PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I’m kinda surprised that you guys are anti Metallica. Black album and later yeah definitely no good but the first three were good. What about pantera. No way you can shit on them. Gun to head I’m gonna say they are my all time favorite.
What I hate most about Metallica is the fact that they destroyed Green Hell by the Misfits.

1. Don’t EVER try to redo a Misfits song
2. If you’re going to redo one, don’t suck it up like Metallica did.
3. Fuck Metallica
I’m kinda surprised that you guys are anti Metallica. Black album and later yeah definitely no good but the first three were good. What about pantera. No way you can shit on them. Gun to head I’m gonna say they are my all time favorite.
LOL, my city’s claim to fame is that Dimebag Darrell was murdered there.

Although I would guess they aren’t claiming fame for that.
Not with Metallica you need to go heavier for contamination.
Chiming in late, but Iron Maiden def has some heavy metal contamination for me...

As a long time welder (30+ years) I've got so much heavy metal contamination in myself, I don't even blink at UGL's contribution to that... Ask me about welding and cutting galvanized steel... Still kicking and ripped AF...
These threads are very entertaining. There seems to be a pattern, everyone starts the thread flaming the shit out of the OP. Then, months later after the goods are obtained and everyones debating legitimacy of the product the discussion takes another direction. Test levels sky rocket and users begin turning on one another. The arguments and butthurt begins and the civil war insue. While all the hormonal chaos is taking place the source is just sitting back fat n happy with big juicy pockets. Meanwhile on the message boards people shift from flaming each other to assaulting the music industry. Maybe you guys should try some easy listening. Enya or something light like that, might help ease the butthurt. Lol, you guys are all hilarious and original. Hope everyone is making good gains and hope the Swolepanda is keeping the ball rolling on the qualitative standards.
So I have read through about 100 pages on this purplepanda lab. I've sent purplepanda and his rep a message. How can I get a price list? Sorry if that questions isnt allowed. I haven't been on this forum in years. I have many good ugl's but no powder sources and I want to try these guys out. If you want to tell me to search more then don't bother because I'd rather just wait for a p.m. back from a rep
So I have read through about 100 pages on this purplepanda lab. I've sent purplepanda and his rep a message. How can I get a price list? Sorry if that questions isnt allowed. I haven't been on this forum in years. I have many good ugl's but no powder sources and I want to try these guys out. If you want to tell me to search more then don't bother because I'd rather just wait for a p.m. back from a rep
They wouldn't send me one either, you have to get allowed in the club first. That invovles a certain amount of heavy flaming and other various methods of mental testing. Good luck to you!
"No question is a stupid question, there are only stupid people not asking any questions and just assuming." - some dumb bum
So I have read through about 100 pages on this purplepanda lab. I've sent purplepanda and his rep a message. How can I get a price list? Sorry if that questions isnt allowed. I haven't been on this forum in years. I have many good ugl's but no powder sources and I want to try these guys out. If you want to tell me to search more then don't bother because I'd rather just wait for a p.m. back from a rep

There is their website with prices on first post..
So I have read through about 100 pages on this purplepanda lab. I've sent purplepanda and his rep a message. How can I get a price list? Sorry if that questions isnt allowed. I haven't been on this forum in years. I have many good ugl's but no powder sources and I want to try these guys out. If you want to tell me to search more then don't bother because I'd rather just wait for a p.m. back from a rep

They have a website where you can look at the prices of compounds
Who has good things to say about panda if one were to try them?
Been thinking of the sasquatch personally..
There is plenty of good and bad on here to read and no one will give the G2G so go read and come to your own conclusion. I have no proof this is pure speculation but there is a good chance that Sasquatch uses ppl raws so keep that in mind.
Ask me about welding and cutting galvanized steel... Still kicking and ripped AF...
Same here my man , spent alot of years under the hood until I worked my way up into some cozier working conditions lol .... The first time I light up some galvanized steel and the arc and fumes turned bright neon green I knew I was peeling a few extra years off my life :oops:
Nothing like burning steel with an electric torch while watching molten alloys swirl and fuse together....
I think I enjoyed the visual effects under the hood more so than the grind itself. But then again it might have been all that grinding I was doing also. Not so much from heavy beads but so much prepping, you got start from the bottom to rise to the top though. Had it made in a couple fabrication shops once, mostly because the people and not the pay rate. Good coworkers are more than a blessing sometimes, nothing like a group of grunts that all have some kind of hard knock history of their own and are now some functioning dysfunctional band of brothers.
To better days ahead!
Gotta say, grateful for my place of work now too. Looking forward to excelling in areas of work I never saw myself in. Like behind a desk on a phone wheeling and dealing making better dollars with less back and head aches at the end of the day. Looking forward to being the swole Jefe at my work further in the now.
There is plenty of good and bad on here to read and no one will give the G2G so go read and come to your own conclusion. I have no proof this is pure speculation but there is a good chance that Sasquatch uses ppl raws so keep that in mind.

Believe he used to but stopped doing so
Lol don't pay these guys any attention. Fucken trolls. Appreciate you getting DHB back up. Looking forward to it.
How can you test DHB to make sure it's legit?
(I'm not saying PPL's isn't)
But I'm curious as there's no labmax for it, and it doesn't show in bloodwork.

Would a .22 filter remove the heavy metals completely?

Ive actually researched this not too long ago and i remember reading that nylon filters would be very good at this. Idk if it removes all of the heavy metals or not tbh though. Best you can do is buy raws without this issue lol.

Testing was performed in an untraditional manner that I can't disclose publically. If you want info on that portion just pm me. Hindsight being 20/20 I perhaps should have started a dialogue with panda via pm but I kinda felt like this concerned us all. I will share that the raws that popped for heavy metals were mast p, test c and u. With mast p containing manganese in heavy concentrations.
Please show the lab report.

One of the compounds from panda popped for trace levels of ARSENIC as well wtf :confused::mad:
Arsenic compounds are mostly insoluble.
Thus unlikely to remain dissolved in oil.

If you're truly paranoid, buy an used lab centrifugue at Ebay. This should precipitate most heavy metal compounds.

Does anyone know 100% if filtration removes heavy metals? From my knowledge filtration is only meant for bacterial organics and viruses. Idk if they would filter out heavy metals or not.
It doesn't remove heavy metals, if they are truly oil soluble.

No at all, heavy metals found in raws wouldn't have a form of powder with grain of powder being bigger than .22um to get filtered out. Heavy metals in oils would become complexes with organics in the oil and therefore dissolve = filters wouldn't do anything.

Finding heavy metals in raws would be quite concerning due to the fact that 2 reputable facilities which tested more AAS than anybody else in history never found proof of that. Other than that, the levels would have to be tremendously high to do any real harm.

No, nylon filters are not good at that.

No it doesn't. It doesn't even remove viruses at all.

You are showing lack the knowledge in most posts you've made here, Sir, therefore, please, don't feel offended when I'll be suspicious of all the posts you've made.

I did testing for heavy metals years ago and never confirmed contamination. SIMEC apparently did the same.

I've PM'd you and I'm all ears. Don't think there are many except @Doug_S or maybe @ProfessorX more qualified to interpret that.

Your claim is that there are HM's in the raws, so prove it. What you are doing is shifting burden of proof on panda.

Why not ask him if he can prove there is no botulotoxin in his raws?
No anthrax?
Did you spend 1000 bucks on proving there's no russian nerve gas made in nearby factory?

Switching the burden of proof is a way to overwhelm somebody, keeping the discussion flowing while providing nothing yourself.

So please, provide me the data in the PM.

Why don't you get an accurate description of the process and data evaluation he used?

Burden of proof.
If you guys are paranoid:

1 soak raws in concentrated alcohol (70% works best), and allow it to evaporate just before brewing.
Alcohol kills most bacteria and denatures most viruses on evaporation.

Just soak, don't wash raws in alcohol, as they're a bit soluble and they can go down the drain.
Just to update you fellas nothing will be handled in pm as I saw suggested not going to happen and yes we have both normal and Heavy Metals testing.
I have a bunch of them I will try to get them in English translation as quickly as possible could be tommrow at the latest.
All I ask if for those who made accusations to be transparent enough to post their's also.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. welcome back
Any chance you can get some raws tested for heavy metals?
It's way cheaper than HPLC
They often use IPC technology.

View attachment 96000
Just something to think about maganese has a melting point of 2275 degrees more on that later.
Pure metallic Manganese will sink to the bottom real quick.
IF they use any Manganese in the synthesis, it's a Manganese compound, not pure Mn.

If you're really paranoid
you can put raws on a filter membrane, and flush with water for a while.
This should get rid of any water soluble Mn compound, i.e. Potassium permanganate
Potassium permanganate - Wikipedia

Then brew raws in oil as usual just don't filter them yet.
Allow to sit undisturbed for a few days
any insoluble compounds should sink to the bottom.

Buy an used Ebay centrifugue if you're truly paranoid

Post pics if you find anything on the bottom.