PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Lmaoo would it have been better if i typed it like that? Because now everybody thinks I'm trying to be some genius for having someone else test my raws when really I'm some meat head who knows how to use a beaker and a vacuum pump [emoji23]

Maybe man. Lol!
Well looks like reading comprehension wasn't your strong suit either. Some "test" i heard about that i heard also involved my raws that i heard i obtained through this very source. Lol I've been in this thread since the beginning when panda first came, hazed the living shit out of him, was one of the few that gave him a shot first time around and have used this source up to a couple of months ago when i had my raws tested and they came back tainted. I wasn't and haven't been very active on the boards and didn't care to bring it here. I come back and i see someone else having the same issue so i post that i also had the same findings and now I'm getting slammed for that?! I've never been involved in some scandal here nor do i have a dog in this fight of any kind. At no point did i say panda was guilty of anything or that his products are bad or that my finding were even creditable. So please stfu and don't accuse me of lying when i clearly have absolutely no motive to do so.
sorry, I wasn't meaning to slam you, always enjoy your posts. please post testing if you have any of it. That's the most important thing
I've explained to everyone who's hit my inbox how this testing was handled. I hope more people try this method and get back more results. Jano just mentioned he can do them but doesn't usually offer the service. Hopefully he will now.

I'm not looking to make panda out to be a bad guy here. I know his buisness is HUGE and any large company can make mistakes. I'm just concerned for people's health.
There are plenty of raw sources. Panda isn’t the only one.

Which, after he broke his own security policy in his website.... not really sure why anyone would believe what this guy says.

He doesn’t care if he is sloppy. He will always have an excuse. Like his nephew capping drugs for him.

It's great that you say that but I can't seem to find these imaginary sources. There has been one other raw source thread in here and they only have a few hundred posts in the last 3 years. Feel free to point some out I missed.
It's great that you say that but I can't seem to find these imaginary sources. There has been one other raw source thread in here and they only have a few hundred posts in the last 3 years. Feel free to point some out I missed.

It's not that hard man.
No one's going to hand you anything, you just have to look. It's not "imaginary". Brewing existed before panda and will go on after he's done.
I've explained to everyone who's hit my inbox how this testing was handled. I hope more people try this method and get back more results. Jano just mentioned he can do them but doesn't usually offer the service. Hopefully he will now.

I'm not looking to make panda out to be a bad guy here. I know his buisness is HUGE and any large company can make mistakes. I'm just concerned for people's health.
My question would be - how is having HM in your powders a mistake? Either you put it in, or you don’t or the materials you use to make the raws have them in them or they don’t. I don’t see a “mistake.” Failure to report the HM or failure to test your materials on behalf of a manufacturer is bad business. If Mexican raws have no HM but Chinese do, then we know that it is no “mistake.” I’m interested in actual tests of his raws which prove it.
It's great that you say that but I can't seem to find these imaginary sources. There has been one other raw source thread in here and they only have a few hundred posts in the last 3 years. Feel free to point some out I missed.

I sent you a pm as I won’t post on a sources thread... other sources.

I might not like all the fuck ups panda has done, but I do respect the thread and won’t post other sources here.
I would like to start by saying hello to everyone and thank those who have grown to trust me.
It does mean alot to me.
I will try to get up to speed on everything and I also have some testing which I will try to get up asap.
Edit : HM testing that's performed on ppl raws just wanted to clarify.
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I would like to start by saying hello to everyone and thank those who have grown to trust me.
It does mean alot to me.
I will try to get up to speed on everything and I also have some testing which I will try to get up asap.
Edit : HM testing that's performed on ppl raws just wanted to clarify.

Welcome back!
anyone get pip from ppl cyp? ppl test e was smooth for me but when i switched to cyp i’ve been getting pip. also i feel the dosage is different. how different i can’t say but it just doesn’t feel the same.
anyone get pip from ppl cyp? ppl test e was smooth for me but when i switched to cyp i’ve been getting pip. also i feel the dosage is different. how different i can’t say but it just doesn’t feel the same.
I bought cyp back in October (finished international) that had serious pip and swelling. Levels came back good on blood test though.
I would like to start by saying hello to everyone and thank those who have grown to trust me.
It does mean alot to me.
I will try to get up to speed on everything and I also have some testing which I will try to get up asap.
Edit : HM testing that's performed on ppl raws just wanted to clarify.
Lol, ppl finally give up?
I just caught up on like a 150 posts and was barely interested. Then BOOM. Mind. Fucking. Blown. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. dons the super hero cape and comes back. Fucking awesome. Even funnier is I can imagine that conversation between the two. Hopefully lots of begging and promises that are kept. Hi buddy how ya doin.