PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Yeah he did.

He faked reports and tried to play it off after being caught red handed....then eventually was banned from meso for a while over other issues.

He isn’t trusted by most around meso.
He never faked the report, he lied about the results. Is more accurate to say. But potato potatoe
He faked them.

If you tell someone the results are “x” it is faking a report.

He then lied to cover his ass.
That's just not an accurate way of describing the situation. Them implies more than one. And reports implies the actual reports that are generated from the analysis.

But his issue with mands has been discussed ad nauseam , theres no point in going over it again.

Everybody can gather what ever they want out of his posts. I for one like to hear what he has to say regarding testing methods and analysis and what not.
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That's just not an accurate way of describing the situation. Them implies more than one. And reports implies the actual reports that are generated from the analysis.

But his issue with mands has been discussed ad nauseam , theres no point in going over it again.

Everybody can gather what ever they want out of his posts. I for one like to here what he has to say regarding testing methods and analysis and what not.

U just like to dispute things, for zero reason.
WTF IS GOIN ON IN HERE.. wheres @Holistic ?? ickys around but pretty quiet.. evom?? how bout lord sam??
man, this place went to shit.. wheres all the ranting and raving ??
is there another thread you guys are getting ur kicks at?? hahah
@Roger rabbit love ya brah.. I like how ur keeping ur foot at the pandas throat hahah
WTF IS GOIN ON IN HERE.. wheres @Holistic ?? ickys around but pretty quiet.. evom?? how bout lord sam??
man, this place went to shit.. wheres all the ranting and raving ??
is there another thread you guys are getting ur kicks at?? hahah
@Roger rabbit love ya brah.. I like how ur keeping ur foot at the pandas throat hahah

Lol, yeah all the “old timers” have gone pretty silent but I’m sure they will be back eventually to help hold the fort down.

Need more members who aren’t afraid to toss these ugl’s around in the mud a little.
WTF IS GOIN ON IN HERE.. wheres @Holistic ?? ickys around but pretty quiet.. evom?? how bout lord sam??
man, this place went to shit.. wheres all the ranting and raving ??
is there another thread you guys are getting ur kicks at?? hahah
@Roger rabbit love ya brah.. I like how ur keeping ur foot at the pandas throat hahah

Because most of the new guys suck the nuts of a source even after they have shit the bed over and over. The orders just keep rolling in. They can't figure out what a semi decent source even looks like . Ya know, one that doesn't have underdosed gear with hairs growing in it brewed by a known scam artist . It's FIRE!