PurplePandaLabs Raw source

This is to the panda rep i made an order th 13th and it still says preparing package. I emailed u guys with no response can u help?
This is to the panda rep i made an order th 13th and it still says preparing package. I emailed u guys with no response can u help?
Are you seriously stupid you send that shit in pm. Not on a public forum for everyone to see. It is worrying when people like you use AAS. Really hope you have ordered finish products to and no raws.Next post will be what do I do with this Testosterone E Power. Do I cap it?o_O PS Nice email Mark baby xx
So to all the fucking moron newbs, you are buying illegal drugs. On an open forum.
1. Don't use Gmail, hotmail,Yahoo ect. Use a secure service like proton or tutanota.
2. Don't post open details about orders. No specifics about packaging
3. Don't post your fucking Gmail address
4. Use your brain
5. And here's where the fuck up really lies, don't use a source that accepts coms from a non secure emails ie yahoo, Google... When they get popped, ALL their clients are at risk .

@Marktbaby use your fucking brain before you post shit like that again .you put us ALL at risk .

And all you dumbasses that quoted his post @rester @mike5064 you're just as fucking dumb .
I'm e2 sensitive and I've just been timing the days I use my TnE on the same days I take my arimidex. No issues. I also only use it once or twice a week.
That's good to hear. I'm not super e2 sensitive and am not prone to gyno so I should be good then.
What's typically used for oil solutions, micronized or normal powder?
That's good to hear. I'm not super e2 sensitive and am not prone to gyno so I should be good then.
What's typically used for oil solutions, micronized or normal powder?

I'd think so.

The Test Base is for oil solutions, the micronized is for water suspension. (At least that's what I've been told) I brewed mine with the base in oil.
And u guys need to chill its test not Heroin im not worried about the little 30 days in jail
your so stupid honestly didn't think you could make this any worse. I am always proved wrong on here holy shit. am from the uk and they aren't to bothered about steroids and still the penalty for

Up to 2 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both (except anabolic steroids - it’s not an offence to possess them for personal use)

Supply and production

Up to 14 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both

but ye you just keep saying to yourself aww its fine I might get 30days moron and the way you seem you wouldn't last a day in prison never mind 30.