PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I don't see it as a grudge. Panda shits the bed over and over, but get a pass because his the only semi reputable source these guys know about . Had this been the only things he's done, then yeah, it's warranted. Underdosed, overdosed, dirty, wrong raws... It's a long list. And in this case jabo is kinda stretching the situation, he's right and wrong at the same time . Neither side has handled this professionally.
He doesnt get a pass. Theres guys here who would never use panda, for all the obvious and documented issues.

And there are some who feel like enough was done to fix those issues (or address them) and are willing to take the chance on him.
Never heard of dirty and wrong raws. You mind giving me a little rundown of what happened.

Panda had all kinda of hair in his domestic line early on. Lots of photos.

Panda earlier on also had mixed up trest for test in some packaging international. I wouldn’t know the post number but it is for sure here.
Panda had all kinda of hair in his domestic line early on. Lots of photos.

Panda earlier on also had mixed up trest for test in some packaging international. I wouldn’t know the post number but it is for sure here.
I think it turned out to be test ace, not trest ace. Analyzer made a mistake initially. But none the less still a fuck up.
Panda had all kinda of hair in his domestic line early on. Lots of photos.

Panda earlier on also had mixed up trest for test in some packaging international. I wouldn’t know the post number but it is for sure here.
Oh okay I knew about the hairs, thought he was talking about dirty raws. Although it wasn't Trest it still wasn't what was ordered and not acceptable
Oh okay I knew about the hairs, thought he was talking about dirty raws. Although it wasn't Trest it still wasn't what was ordered and not acceptable
Yea no one is saying hes perfect. And if you have any questions about the past issues, I have no problem refreshing anyone mind on them. I have been monitoring panda since before hes been here at meso. It's just what I do from any source I would consider buying from(we all should be doing it really)

Ironic tho, ask for a good source and you get the standard "we dont spoon feed newbs" comment. But some will just pick and choose what they will spoon. feed.
To be honest I saw that on SG this morning is the only reason I remembered. As slow as SG moves hell it could be what you are saying. Lol.

Point is I care cause Ive pinned shit loads of test cyp from panda so i am concerned about screwups. Dont want to be the boss dog on here. Just trying to keep it straight is all.
@purplepandalabs any clue why the raws I received contained huge amounts of manganese? I had them tested for heavy metals, toxins, and bacteria. Tests came back showing this among a few other things that people DEFINITELY don't want to be injecting into their bodies. To your credit there were only trace amounts of the other stuff and not dangerously high levels as is the case with the manganese.
@purplepandalabs any clue why the raws I received contained huge amounts of manganese? I had them tested for heavy metals, toxins, and bacteria. Tests came back showing this among a few other things that people DEFINITELY don't want to be injecting into their bodies. To your credit there were only trace amounts of the other stuff and not dangerously high levels as is the case with the manganese.
Who did the testing? What purity were the raws? And which raws? If you dont mind me asking.
@purplepandalabs any clue why the raws I received contained huge amounts of manganese? I had them tested for heavy metals, toxins, and bacteria. Tests came back showing this among a few other things that people DEFINITELY don't want to be injecting into their bodies. To your credit there were only trace amounts of the other stuff and not dangerously high levels as is the case with the manganese.
@purplepandalabs any clue why the raws I received contained huge amounts of manganese? I had them tested for heavy metals, toxins, and bacteria. Tests came back showing this among a few other things that people DEFINITELY don't want to be injecting into their bodies. To your credit there were only trace amounts of the other stuff and not dangerously high levels as is the case with the manganese.

Weird cuz a few pages back panda said he had all his raws tested but hadn’t put on website yet... perhaps this is the reason?
@purplepandalabs any clue why the raws I received contained huge amounts of manganese? I had them tested for heavy metals, toxins, and bacteria. Tests came back showing this among a few other things that people DEFINITELY don't want to be injecting into their bodies. To your credit there were only trace amounts of the other stuff and not dangerously high levels as is the case with the manganese.
Not the only one either i personally know someone who had his tren ace raw tested and came back with some alarming results as well.
I literally have quite a fair amount of his raws just sitting there because of that. All of it came from the same order we placed together a few months back. My buddy had it tested by someone he knew from college or whatever so there is no credibility to be completely transparent but i trust the testing if that counts for anything. Same as stated above, traces mostly but some heavy metal contamination for sure.