PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I was just asking for a reliable tadalafil source, since panda stopped selling it raw... I regret not taking FULL advantage of it when i had the chance, it was DIRT cheap and potent.

I believe you. Why would you lie? Everything else has been an opinion, whether it be the quality of his customer service, or his tainted raws that are still much less tainted than his competition, according to you. That shit sucks but doesnt have anything to do with my original comment.
Wtf are you talking about? Did you even bother searching the website.
If the raws did have all that metal crap or whatever would it show up in any blood test?

Me and panda just had an issue but I will be homest here in his favor. After I stopped taking gear forever I paid a lot of money to get the most in depth bloodwork test possible to see what damage I had done to myself. Keep in mind I was on like about 4 grams of gear a week total for 6+ months nonstop. (Yes I know I'm stupid that's why I quit and seeked help). After I got the test I asked him to interpret the results and let me know the Damages. (Liver, kidney, etc) I also asked if there were traces of metal in my blood (scared that I brewed my gear all fucked up). He said there were no signs of it and levels were normal.

Like I said I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here but I just called him out the least I can do it be honest about something that's being brought up now. ONCE AGAIN NOT TAKING SIDES JUST BEING HONEST.
Yeah I'm pretty confused here. I seriously just searched his site less than an hour ago for tadalafil specifically. Maybe he needs more than the "66778 in stock".

Sorry about the mega dick problems. If dozens of keys of raw powder won't fix the issue, you might need to lay off the deca.
I’m not trying any “game”. I’m simply asking for some shred of proof or evidence to either of your claims. You can have 100 people say the sky is falling but that doesn’t make it truth. I feel that people who make claims against my company(especially serious ones like these) should be able to so some sort of evidence to the claims. Otherwise I could just have 100 employees from a competitors company come here and say they all have the same problem with no proof

Where are your reports? That you test each batch? Seems easy enough for you to post your proof.
If the raws did have all that metal crap or whatever would it show up in any blood test?

Me and panda just had an issue but I will be homest here in his favor. After I stopped taking gear forever I paid a lot of money to get the most in depth bloodwork test possible to see what damage I had done to myself. Keep in mind I was on like about 4 grams of gear a week total for 6+ months nonstop. (Yes I know I'm stupid that's why I quit and seeked help). After I got the test I asked him to interpret the results and let me know the Damages. (Liver, kidney, etc) I also asked if there were traces of metal in my blood (scared that I brewed my gear all fucked up). He said there were no signs of it and levels were normal.

Like I said I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong here but I just called him out the least I can do it be honest about something that's being brought up now. ONCE AGAIN NOT TAKING SIDES JUST BEING HONEST.

You need a specific test done for heavy metals. If you didn’t order that test , then you won’t have them on your report.
You need a specific test done for heavy metals. If you didn’t order that test , then you won’t have them on your report.
Yupp and to my knowledge those test are very costly because its a set of test not just a single draw like a regular blood panel. Also they have to identify each metal individually as well.
So when analyzers or @janoshik tests came back 98% pure, the other 2% were heavy metals? Or are we talking about testing that shows like 80% pure raws? What exactly are we talking about.

This is even more alarming due to the fact so many of the domestic sources use them.

Mexican raws? Where the hell you find those @colossus25 ?
So when analyzers or @janoshik tests came back 98% pure, the other 2% were heavy metals? Or are we talking about testing that shows like 80% pure raws? What exactly are we talking about.

This is even more alarming due to the fact so many of the domestic sources use them.

Mexican raws? Where the hell you find those @colossus25 ?
No, it does not work like that.

98%+ pure might as well mean 100%, but I steer away from stating it like that due to the fact that it's impossible to distinguish minute impurities and electronic noise. It's generally done that way in the industry for routine tests.

I've had a lot of discussions on the topic of heavy metals before.

One on SST just a day or so ago, one over here, not so long ago as well:
Heavy metals

I found this: anything with a blue 17 removes trace amounts of metals.View attachment 95936
No, you interpreted it wrong, it doesn't mean that at all. It just means it's compatible with solvents used in that application.

Yupp and to my knowledge those test are very costly because its a set of test not just a single draw like a regular blood panel. Also they have to identify each metal individually as well.
No, ICP-MS which is used for heavy metals in blood does them all at once and no, they don't need more than a single draw.

Don't post misinformation.
So when analyzers or @janoshik tests came back 98% pure, the other 2% were heavy metals? Or are we talking about testing that shows like 80% pure raws? What exactly are we talking about.

This is even more alarming due to the fact so many of the domestic sources use them.

Mexican raws? Where the hell you find those @colossus25 ?
I would imagine its in that 2 percent, all that was tested for was contamination to my knowledge. As i said and stated above I'm not sure if that's normal and something that is handled through filtration and we're just over reacting. But i will say just 1 percent of some heavy metals being a part of that make up is definitely something to worry about over time.

Lol i have my ways brother and you would be surprised by how many big name sources are using mexican raws.
No, it does not work like that.

98%+ pure might as well mean 100%, but I steer away from stating it like that due to the fact that it's impossible to distinguish minute impurities and electronic noise. It's generally done that way in the industry for routine tests.

I've had a lot of discussions on the topic of heavy metals before.

One on SST just a day or so ago, one over here, not so long ago as well:
Heavy metals

No, you interpreted it wrong, it doesn't mean that at all. It just means it's compatible with solvents used in that application.

No, ICP-MS which is used for heavy metals in blood does them all at once and no, they don't need more than a single draw.

Don't post misinformation.
So would syringe filters remove metal? I'll read through the thread you posted when I get a chance, but how concerning is it finding metals in raws?
So would syringe filters remove metal? I'll read through the thread you posted when I get a chance, but how concerning is it finding metals in raws?
No at all, heavy metals found in raws wouldn't have a form of powder with grain of powder being bigger than .22um to get filtered out. Heavy metals in oils would become complexes with organics in the oil and therefore dissolve = filters wouldn't do anything.

Finding heavy metals in raws would be quite concerning due to the fact that 2 reputable facilities which tested more AAS than anybody else in history never found proof of that. Other than that, the levels would have to be tremendously high to do any real harm.
No, it does not work like that.

98%+ pure might as well mean 100%, but I steer away from stating it like that due to the fact that it's impossible to distinguish minute impurities and electronic noise. It's generally done that way in the industry for routine tests.

I've had a lot of discussions on the topic of heavy metals before.

One on SST just a day or so ago, one over here, not so long ago as well:
Heavy metals

No, you interpreted it wrong, it doesn't mean that at all. It just means it's compatible with solvents used in that application.

No, ICP-MS which is used for heavy metals in blood does them all at once and no, they don't need more than a single draw.

Don't post misinformation.
Ok champ don't worry i won't post no misinformation with an eagle scout like you on duty lol

Relax i never posted anything as 100% factual unless you have problems understanding context i very clearly stated it was "to my knowledge" based on research i did months ago when these results came back. I was researching because i wanted to get tested for heavy metal toxicity since i had been using his raws. I remember reading that it was a group or series of test performed or something like that, I also remember it costing more and something to do with a doctor's order. But you seem to be the light in the darkness thanks for clarifying that there einstein.
Ive actually researched this not too long ago and i remember reading that nylon filters would be very good at this. Idk if it removes all of the heavy metals or not tbh though. Best you can do is buy raws without this issue lol.
No, nylon filters are not good at that.

Does anyone know 100% if filtration removes heavy metals? From my knowledge filtration is only meant for bacterial organics and viruses. Idk if they would filter out heavy metals or not.

No it doesn't. It doesn't even remove viruses at all.

You are showing lack the knowledge in most posts you've made here, Sir, therefore, please, don't feel offended when I'll be suspicious of all the posts you've made.

And for the fourth time as i stated it was a third party test and even went as far to say MYSELF that it wasn't creditable. So there's your answer again for the 4th time now...

What I'm hoping is someone with a real creditable testing source can come forward so i can send them the same samples so they can post up the results.

I did testing for heavy metals years ago and never confirmed contamination. SIMEC apparently did the same.

You clearly understand the fragility of conducting these types of test in the US. Don't exploit that fact to assist in your argument. There are clearly some things that must be left unsaid in open forum on our end. However where you are there is no oversight. How bout posting up YOUR testing of the raws YOU sell? You test for heavy metals and toxins? Let's see em bud.

As stated above what reason would customers have to make this shit up. Colossus stated above he has a quantity of your raws sitting untouched. I also am not even currently on gear but probably won't be brewing these raws or looking to you for business in the future. What have we to gain by making shit up? What would that get us but a crowd of nuthanging noobs arguing tooth and nail about what a stellar fucking source you are?

I would be willing as I said above to go over the methods of testing in pm and that goes for you to @purplepandalabs

I've PM'd you and I'm all ears. Don't think there are many except @Doug_S or maybe @ProfessorX more qualified to interpret that.

Your claim is that there are HM's in the raws, so prove it. What you are doing is shifting burden of proof on panda.

Why not ask him if he can prove there is no botulotoxin in his raws?
No anthrax?
Did you spend 1000 bucks on proving there's no russian nerve gas made in nearby factory?

Switching the burden of proof is a way to overwhelm somebody, keeping the discussion flowing while providing nothing yourself.

So please, provide me the data in the PM.

The guy that tested our gear does blood test for a living and has some access to testing equipment of some sort. Not sure what process or method was used just know that he tested specifically for heavy metals and contaminates and that's what was found. Its not my testing source but i trust my partner whole heartedly especially when we're the ones sitting on a bunch of shit we cant use.

Why don't you get an accurate description of the process and data evaluation he used?

I would honestly take some responsibility bro. Look into this matter as soon as possible, this is people's health at stake here @purplepandalabs

Burden of proof.
Ok champ don't worry i won't post no misinformation with an eagle scout like you on duty lol

Relax i never posted anything as 100% factual unless you have problems understanding context i very clearly stated it was "to my knowledge" based on research i did months ago when these results came back. I was researching because i wanted to get tested for heavy metal toxicity since i had been using his raws. I remember reading that it was a group or series of test performed or something like that, I also remember it costing more and something to do with a doctor's order. But you seem to be the light in the darkness thanks for clarifying that there einstein.
I've been asked to post my opinion and findings here and that's what I done.

If you feel it's appropriate to ironize you posting blatant misinformation, suit yourself. I don't find it funny at all, when people who have grave accusation post straight up "not 100% factual" statements a lot.

My opinion is that suddenly not one, but two people posting about heavy metals in one thread, using multiple logical fallacies, thread sliding and posting misinformation without providing shred of proof - all that while going contrary to findings of people who actually make living with testing - is suspicious to put mildly.

Until @desertwarrior fills me in through PM and you post the protocol and data evaluation that was used to reach conclusions, I cannot give any merit to your posts.

I'm particularly interested in how exactly was assessment of raws ran in blood testing laboratory, as I'm quite acquainted with how they work.

I hope I have done the people over here good when I pointed out the flaws I see.

Have a nice day.
All in all, as I've been telling people - if I was convinced there were heavy metals in their gear, I'd offer and promote the service of testing for them.

If you prove that there indeed are heavy metals in gear, you'll make my business bloom in yet another field. It'd make me money and I'd be happy, because I'd have money and I'd help people protect their health.

There really is no point in me trying to discredit either of you, unless, of course, your arguments and data fail to provide sufficient proof.

So far I've seen none.

@desertwarrior @colossus25
Lack of knowledge when literally ive posted over and over again that im not completely sure about filtration or this issue at all? So a .22 um filter wont filter out a hepatitis b virus even though a simple search said it could? Ok. Shifting burden of proof? How so?? At no point have i asked panda to prove anything at all so im interested in seeing where i shifted burden or proof. Maybe if you had reading comprehension skills you would better understand what i posted. As far as providing test results and methods, yes im working on find out specifics here but as i mentioned it wasn't my testing source. Ill be back later on today and will keep the board posted on this.
Lack of knowledge when literally ive posted over and over again that im not completely sure about filtration or this issue at all? So a .22 um filter wont filter out a hepatitis b virus even though a simple search said it could? Ok. Shifting burden of proof? How so?? At no point have i asked panda to prove anything at all so im interested in seeing where i shifted burden or proof. Maybe if you had reading comprehension skills you would better understand what i posted. As far as providing test results and methods, yes im working on find out specifics here but as i mentioned it wasn't my testing source. Ill be back later on today and will keep the board posted on this.
The hepatitis B virion is a 42 nm particle, while 0.22um filters have 220 nm pores.

Shifting burden of proof was meant for desertwarrior.

The more you keep posting the less I am inclined to take anything from you seriously and yet you are trying to insult my intelligence.

That's just rude.