PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Just sent you a PM that you couldn't wait one day for apparently. You've got some fucking nerve acting like a god around here after all your fuck ups. You wanna nit pick about how many fucking days I was ignored for? I don't think in the end it really matters and everyone can see what your doing. Trying to divert the attention away from your fuck up by calling me out for a few fucking days I exaggerated. I was ignored and that's all that matters. Instead of being good at customers service saying my bad ill get your order out right away, you wanna have a dick measuring contest about the exact amount of days I was ignored.
You called him a scammer and said he ran with your money. I would say that's a lot more than adding a couple days to your non response.
You called him a scammer and said he ran with your money. I would say that's a lot more than adding a couple days to your non response.

Is that what I said or did I simply state the fact he collected my funds and i went 2 weeks without him responding to the many emails I sent? Later I looked back and it was more like a week and corrected myself but the fact that I had to wait a week for a single response from about 12 emails would make anyone think the same thing. Only after I posted publicly did I get a response. You let that shit happen to you and see if you think you got fucked or not.
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Just sent you a PM that you couldn't wait one day for apparently. You've got some fucking nerve acting like a god around here after all your fuck ups. You wanna nit pick about how many fucking days I was ignored for? I don't think in the end it really matters and everyone can see what your doing. Trying to divert the attention away from your fuck up by calling me out for a few fucking days I exaggerated. I was ignored and that's all that matters. Instead of being good at customers service saying my bad ill get your order out right away, you wanna have a dick measuring contest about the exact amount of days I was ignored.
So this is not your email that I received on Saturday? The first one regarding the order you claimed we didn’t respond to for 2 weeks??? What 12 emails are you talking about? I checked all three email addresses you PM’ed me and there was maybe a total of 5 emails and most of them were from a different order. Furthermore you wanna call someone out for not waiting 24hrs for a response??? Take a look at the PM you sent me you hypocrite. You didn’t receive an email response for 3 days from my service department. Which if you would have taken the time to read my thread, you would have seen I posted a post the same day you emailed us saying our email is down. Instead you want to come on to the thread shitting it up with your conspiracy theories trying to start shit. And I am far from a God buddy, I’m just as mortal as the next guy. I and my company have made plenty of mistakes. But building a business is a learning and growing process. But what is really important is how a mistake is handled and if the company can learn from their mistakes and heed advice and suggestions from their customers.
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So this is not your email that I received on Saturday? The first one regarding the order you claimed we didn’t respond to for 2 weeks??? What 12 emails are you talking about? I checked all three email addresses you PM’ed me and there was maybe a total of 5 emails and most of them were from a different order. Furthermore you wanna call someone out for not waiting 24hrs for a response??? Take a look at the PM you sent me you hypocrite. You didn’t receive an email response for 3 days from my service department. Which if you would have taken the time to read my thread, you would have seen I posted a post the same day you emailed us saying our email is down. Instead you want to come on to the thread shitting it up with your conspiracy theories trying to start shit. And I am far from a God buddy, I’m just as mortal as the next guy. I and my company have made plenty of mistakes. But building a business is a learning and growing process. But what is really important is how a mistake is handled and if the company can learn from their mistakes and heed advice and suggestions from their customers.

So you go around posting private messages now?

You break your privacy policy on your own website, then post private messages..

You didn’t handle this correctly.

Good job[emoji106]
So you go around posting private messages now?

You break your privacy policy on your own website, then post private messages..

You didn’t handle this correctly.

Good job[emoji106]
So posting non personal information i.e. words he wrote is taboo? I didn’t post any personal information. Or anything that could jeopardize him in any way
Is that what I said or did I simply state the fact he collected my funds and i went 2 weeks without him responding to the many emails I sent? Later I looked back and it was more like a week and corrected myself but the fact that I had to wait a week for a single response from about 12 emails would make anyone think the same thing. Only after I posted publicly did I get a response. You let that shit happen to you and see if you think you got fucked or not.
I wouldn't promise people gear unless I had it on hand. That's how good business men do shit.

But regardless, you have the right to demand what ever level of service you deem fit. Theres plenty of other sources that you can deal with, and may get better or service. Or not.
You really can hold a grudge brother.

It’s not a grudge. Don’t spit words.

Posting a pm and then giving a huge spill about growing a business and not the mistakes that happen but how it’s handled.

Acting out of frustration and posting a pm is not how a business should handle it. Panda reacted instead of taking the apology and correcting what he said in the open and left it.
It’s not a grudge. Don’t spit words.

Posting a pm and then giving a huge spill about growing a business and not the mistakes that happen but how it’s handled.

Acting out of frustration and posting a pm is not how a business should handle it. Panda reacted instead of taking the apology and correcting what he said in the open and left it.
It is a grudge. You used to hang in this thread. Participate in conversation, joke around, bullshit, give advice. Now you pop in every once in a blue just to say"you violated your own policy, and had your grandson cap drugs".

Sounds like a grudge to me.
It is a grudge. You used to hang in this thread. Participate in conversation, joke around, bullshit, give advice. Now you pop in every once in a blue just to say"you violated your own policy, and had your grandson cap drugs".

Sounds like a grudge to me.
Lol ok bro whatever you say.

I don’t hang out in here and joke or whatever you want to call it because there is never a conversation.

The conversations are all hinging on my pack is slow moving, is there a promo code? And of course you defending panda to no end.

Those are nothing I want to participate in. So yes, I do pop in and hold panda accountable.

But you can stop using the word grudge as that is far from what I have.
Lol ok bro whatever you say.

I don’t hang out in here and joke or whatever you want to call it because there is never a conversation.

The conversations are all hinging on my pack is slow moving, is there a promo code? And of course you defending panda to no end.

Those are nothing I want to participate in. So yes, I do pop in and hold panda accountable.

But you can stop using the word grudge as that is far from what I have.
By all means hold him accountable. And I'm not defending panda, hes obviously doing that for himself.

You dont have a grudge, and I dont defend panda. We can come to that agreement.

But @jabo overreacted. And it obviously pissed panda off. But yes he could've left it alone. I for one knew jabo was exaggerating, and I also knew the communication issues were addressed in this thread previously. So panda didnt really have to rebut jabo, I think for the most part, everyone monitoring this thread knew what was going down.
So posting non personal information i.e. words he wrote is taboo? I didn’t post any personal information. Or anything that could jeopardize him in any way

Lol don't pay these guys any attention. Fucken trolls. Appreciate you getting DHB back up. Looking forward to it.
After all is said and done, this I what I got out of this whole exchange.

A satisfied customer.

I never said I'm still mad and I never wanted to keep arguing online over this shit. I said he was gonna fix it and that should've been it.

Now about my PMS being posted. Idk what that proves honestly. It just shows me contacting you Then responding the next day. Whether or he responded I was gonna post my experience publicly. Now did I over exaggerate with the 2 weeks yes that was my fault I should've got my composure and thought about how long it had been. But there's no way in hell I'd be doing any of this if I truly only sent an email 3 dam days ago I mean seriously when in my entire posting history have I bitched about anything. So yes I did send emails before that one he posted but obviously he doesn't believe me. Overall this got turned into something way more then it needed to.
1. Because of lack of communication on his end
(I sent emails to his service address too)

2. My wrong statement about the two weeks.

Like I told panda in PM. I spent my last $180 in hopes of turning a profit and I felt like I lost everything when I didn't hear anything back. Iv ordered over 8 times with no issues, His products are legit and I do recommend them so it's not like I'm trying to fuck up his business. I'm done arguing over this just think what you want if me.
You really can hold a grudge brother.

I don't see it as a grudge. Panda shits the bed over and over, but get a pass because his the only semi reputable source these guys know about . Had this been the only things he's done, then yeah, it's warranted. Underdosed, overdosed, dirty, wrong raws... It's a long list. And in this case jabo is kinda stretching the situation, he's right and wrong at the same time . Neither side has handled this professionally.
I don't see it as a grudge. Panda shits the bed over and over, but get a pass because his the only semi reputable source these guys know about . Had this been the only things he's done, then yeah, it's warranted. Underdosed, overdosed, dirty, wrong raws... It's a long list. And in this case jabo is kinda stretching the situation, he's right and wrong at the same time . Neither side has handled this professionally.
Never heard of dirty and wrong raws. You mind giving me a little rundown of what happened.