PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Not the only one either i personally know someone who had his tren ace raw tested and came back with some alarming results as well.
We need to see the results. Not doubting them, people just need to know. This is a more serious issue and could do some real damage to the health of those unkowningly using what's he's sold. I'd be willing to send off for testing too as I just received a pack yesterday, just tell me where.
We need to see the results. Not doubting them, people just need to know. This is a more serious issue and could do some real damage to the health of those unkowningly using what's he's sold. I'd be willing to send off for testing too as I just received a pack yesterday, just tell me where.
I can try and have them sent to me ill work on that but as i stated above there is no creditability to the testing whatsoever.
I literally have quite a fair amount of his raws just sitting there because of that. All of it came from the same order we placed together a few months back. My buddy had it tested by someone he knew from college or whatever so there is no credibility to be completely transparent but i trust the testing if that counts for anything. Same as stated above, traces mostly but some heavy metal contamination for sure.

Would a .22 filter remove the heavy metals completely?
Would a .22 filter remove the heavy metals completely?
Ive actually researched this not too long ago and i remember reading that nylon filters would be very good at this. Idk if it removes all of the heavy metals or not tbh though. Best you can do is buy raws without this issue lol.
Well that would suck. Raws were the one thing panda did well. If raws are coming back contaminated I couldn't imagine panda surviving that.

I for one would like to know what was tested, and by who, and what exactly was found and at what percentages.
Ive actually researched this not too long ago and i remember reading that nylon filters would be very good at this. Idk if it removes all of the heavy metals or not tbh though. Best you can do is buy raws without this issue lol.

I’d almost be willing to bet that the majority of raws contain heavy metals and other contaminants since raws come from just a few manufacturers in China.
Well that would suck. Raws were the one thing panda did well. If raws are coming back contaminated I couldn't imagine panda surviving that.

I for one would like to know what was tested, and by who, and what exactly was found and at what percentages.

Shit, he survived hair floating in the gear. Some of these cats are so damn thirsty.
I for one would like to know what was tested, and by who, and what exactly was found and at what percentages.

Exactly why i never posted about it incase anyone thinks im an asshole for keeping quite. My buddies testing source is just someone he knows with the knowledge and access to the equipment to help him out from time to time no one creditable and definitely not enough to come here and lay accusations with. But since it was mentioned i brought it up as well. To be fair he is not the only source we tested and was far from the worse but none the less not something to be looked over either.
I’d almost be willing to bet that the majority of raws contain heavy metals and other contaminants since raws come from just a few manufacturers in China.
All the raws we tested from china had issues man. LMC, KP, and a two others my buddy had as well had issues. Panda had the "least" issues. Now idk if raws always come with some sort of contamination that's removed during filtration or not but we tested mexican raws that came back fucking clean and that says enough. Also deutsch raws that he had as well tested very well.
All the raws we tested from china had issues man. LMC, KP, and a two others my buddy had as well had issues. Panda had the "least" issues. Now idk if raws always come with some sort of contamination that's removed during filtration or not but we tested mexican raws that came back fucking clean and that says enough. Also deutsch raws that he had as well tested very well.

Do you know what it tested for? Maganese but what else? Kinda freeky, I think that the majority of raws are Chinese?
I need panda to come back with the raw tadalafil. For real. Can't find a good (potent) source any-damn-where... raw or otherwise.
If anyone has a good cheap source of potent tadalafil (not underdosed crap) please help me out. I know I'm not supposed to ask for sources, but it's just tadalafil for fucks sake. Thanks.
Do you know what it tested for? Maganese but what else? Kinda freeky, I think that the majority of raws are Chinese?
Cadmium and manganese were the most common if i remember correctly. A couple had dangerous amounts of tin and chromium in them too. I believe it was LMC that had trace amounts of arsenic in some test which i found alarming for obvious reasons. I'm no expert on heavy metal poisoning so hopefully someone will weigh in and let us know if we're overreacting.
Testing was performed in an untraditional manner that I can't disclose publically. If you want info on that portion just pm me. Hindsight being 20/20 I perhaps should have started a dialogue with panda via pm but I kinda felt like this concerned us all. I will share that the raws that popped for heavy metals were mast p, test c and u. With mast p containing manganese in heavy concentrations.