PurplePandaLabs Raw source

What the hell is going in here? Was the package not properly packaged and broke in transit and leaked? And they opened it because it leaked?

Or are you saying rherhey opened your pack saw what it was smashed it and called you in to pick up your smashed shit?

Am I theonly one confused ?

From what I'm gathering he thinks the post office opened his mail, smashed it, re-sealed the broken vials, and then they claimed something else leaked onto it and if he wanted he could open it up there to see if he wanted to refuse the package.

But obviously opening it there wouldn't be wise for possession and plausible deniability reasons.
What the hell is going in here? Was the package not properly packaged and broke in transit and leaked? And they opened it because it leaked?

Or are you saying rherhey opened your pack saw what it was smashed it and called you in to pick up your smashed shit?

Am I theonly one confused ?
sorry im a bit rattled right now.

The package was leaking. Most likely broke in transit? The package was out for delivery today but the postal worker never put the package in my mailbox, i saw her come and go (i dont even know if it made it on her truck). I went to the post office to see why it was not delivered. Probably a real dumb move but ive never ever had an issue before. The guy behind the counter said it wasnt delivered because the package was on the bosses desk. When he brought the package out it was soaked. He asked me if i wanted to open the package there and deny its contents. I said no, he handed me the package, didnt ask for my ID or anything and i walked out the door with it and left. Opened it on the way home all 3 vials were broken.
From what I'm gathering he thinks the post office opened his mail and smashed it, then they claimed something else leaked onto it and if he wanted he could open it up there to see if he wanted to refuse the package.

But obviously opening it there wouldn't be wise for possession and plausible deniability reasons.
exactly. i apologize for the jumble of text.
After re examining the package it does appear to be indented across the middle and and bent on the middle edge. So I guess something could have been dropped on it I just have never ever had this happen before. I also don’t think I would have been able to just walk out the place with the package if there was any issue but that’s up for debate. Sorry for taking up the thread but this is the first time I’ve ever had any issue regarding gear over probly more than 20 packs
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So they smashed it? And asked if you wanted to open it? Like a set up?

Or it was smashed and leaking and they wanted you to open it to refuse it? You wouldn't even have to open it to refuse the package.
So they smashed it? And asked if you wanted to open it? Like a set up?

Or it was smashed and leaking and they wanted you to open it to refuse it? You wouldn't even have to open it to refuse the package.
Either it was smashed in transit and leaking oil so it was never delivered for that reason.

or my paranoid self says that since it was "sitting on the bosses desk" that they had opened the package, seen what was in there, smashed it (due to it being illegal), and sealed it back up.

All i know is 1) informed delivery told me i had a package out for delivery today i never personally tracked anything.

2) it was never delivered and updated later in the day saying it had "arrived at post office"

3) i went in to get the package and they told me it wasnt delivered because it was on the bosses desk and had been leaking. i was told i could open it there to deny the package or just take it. the thing was completely drenched

4) i walked out the office package in hand no issues.

I have no reason to believe they inspected it other than the fact they said it was "sitting on the bosses desk
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Damn bro. Sounds like a shitty situation. Make sure your place is clean anyways. Most
Likely it was damaged in shipping and they wouldn’t deliver if it was leaking. I’m sure they will reship if damaged in transit .
Does it look like it was seriously mishandled or packaged improperly?
it looks bent like something was dropped on it. but im extremly paranoid right now. Lots of what ifs running through my head like what if they opened it broke it resealed it, then bent the package, to make it sound like something dropped on it. But then why would they let me walk out the post office with the package? just a bit rattled right now

i took an entire video of the pack to send to purple panda as evidence
it looks bent like something was dropped on it. but im extremly paranoid right now. Lots of what ifs running through my head like what if they opened it broke it resealed it, then bent the package, to make it sound like something dropped on it. But then why would they let me walk out the post office with the package? just a bit rattled right now

i took an entire video of the pack to send to purple panda as evidence
When you got the pack with oil on it, was it inside a bag or did they just hand you the box? If it wasn't sealed inside a bag and they weren't wearing gloves they didn't know it was a controlled substance inside.
When you got the pack with oil on it, was it inside a bag or did they just hand you the box? If it wasn't sealed inside a bag and they weren't wearing gloves they didn't know it was a controlled substance inside.
they just handed me the box. the package looked exactly how PPL delivers packs. except when i opened the pack all 3 vials were smashed. everything else was normal.

the only way they could have known if it was a controlled substance is is if they saw the label that reads testosterone enanthate. I also hav a real prescription for testosterone on TRT. That probably doesnt matter though.

Im starting to think likely that they didnt know what was in it at all. Because if they did, would they have let me walk out of the post office with the package in hand and drive away?

also, since the package was leaking, i think they have a right to open the package. so what if they pened it and read the labels of what it was and then rolled it back up and gave it to me. and then theyll be watching my next packages? Too many what ifs.
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they just handed me the box. the package looked exactly how PPL delivers packs. except when i opened the pack all 3 vials were smashed. everything else was normal.

the only way they could have known if it was a controlled substance is is if they saw the label that reads testosterone enanthate. I also hav a real prescription for testosterone on TRT. That probably doesnt matter though.

Im starting to think likely that they didnt know what was in it at all. Because if they did, would they have let me walk out of the post office with the package in hand and drive away?
Normal? Or leaking oil? They've had issues with domestic packaging in the not to distant past.
they just handed me the box. the package looked exactly how PPL delivers packs. except when i opened the pack all 3 vials were smashed. everything else was normal.

the only way they could have known if it was a controlled substance is is if they saw the label that reads testosterone enanthate. I also hav a real prescription for testosterone on TRT. That probably doesnt matter though.

Im starting to think likely that they didnt know what was in it at all. Because if they did, would they have let me walk out of the post office with the package in hand and drive away?

also, since the package was leaking, i think they have a right to open the package. so what if they pened it and read the labels of what it was and then rolled it back up and gave it to me. and then theyll be watching my next packages? Too many what ifs.
I’m wondering why the vials wasn’t in a vacuum sealed bag to begin with? It should be a common shipping practice to vacuum seal all vials just in case this problem arises.
If it’s not being vacuum sealed then I blame this misfortune on the shipping team for this lab.
Careless mistakes like this is uncalled for @purplepandalabs
I’m wondering why the vials wasn’t in a vacuum sealed bag to begin with? It should be a common shipping practice to vacuum seal all vials just in case this problem arises.
If it’s not being vacuum sealed then I blame this misfortune on the shipping team for this lab.
Careless mistakes like this is uncalled for @purplepandalabs
Yea I'm pretty sure @Ripped ripped them a new one when the issues arose the first time. They must've not fixed it.
Yea I'm pretty sure @Ripped ripped them a new one when the issues arose the first time. They must've not fixed it.
I ordered some mast p awhile back from domestic and products were not sealed. For some reason I thought that issue had been fixed.
To me this is unexceptable when shipping anything in liquid form, and not worth the risk to even order.