PurplePandaLabs Raw source

@purplepandalabs any clue why the raws I received contained huge amounts of manganese? I had them tested for heavy metals, toxins, and bacteria. Tests came back showing this among a few other things that people DEFINITELY don't want to be injecting into their bodies. To your credit there were only trace amounts of the other stuff and not dangerously high levels as is the case with the manganese.

Not the only one either i personally know someone who had his tren ace raw tested and came back with some alarming results as well.

Do you guys actually have any proof to these claims or is this just let’s say whatever we want and not be held accountable for the validity of what we’re saying?
I think the biggest surprise of this test was to learn that mexico is actually producing some of the best quality stuff out there at the moment.
Testing was performed in an untraditional manner that I can't disclose publically. If you want info on that portion just pm me. Hindsight being 20/20 I perhaps should have started a dialogue with panda via pm but I kinda felt like this concerned us all. I will share that the raws that popped for heavy metals were mast p, test c and u. With mast p containing manganese in heavy concentrations.
And you can’t disclose it publicly...
Do you guys actually have any proof to these claims or is this just let’s say whatever we want and not be held accountable for the validity of what we’re saying?
I very clearly stated that my 3rd party test were not from any creditable source and should be taken as a grain of salt. Try that game on some else. Only reason this was posted was to show that there have been others that have had the same findings.
I very clearly stated that my 3rd party test were not from any creditable source and should be taken as a grain of salt. Try that game on some else. Only reason this was posted was to show that there have been others that have had the same findings.
I’m not trying any “game”. I’m simply asking for some shred of proof or evidence to either of your claims. You can have 100 people say the sky is falling but that doesn’t make it truth. I feel that people who make claims against my company(especially serious ones like these) should be able to so some sort of evidence to the claims. Otherwise I could just have 100 employees from a competitors company come here and say they all have the same problem with no proof
Does anyone know 100% if filtration removes heavy metals? From my knowledge filtration is only meant for bacterial organics and viruses. Idk if they would filter out heavy metals or not.
I’m not trying any “game”. I’m simply asking for some shred of proof or evidence to either of your claims. You can have 100 people say the sky is falling but that doesn’t make it truth. I feel that people who make claims against my company(especially serious ones like these) should be able to so some sort of evidence to the claims. Otherwise I could just have 100 employees from a competitors company come here and say they all have the same problem with no proof
And for the fourth time as i stated it was a third party test and even went as far to say MYSELF that it wasn't creditable. So there's your answer again for the 4th time now...

What I'm hoping is someone with a real creditable testing source can come forward so i can send them the same samples so they can post up the results.
Cadmium and manganese were the most common if i remember correctly. A couple had dangerous amounts of tin and chromium in them too. I believe it was LMC that had trace amounts of arsenic in some test which i found alarming for obvious reasons. I'm no expert on heavy metal poisoning so hopefully someone will weigh in and let us know if we're overreacting.

Tracking . I'm sure there's an acceptable limit all all those, I dunno what that limit is. I appreciate the info.
Testing was performed in an untraditional manner that I can't disclose publically. If you want info on that portion just pm me. Hindsight being 20/20 I perhaps should have started a dialogue with panda via pm but I kinda felt like this concerned us all. I will share that the raws that popped for heavy metals were mast p, test c and u. With mast p containing manganese in heavy concentrations.

I think you're fine posting this publicly.
And I appreciate the business. But I feel like I’m being attacked on a daily basis with no solid reasoning behind it
Honestly man, suspicion of heavy metal contamination is more than enough reason to get the board in a frenzy. Like i mentioned in my earlier comments yours we're the least "problematic" compared to your actual competition.
You clearly understand the fragility of conducting these types of test in the US. Don't exploit that fact to assist in your argument. There are clearly some things that must be left unsaid in open forum on our end. However where you are there is no oversight. How bout posting up YOUR testing of the raws YOU sell? You test for heavy metals and toxins? Let's see em bud.

As stated above what reason would customers have to make this shit up. Colossus stated above he has a quantity of your raws sitting untouched. I also am not even currently on gear but probably won't be brewing these raws or looking to you for business in the future. What have we to gain by making shit up? What would that get us but a crowd of nuthanging noobs arguing tooth and nail about what a stellar fucking source you are?

I would be willing as I said above to go over the methods of testing in pm and that goes for you to @purplepandalabs

Do you guys actually have any proof to these claims or is this just let’s say whatever we want and not be held accountable for the validity of what we’re saying?

And you can’t disclose it publicly...

I’m not trying any “game”. I’m simply asking for some shred of proof or evidence to either of your claims. You can have 100 people say the sky is falling but that doesn’t make it truth. I feel that people who make claims against my company(especially serious ones like these) should be able to so some sort of evidence to the claims. Otherwise I could just have 100 employees from a competitors company come here and say they all have the same problem with no proof
And I appreciate the business. But I feel like I’m being attacked on a daily basis with no solid reasoning behind it

Solid reasoning is your track record. Wanna go through it all in the last 6-8 months? Alpha brewing for you . Under dosed gear . Hair in the gear . Numerous complaints of no contact and long wait times.

Learn this one lesson, from Zig Ziggler : " the customer isn't always right, but the customer is still the customer" . Is your goal to one up someone when they say you've not contacted them for 2 weeks when it's really only been 7 days? Fuck man, you take a few hundred from me and go dark for a week I'm knocking on your door, your mom's door, your sisters boyfriend's door... Handle your business man, I'm sure you're on a small gold mine, and good for you..make some money dude! But treat people with some respect and do it safely.
You clearly understand the fragility of conducting these types of test in the US. Don't exploit that fact to assist in your argument. There are clearly some things that must be left unsaid in open forum on our end. However where you are there is no oversight. How bout posting up YOUR testing of the raws YOU sell? You test for heavy metals and toxins? Let's see em bud.

As stated above what reason would customers have to make this shit up. Colossus stated above he has a quantity of your raws sitting untouched. I also am not even currently on gear but probably won't be brewing these raws or looking to you for business in the future. What have we to gain by making shit up? What would that get us but a crowd of nuthanging noobs arguing tooth and nail about what a stellar fucking source you are?

I would be willing as I said above to go over the methods of testing in pm and that goes for you to @purplepandalabs
The guy that tested our gear does blood test for a living and has some access to testing equipment of some sort. Not sure what process or method was used just know that he tested specifically for heavy metals and contaminates and that's what was found. Its not my testing source but i trust my partner whole heartedly especially when we're the ones sitting on a bunch of shit we cant use.
I was just asking for a reliable tadalafil source, since panda stopped selling it raw... I regret not taking FULL advantage of it when i had the chance, it was DIRT cheap and potent.

I believe you. Why would you lie? Everything else has been an opinion, whether it be the quality of his customer service, or his tainted raws that are still much less tainted than his competition, according to you. That shit sucks but doesnt have anything to do with my original comment.