PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Are you happy with these numbers? I’m very happy with them. You seem disappointed. I honestly would of preferred bloods at week 8 to entirely rule out the possibility of it not reaching its peak.

Lol 8 weeks. Hell let’s make it 10 weeks to ensure double saturation.

6 weeks is plenty of time if consistency in pinning weekly is being followed.
I just don’t have any New Updates about our finished products or any news pertaining to a change in our ability to process and ship your orders. That’s all. If there’s a change in anything that may effect you or any member here.. wouldn’t you like to know? That doesn’t open me up to any thing other than Our business. Interpretation here is quite the opposite. Words gets twisted around as you just did such a thing by claiming I was silent for a reason...

In the coming weeks or perhaps sooner I will be inundated with information related to our New Tablet Line, New Finished compounds and blends. We’re also very open to hearing suggestion on what the members would like to have made.

I’m also here talking privately to the members looking to utilize our WU info to facilitate a faster purchase or to bypass the use of bitcoin. Bitcoin is quite hectic and I do not want to see anyone lose money in an attempt to purchase any of our products.

Thank You.
What about RIA (the money transfer) ?
They are Europe based so maybe they're safer?
Ria Money Transfer - Wikipedia

Oh ya, choose me to argue your point with rather then @AnTabolic73. Okay...

Well let's start with your first piece of evidence towards the idea that panda DIDN'T get hacked and that was that nobody came online raging about their money being paid to someone else. Why would they do that? Dudes got 10's of thousands of customers and they all post on here right? Wrong! Just a poor speculation on your part that anyone could or would jump on here to say they sent to this address and blah, blah.
Secondly, you said "usually hackers" okay what are you hacker? How would you know what they usually do or go for? Your not so that's pure speculation like AT73 said.
Lastly, and the only other thing I'd actually waste time addressing is that LE hacked panda...are listening to yourself? LE hacked panda to change Bitcoin addresses or anything other then to gain knowledge? And knowledge about what?! He's in China! There's no expedition in China!
They can't do anything but see a customer list and they're not gonna get the okay to have someone hack panda for a customer list by any judge! That just not gonna happen.
They have no jurisdiction in china
but they could hack the server or emails to spot large orders ... and their destination address.
Anyway fellas.

If you have any questions about orders, any sort of personal matters. You know where to contact me.

Let me rephrase this. If you feel it’s a personal matter pertaining to yourself in a personal way please by all means hit me up.
Are you happy with these numbers? I’m very happy with them. You seem disappointed. I honestly would of preferred bloods at week 8 to entirely rule out the possibility of it not reaching its peak.
Don’t know why you think I’m disappointed. I have never ran this amount before so I have nothing to compare it to, I just post it up for all the members. As long as I’m making substantial gains I don’t care what the number is.
Don’t know why you think I’m disappointed. I have never ran this amount before so I have nothing to compare it to, I just post it up for all the members. As long as I’m making substantial gains I don’t care what the number is.

Oh disregard that then. I interpreted your post quite differently. I’m very happy with it and we did talk a few pages back on how you feel.
Don’t know why you think I’m disappointed. I have never ran this amount before so I have nothing to compare it to, I just post it up for all the members. As long as I’m making substantial gains I don’t care what the number is.

Only got TT, 6540

It's the way you worded it. i'm assuming most people don't read the quoted portion that you were replying to. Looking at the quote and then your reply, it makes perfect sense.
Only got TT, 6540

It's the way you worded it. i'm assuming most people don't read the quoted portion that you were replying to. Looking at the quote and then your reply, it makes perfect sense.
Yeah I can see how it can easily be assumed I’m disappointed. Should have been more specific for those that can’t make that connection maybe this will help.
Only got TT, no Free T. TT=6540*