PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Lol, ppl finally give up?
That’s exactly what I thought. He was like fuck this shit. Every boss thinks he can do his employees job right up until he has to actually do it and his own. That’s about when they realize that’s why they have employees.
That’s exactly what I thought. He was like fuck this shit. Every boss thinks he can do his employees job right up until he has to actually do it and his own. That’s about when they realize that’s why they have employees.

Yeah and purple panda was really sucking wind lmfao!

Panda needs his trusty rep back, because without his rep this ship was looking bad fast lmao!
Who are you and what was your handle? This @Ripped?
Yes sir that's right it's me.

I just caught up on like a 150 posts and was barely interested. Then BOOM. Mind. Fucking. Blown. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. dons the super hero cape and comes back. Fucking awesome. Even funnier is I can imagine that conversation between the two. Hopefully lots of begging and promises that are kept. Hi buddy how ya doin.
I'm doing good bro
Had a nice little vacation now it's time to get back to business.
Just to update you fellas nothing will be handled in pm as I saw suggested not going to happen and yes we have both normal and Heavy Metals testing.
I have a bunch of them I will try to get them in English translation as quickly as possible could be tommrow at the latest.
All I ask if for those who made accusations to be transparent enough to post their's also.
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Just something to think about maganese has a melting point of 2275 degrees more on that later.

Correct, that is the melting point, but if the raws are being put on steel objects when prepping or transport or whatever the maganaese can be absorbed, since powder does have absorption properties, especially stainless steel.

So, you would be correct in the sense, they would not be putting the mag directly into the powder, but the environment can allow such opportunities to leak into said product.

I’m not an expert in the field by all means, but trace metal ions are on a different level than just melting and adding etc, again, the environment can play a big factor, so let’s not focus in on melting points as a conclusion as to how it would be impossible for leaching to occur.
It's not a stretch, by any means, for products to have heavy metals in/attached to them after direct contact . Especially from China . China, and many parts of the world do enjoy the same health and safety control the US does.
Correct, that is the melting point, but if the raws are being put on steel objects when prepping or transport or whatever the maganaese can be absorbed, since powder does have absorption properties, especially stainless steel.

So, you would be correct in the sense, they would not be putting the mag directly into the powder, but the environment can allow such opportunities to leak into said product.

I’m not an expert in the field by all means, but trace metal ions are on a different level than just melting and adding etc, again, the environment can play a big factor, so let’s not focus in on melting points as a conclusion as to how it would be impossible for leaching to occur.
I have to respectfully disagree with the possibility of leaching .
But from the manufacturing process is different.
Although many different medications have a minut amount of some there's a threshold that's allowable in ppm which with all our current testing we are well within it even by usp standards.
I have to respectfully disagree with the possibility of leaching .
But from the manufacturing process is different.
Although many different medications have a minut amount of some there's a threshold that's allowable in ppm which with all our current testing we are well within it even by usp standards.

Right, doesn’t matter where it leaches from... not saying from pandas warehouse which would be unlikely unless these raws are being tossed on stainless steel tables or steel in general...., but from point a,b,c and d this process can take place.

So we can’t use melting points as the end all to the discussion as how a metal could be in a product.

Edit: I would have to add. I’m would imaging if the Mexico raws are being pure of metals especially mag that would indicate to me that perhaps China is using stainless steel in the process and perhaps Mexico is using a Pyrex glass or something along those lines.

I could also see Mexico stepping up their game and taking over the market to provide the best raws and take a huge dent out of China supply and demand. Mexican Cartels are very good business men and woman.
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