PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I've seen a steady decline in effectness in threads based on how things are handled so instead of bashing you I'll try to change your way of thinking like mine was.

So, it's not just about him it's about everybody involved. It's about the community as whole. I'm not gonna go into the what if situations cause as always they lead to people arguing about those what if situations and before you know it it starts a spitting match and then it's all about dick size. The I shared could lead someone to jail time.
Let's just share as LITTLE info as possible for everyone's sake.

My nigga[emoji1373]

Omg i didnt mean to post that on here but u all need to get a life fr i posted a email who cares u think any of this is a secret? If the feds are watching this site they have everyone one of your
@Sak I just want you to know i seen that post you replied to me before you deleted it lol. Saying they wont put you in prison but maybe get jailed for 30days. I just want to inform you that jail is actually prison there the same thing next time gotta delete it faster ;D
Iv been to jail and prison and its not the same in the least bit idk where the fuck u grew up lmao
Omg i didnt mean to post that on here but u all need to get a life fr i posted a email who cares u think any of this is a secret? If the feds are watching this site they have everyone one of your

Iv been to jail and prison and its not the same in the least bit idk where the fuck u grew up lmao
I like in the UK and yes over here the jail and prison is the same thing. The cells are something different I think what we refer to as the cells are what you call jail.

Side note your user name and email is mark baby. lmao

I can assure you that they have and do see this as well. it was in the news and since then its now banned on all major phone networks over here.
Omg i didnt mean to post that on here but u all need to get a life fr i posted a email who cares u think any of this is a secret? If the feds are watching this site they have everyone one of your

Look dude, you are a fuck up . And you fucked up. So much that, where nothing gets moderated, got moderated . You do not understand the gravity in the failures of your security protocols. It doesn't just effect you, it effects everyone and possibly the source. You are slack . Tighten the fuck up .
Heres the gravity of the Situation ...your a bunch of nerds with no life

I'm certainly not the most educated person, but I can't help but wonder, if your sentence structure and grammar are an indication of your level of intelligence? Given that you don't care if you get busted, or any of us.

Hell, if I was a source and knew you were this slack and brazen, I'd black list ya. Why don't you go back to reddit or what ever shit hole you came from. No one wants you here and no one is certainly going to help you.
Is everything gravy now or are peeps still in the mud with their issue and orders?

All these talk about "great reputable labs with raws" yet I haven't seen a new lab (other than the few that are private) pop up on meso since I have gotten back on the board. Then again, I stopped visiting a bunch of the other boards, since they are censored and protect their sponsored labs like their life depends on them (which they do).

Maybe someone can mp me a bone.
It's board not bored, and you're or you are not your, and they 're or they are not there.
My spelling and grammar is shit I never claimed other wise and I sure as fuck don’t need a little pleb like yourself correcting me when you have 2k3 in your username. And your names shit your dumb ass mum should of spelled it Darren. Of my ass bitch
My spelling and grammar is shit I never claimed other wise and I sure as fuck don’t need a little pleb like yourself correcting me when you have 2k3 in your username. And your names shit your dumb ass mum should of spelled it Darren. Of my ass bitch

Settle down turbo
My spelling and grammar is shit I never claimed other wise and I sure as fuck don’t need a little pleb like yourself correcting me when you have 2k3 in your username. And your names shit your dumb ass mum should of spelled it Darren. Of my ass bitch
Not my real name. I noticed a lot of grammatical errors in your post that's all. I was just busting your ball, not attacking your character. If it I did'nt have spellcheck, I would still be sounding out words before writting them down. Name calling is a symptom of "pleb"-just kidding.
[emoji3]<---see smiley face.
darron2k3 out.[emoji111]
Not my real name. I noticed a lot of grammatical errors in your post that's all. I was just busting your ball, not attacking your character. If it I did'nt have spellcheck, I would still be sounding out words before writting them down. Name calling is a symptom of "pleb"-just kidding.
[emoji3]<---see smiley face.
darron2k3 out.[emoji111]

Buttheads chuckle...
If everyones done acting like a bunch of kids fighting over pokemon cards can we talk about the fact that the panda rep is mia and there not returning emails