PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Then I can and will change my tone.
Not how it works man. You're no better than or less than. You are a representative in customer service. That's it. The way you talk reflects the business practices. And so far they seem one and the same.

I stand alone, Swole Panda stands alone.
Again. You are an extension of panda. And if you treat this as separate entities then things are not going to improve. Just saying. Everyone is already upset with the way things have been ran. You can be the reflection of good practices wether or not panda himself cares. That was the thing with the last rep. He had our best interest and service at heart. Not money and sales.

I mean all this out of respect. It's treat someone how you want to be treated. Not treat someone how they treat you .
Pharmasource stopped shipping order a for a while because he thought it was happening a week or 2 ago but is back shipping again. Doesn't mean much but some believe it's come and gone
What I gathered from tbe psource thread also but I could be wrong. Stay safe guys. Almost feels unsafe posting in this threado_O
Not how it works man. You're no better than or less than. You are a representative in customer service. That's it. The way you talk reflects the business practices. And so far they seem one and the same.

Again. You are an extension of panda. And if you treat this as separate entities then things are not going to improve. Just saying. Everyone is already upset with the way things have been ran. You can be the reflection of good practices wether or not panda himself cares. That was the thing with the last rep. He had our best interest and service at heart. Not money and sales.

I mean all this out of respect. It's treat someone how you want to be treated. Not treat someone how they treat you .

Yes. Look at pharmacist and Turkish pharmacy. Always incredibly polite
What’s the latest news on Pangea

Check out the thread Millard has in it bro. Another forum is link in there too with even more information....

Information is coming out with people who new the brewer and he brewed for several labs.... panda can deny this brewer was not brewing for them... but he was....
Yes. Look at pharmacist and Turkish pharmacy. Always incredibly polite
Dead on , and their loyal customer base reflects it . Not only is it the mark of a decent person , but is just basic business etiquette . The expression " the customer is always right " is clique , but it grounded in the fact that giving way on small issues with customers and putting yourself in their shoes leads to happy/loyal long term customers. Just because your business is dealing drugs doesnt make it any less applicable than running the local sandwich shop .

Ppl and company would do well to read some other source threads where customer service is treated with up most importance . Ppl doesnt have loyal customers , but just customers that dont have any other options than him . If another source popped up with a comparable business as far as inventory/prices ect . We would see just how unloyal his customers actually are .
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Dead on , and their loyal customer base reflects it . Not only is it the mark of a decent person , but is just basic business etiquette . The expression " the customer is always right " is clique , but it grounded in the fact that giving way on small issues with customer and putting yourself in their shoes leads to happy/loyal long term customers. Just because your business is dealing drugs doesnt make it any less applicable then running the local sandwich shop .

Ppl and company would do well to read some other source threads where customer service is treated with up most importance . Ppl doesnt have loyal customers , but just customers that dont have any other options than him . If another source popped up with a comparable business as far as imventory/prices ect . We would see just how unloyal is customers actually are .

Customer isn't always right, sometimes the customer is an asshole, but is still the customer .

The new @PurplePandaRep @PurplePandaLabs Rep., whichever screen name is being used now, doesn't get it, and fits in perfect for the lab . He gets snarky with people then cries when people get snarky with him. Just ignore everything that's gone down and place your order!

This lab is fucked up and eventually shits going to burn . May not effect anyone in China, but it will here. I'm still amazed that @purplepandalabs thinks his site is unhackable or that he'd know it if it was. That statement alone tells me all I need to know about his security for everything, not just the site.

I've said it every post, I wish he'd succeed. But it's a shit show and should have probably just left it as raws or at best international only. If reships are tanking your profits, then don't offer reships to hot spots. And get a got damn inventory tracking system.
Customer isn't always right, sometimes the customer is an asshole, but is still the customer
Lmao no doubt about that, but diplomacy goes a long way at keeping the customers . The only time this lab has every had a hint of quality customer service was while ripped was their rep .

As far their actual business , the only thing that hasnt been a complete joke is their raws. They're absolutely lacking in alot of areas , and ownerships complete lack of willingness to listen to customer feedback makes it hard to believe that things will ever change .

Its a shame because they really did change the game as far as raws go , but now that theyve opened the door im sure someone will come along to fill the hole when they eventually do crash and burn.
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Lmao no doubt about that, but diplomacy goes a long way at keeping the customers . The only time this lab has every had a hint of quality customer service was while ripped was their rep .

As far their actual business , the only thing that hasnt been a complete joke is their raws. They're absolutely lacking in alot of areas , and ownerships complete lack of willingness to listen to customer feedback makes it hard to believe that things will ever change .

Its a shame because they really did change the game as far as raws go , but now that theyve opened the door im sure someone will come along fill the hole when they eventually do crash and burn.

Yep .

There's a market for raws. Not as big as finished, but bigger than I would have thought . Especially since it's pretty much plus and play to brew most things .
Something hinky af is going on here there is more to this story ..... ppl what are u trying to cover up ?

Do not order from ppl there is more to come out here
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Customer isn't always right, sometimes the customer is an asshole, but is still the customer .

The new @PurplePandaRep @PurplePandaLabs Rep., whichever screen name is being used now, doesn't get it, and fits in perfect for the lab . He gets snarky with people then cries when people get snarky with him. Just ignore everything that's gone down and place your order!

This lab is fucked up and eventually shits going to burn . May not effect anyone in China, but it will here. I'm still amazed that @purplepandalabs thinks his site is unhackable or that he'd know it if it was. That statement alone tells me all I need to know about his security for everything, not just the site.

I've said it every post, I wish he'd succeed. But it's a shit show and should have probably just left it as raws or at best international only. If reships are tanking your profits, then don't offer reships to hot spots. And get a got damn inventory tracking system.

Not how it works man. You're no better than or less than. You are a representative in customer service. That's it. The way you talk reflects the business practices. And so far they seem one and the same.

Again. You are an extension of panda. And if you treat this as separate entities then things are not going to improve. Just saying. Everyone is already upset with the way things have been ran. You can be the reflection of good practices wether or not panda himself cares. That was the thing with the last rep. He had our best interest and service at heart. Not money and sales.

I mean all this out of respect. It's treat someone how you want to be treated. Not treat someone how they treat you .

Dutifully noted.
Lmao no doubt about that, but diplomacy goes a long way at keeping the customers . The only time this lab has every had a hint of quality customer service was while ripped was their rep .

As far their actual business , the only thing that hasnt been a complete joke is their raws. They're absolutely lacking in alot of areas , and ownerships complete lack of willingness to listen to customer feedback makes it hard to believe that things will ever change .

Its a shame because they really did change the game as far as raws go , but now that theyve opened the door im sure someone will come along to fill the hole when they eventually do crash and burn.

We aren’t going anywhere brother. We’ll be here for you and everyone else.

I mean what would you guys want me to say?

A mark of a man is his ability to talk in a civil manner.
@purplepandalabs @PurplePandaLabs Rep. @PurplePandaRep

Hey, do you remember when I asked you "What does your brewer on the domestic side do with the information when there is an order? How is it delivered to him and how does he destroy the evidence? How do we know customer information is safe in case of a bust?"

And you guys said: "I promise you, it's safe. I can't tell you the details because I wouldn't want to make our methods public for security reasons." Or something like that?

Well from the article:

"Agents also found composition notebooks with chemistry formulas for the products they were making and order destinations and quantities, some as far away as Ohio."

Anyone hear anything about @Ripped. I thought some guys on here knew him personally. I think that’s a big piece of the puzzle. I hope he’s good but if he went MIA just as that shit went down that’s a little to close to home.
@purplepandalabs @PurplePandaLabs Rep. @PurplePandaRep

Hey, do you remember when I asked you "What does your brewer on the domestic side do with the information when there is an order? How is it delivered to him and how does he destroy the evidence? How do we know customer information is safe in case of a bust?"

And you guys said: "I promise you, it's safe. I can't tell you the details because I wouldn't want to make our methods public for security reasons." Or something like that?

Well from the article:

"Agents also found composition notebooks with chemistry formulas for the products they were making and order destinations and quantities, some as far away as Ohio."

Did you read that link that was shared from ASF? Some dude was saying he sent him spreadsheets or some shit.