PurplePandaLabs Raw source


The gentleman that did our testing is actually involved with the cannabis testing industry and basically does the testing for the majority of the dispensaries where i'm located and they do test for heavy metal contamination. I just got that clarification and prior to that he worked in a blood test facility. As far as testing methods and results go ill be getting that information later on.

The gentleman that did our testing is actually involved with the cannabis testing industry and basically does the testing for the majority of the dispensaries where i'm located and they do test for heavy metal contamination. I just got that clarification and prior to that he worked in a blood test facility. As far as testing methods and results go ill be getting that information later on.
Thank you for the update.

I've been involved in working with Cannabis testing laboratories and they indeed are capable of performing such an analysis. I'll be waiting for the details. (Or you can refer the guy straight to me here or at info (at) janoshik.com )
The hepatitis B virion is a 42 nm particle, while 0.22um filters have 220 nm pores.

Shifting burden of proof was meant for desertwarrior.

The more you keep posting the less I am inclined to take anything from you seriously and yet you are trying to insult my intelligence.

That's just rude.
Again i am not an expert in filtration nor have i claimed to be at any point. But hey you say it can't who am i to argue that with you and all your experience. Is that what you wanted to hear? My lack of knowledge that i never claimed to have in the first place?? Lolol such a big victory you won bro round of applause.
Thank you for the update.

I've been involved in working with Cannabis testing laboratories and they indeed are capable of performing such an analysis. I'll be waiting for the details. (Or you can refer the guy straight to me here or at info (at) janoshik.com )
I have absolutely no reason to lie here especially when i literally used this source for well over a year lol. Ill let you know what's going on later on when i have more details bro, didn't really dawn on me what a huge issue this really use up until now.
@janoshik you are coming off as a dick . You're knowledge in a certain area doesn't place you on a pedestal. You're not the most trustworthy individual, take a chill. Don't split hairs. @colossus25 put the disclaimer out in his first post. Beating up members over details, that they admittedly don't know or understand isn't winning, which is what you are attempting. Under the guise of "helping" you're trying to win. Same as Dr. Jim does . Chill .
Has anyone tried PPL HGH and maybe even has some lab work done? Tried almost all their raws and love them tbh but wanting to see some other people’s experience with their HGH before I dump down hundreds of pounds into it
@janoshik you are coming off as a dick . You're knowledge in a certain area doesn't place you on a pedestal. You're not the most trustworthy individual, take a chill. Don't split hairs. @colossus25 put the disclaimer out in his first post. Beating up members over details, that they admittedly don't know or understand isn't winning, which is what you are attempting. Under the guise of "helping" you're trying to win. Same as Dr. Jim does . Chill .
actually, things have taken a very weird turn in this thread, and jano has nothing to do with it

from what i can tell, colossus heard a rumor about some testing he knows nothing about claiming it might have some contamination, but hes not sure what it is. Now nobody has abused this source more than me, but that sounds like complete bullshit. If you want to go after a source, no problem, but unless he has some kind of evidence, go screw
Has anyone tried PPL HGH and maybe even has some lab work done? Tried almost all their raws and love them tbh but wanting to see some other people’s experience with their HGH before I dump down hundreds of pounds into it
try searching the thread, use the term hgh
Nothing comes up or am I being stupid here just coming up the last posts
you're right, that didn't work for shit. but anyways. the last testing done on it a while back showed it was underdosed. didn't know he picked up a new line, if he fixed it, or if he tested it
@janoshik you are coming off as a dick . You're knowledge in a certain area doesn't place you on a pedestal. You're not the most trustworthy individual, take a chill. Don't split hairs. @colossus25 put the disclaimer out in his first post. Beating up members over details, that they admittedly don't know or understand isn't winning, which is what you are attempting. Under the guise of "helping" you're trying to win. Same as Dr. Jim does . Chill .
I don't disagree with you about coming of as a dick, and I'm sorry about that - but I don't have the time to make my points other than bluntly.

You are however wrong about the motivation.

I felt the need to point out that information has to be taken with a grain of salt until it is supported with hard data and the information should be scrutinized hard, when it's coming from a poster who posts unverified information without hesitation.

I think I have achieved that with my points and encouraged the member to post hard data, which would be beneficial to everybody.
Yeah so I place an order weeks ago, sent my information and got no response.

Days go past email after email I finally get a response. Saying they were sorry for the inconvience and that they would expedite my shipping.

A few days later my order is still being processed so I check on the quantity of one of the items I order and it was out of stock.

Im shocked so I send an email a day passes I don't get a response. After that I ask for a refund and fortunately receive one.

Before that I ordered 4 vials of sust and instead of being sent to my address they send it to a whole other state.

I've placed orders with PPL in the past and they always got me what's i ordered very quick. Idk What's going on. Their staff for the most part is always kind and polite, maybe their emails are down. I still don't see how my order wasn't shipped after I was told personally it would be, the emails being down doesn't explain that for me. Anyway a lot of people trust and rely on these guys.

I'm not saying we are owed anything from these guys.

I'm just saying there's got to be a limit to what you're willing to let happen to people who buy from you.
actually, things have taken a very weird turn in this thread, and jano has nothing to do with it

from what i can tell, colossus heard a rumor about some testing he knows nothing about claiming it might have some contamination, but hes not sure what it is. Now nobody has abused this source more than me, but that sounds like complete bullshit. If you want to go after a source, no problem, but unless he has some kind of evidence, go screw
Well looks like reading comprehension wasn't your strong suit either. Some "test" i heard about that i heard also involved my raws that i heard i obtained through this very source. Lol I've been in this thread since the beginning when panda first came, hazed the living shit out of him, was one of the few that gave him a shot first time around and have used this source up to a couple of months ago when i had my raws tested and they came back tainted. I wasn't and haven't been very active on the boards and didn't care to bring it here. I come back and i see someone else having the same issue so i post that i also had the same findings and now I'm getting slammed for that?! I've never been involved in some scandal here nor do i have a dog in this fight of any kind. At no point did i say panda was guilty of anything or that his products are bad or that my finding were even creditable. So please stfu and don't accuse me of lying when i clearly have absolutely no motive to do so.
I don't disagree with you about coming of as a dick, and I'm sorry about that - but I don't have the time to make my points other than bluntly.

You are however wrong about the motivation.

I felt the need to point out that information has to be taken with a grain of salt until it is supported with hard data and the information should be scrutinized hard, when it's coming from a poster who posts unverified information without hesitation.

I think I have achieved that with my points and encouraged the member to post hard data, which would be beneficial to everybody.

For such a intelligent guy you're not grasping what he said. He basically said, "yo... My homie who digs this shit threw this shit on his whirlygig an it say dare sum HM up in here . Dunno how much or what kind, jus sayn. Check it. Watch ya azz brah ." You're getting into a pissing contest where the real debate should be if and how much HM is in panda raws. Panda has a track record of fuck ups and given that AND the track record of goods produced in China it's a very real concern.

I don't think @colossus25 is trying to derail panda, he's doing a fantastic job of that himself. You wanna be the good guy? Offer to HM test the raws.
I can see buying raw's from PPL but as far as finished products are concerned I think I will have to roll the legal dice from now on and go with pharma grade international finished products. After some of the experiences I've had and read online, I can't trust any under ground lab to brew my testosterone.

AEL Made some Var that made a girls hair fall out... Underground labs don't care about the safety of people that buy from them, they care about the dollar.
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For such a intelligent guy you're not grasping what he said. He basically said, "yo... My homie who digs this shit threw this shit on his whirlygig an it say dare sum HM up in here . Dunno how much or what kind, jus sayn. Check it. Watch ya azz brah ." You're getting into a pissing contest where the real debate should be if and how much HM is in panda raws. Panda has a track record of fuck ups and given that AND the track record of goods produced in China it's a very real concern.

I don't think @colossus25 is trying to derail panda, he's doing a fantastic job of that himself. You wanna be the good guy? Offer to HM test the raws.
Lmaoo would it have been better if i typed it like that? Because now everybody thinks I'm trying to be some genius for having someone else test my raws when really I'm some meat head who knows how to use a beaker and a vacuum pump [emoji23]