are packaged so products wouldn’t leak if damaged.

These are complaints on your domestic services. Address these issues with your staff and get these resolved for your customers. That’s really all we are asking here.
Yeah there was absolutly no tape on the box. the little cardboard flap had a slight tear. The box was bent but nothing drastic that i would consider enough to damaage what was inside. Dont mean to be posting a million replies my bad. Im looking for someone to 100 percent assure me that im not gonna be raided soon. But obviously anythings possible and no one truly knows.

There is no guarantee... just risks. My opinion here is a low risk that they are going to do some sting operation and DEA tracking of you for 3 vials.

You are lucky you did not order a shit ton of gear for them to stumble upon.

If you are worried, get a fake ID and a PO box for all future shipments.
Wait 6F6F84B5-E143-4507-AA7B-A7F4F8DC75C5.jpeg

You might have had pure B.B. melt through hard plastic. But we are talking about diluted B.B. here. It would take 14-20 days before this would even attack the vacuum seal.

Second- type one glass which is a flacton or also known as vials are tempered also known as type one glass. The counteracting stresses or surface compression gives toughened glass its increased mechanical resistance to breakage, and when it does break, causes it to produce small, regular, typically square fragments rather than long, dangerous shards that are far more likely to lead to injuries. So your theory on “ cutting” the plastic doesn’t make sense but rather and avoidance to do the right thing for the consumers safety and freedom.

Actually you’re incorrect here. I have had finished steroids melt through a hard plastic bottle top filter I was using within 1 hour of filtering. And here’s a picture of the same vials I use for my products and what they look like when they break. That looks like it would puncture a vacuum seal bag to me. But I am going to add paper towels around every vial from now on to try and limit leaking if this should happen again to someone
View attachment 94700

Actually you’re incorrect here. I have had finished steroids melt through a hard plastic bottle top filter I was using within 1 hour of filtering. And here’s a picture of the same vials I use for my products and what they look like when they break. That looks like it would puncture a vacuum seal bag to me. But I am going to add paper towels around every vial from now on to try and limit leaking if this should happen again to someone
If its any consultation, i dont think the plast bag that the vials were in had been damaged, but the oil did leak through the top of the bag. I can run back out to the dumpster and double check if it matters. maybe thats another thing, if the plastic bag was still sealed (didnt fully inspect the bag couldve been just slightly open) why was the oil out and all over the package. this shit has me fucked up.
Seems most of the issues are with US domestic. Members are complaining that domestic is taking way to long. So at least you would think having to wait two weeks on a package that the products inside are secure and are packaged so products wouldn’t leak if damaged.

These are complaints on your domestic services. Address these issues with your staff and get these resolved for your customers. That’s really all we are asking here.

Steps have and are being taken to resolve all issues brought to my attention. I’m definitely not ignoring anything anyone has brought up. It will just take a little time before people start to see the changes I’ve put in place already
View attachment 94700

Actually you’re incorrect here. I have had finished steroids melt through a hard plastic bottle top filter I was using within 1 hour of filtering. And here’s a picture of the same vials I use for my products and what they look like when they break. That looks like it would puncture a vacuum seal bag to me. But I am going to add paper towels around every vial from now on to try and limit leaking if this should happen again to someone

Incorrect. The vacuum seal will keep any “cutting” action down.

And how much oil was being pushed through those filters with hard plastic top? ( please don’t answer that for obvious reasons) but it is a huge amount also if your hard top was pet plastic this enhances the B.B. attack on the plastic to the point of melting. This is why you experienced that. In a vacuum seal bag they are not typically pet which reduces the B.B. attack on plastic will remain safer. You could further that by lining with the paper towels if you chose to.

It appears you are using cheaper non tempered glass. It appears you are using annealed glass. Type one glass will not malfunction in the manner your glass is behaving. I’d strongly look into better glass for your vials to prevent those large shards. ( roughly a few pennies more) Also annealed glass is very weak, at least move up to strengthend glass if you don’t want to use type 1 or tempered. This would prevent a lot of headaches.

Last but not least- tempered glass or type 1 will fractured into thousand of small square pieces, this will not cut a bag. ( it’s why cars and glass tables etc use tempered glass) The strengthend glass will be small pieces but not like tempered.

Annealed cheap glass like the one in picture is well, what it is... cheap and breaks easily in large dangerous shards.
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