PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I know this is off topic but earlier peeps were talking about bitcoins. I’m curious, have y’all found ways to buy bitcoins with minimal identity verification? If so how

  1. Local peer-to-peer trading
  2. Use a bitcoin ATM in the United States
  3. Buy bitcoin with a prepaid credit card
  4. Trade other altcoins for bitcoin
I sometimes use Changelly or LocalBitcoins. Also, if I remember correctly Coinmama lets you buy bitcoin with a prepaid credit card or by cash with a Western Union transfer.
Members here have voiced their concerns for us to revert back to the international standpoint.

It’s all you need. Go back to doing what panda did best.

Domestic is a bust. A solid attempt, but it’s not manageable.

My dad gave me advice when I was younger, I don’t care what you do, but be the best at it.

Your lab excelled at international raws. Probably one of the best with stealth and delivery. The domestic line has caused you 99% of the problems. You aren’t the best and won’t be in that segment. Cut the losses and go back to what you were the best at.
Members here have voiced their concerns for us to revert back to the international standpoint.

I see no problem in offering both. I've yet to have a single issue with any order through Purple. I'm personally awaiting the return of DHB although I'd like to see other more exotic compounds offered one day as well. Some of the lesser known but highly anabolic, low androgenic compounds such as Stenbolone, Norbolethone, Tiomesterone, Furazabol, and Oxymesterone.
I see no problem in offering both. I've yet to have a single issue with any order through Purple. I'm personally awaiting the return of DHB although I'd like to see other more exotic compounds offered one day as well. Some of the lesser known but highly anabolic, low androgenic compounds such as Stenbolone, Norbolethone, Tiomesterone, Furazabol, and Oxymesterone.
God bless you if you are comfortable enough to order domestic after the large bust in Louisiana which appears to be PPL domestic. I however cherish my freedom to much to risk that. I personally feel you are nuts if you order right now.
U guys need to stick to int raw is only .... it’s better for everyone

It’s all you need. Go back to doing what panda did best.

Domestic is a bust. A solid attempt, but it’s not manageable.

My dad gave me advice when I was younger, I don’t care what you do, but be the best at it.

Your lab excelled at international raws. Probably one of the best with stealth and delivery. The domestic line has caused you 99% of the problems. You aren’t the best and won’t be in that segment. Cut the losses and go back to what you were the best at.


You need to go back to just international powders.
I disagree and think you should continue us domestic. Only time I ordered from you internationally it was seized. We all know they are going to keep ramping up their game and seizures will keep happening as long as these opioid analogs keep coming. I think getting packages seized is wayyy more sketch especially since it’s raws. But then again the 2 biggest fentanyl dealers we caught over a year ago still walk free in China.
I wasn’t made aware of this. The second point. Again, I’m not familiar with any problems we were having. But as far as the first point you make. Why would you want to be the person to talk about that and possibly implicate yourself in doing so? From my perspective you have quite the knowledge and you’re giving who ever is reading this the knowledge of whomever .

Have you ever heard of letting sleeping dogs lie? Or loose lips sink ships? If anyone is reading this you would seem like the perfect guy to flip. Just saying brother. I’m not commenting on who ever or whatever happened. If you want to continue to do so... by all means. If it makes you feel fulfilled in life to give away your thoughts to people who can use that against you... by all means do so.

Like who ever said it before me. You’re not immune. Guilty by association and you’re all over this thread. Pretty much everyone who commented added their own version of whatever happened. Is that wise? No it’s not....

Why push things you cannot change... it’s only going to hurt everyone.

And again, why do you feel you must stand out amongst the crowd? It makes you look like you know a lot of stuff.

Regardless of who you are really now you're just a new rep, replacing the rep that held things together here....

And you're attacking well known members with the implication that they are a rat?

@purplepandalabs might want to rethink this choice or at least talk to this clown for attacking members.

Not a good look.
I wasn’t made aware of this. The second point. Again, I’m not familiar with any problems we were having. But as far as the first point you make. Why would you want to be the person to talk about that and possibly implicate yourself in doing so? From my perspective you have quite the knowledge and you’re giving who ever is reading this the knowledge of whomever .

Have you ever heard of letting sleeping dogs lie? Or loose lips sink ships? If anyone is reading this you would seem like the perfect guy to flip. Just saying brother. I’m not commenting on who ever or whatever happened. If you want to continue to do so... by all means. If it makes you feel fulfilled in life to give away your thoughts to people who can use that against you... by all means do so.

Like who ever said it before me. You’re not immune. Guilty by association and you’re all over this thread. Pretty much everyone who commented added their own version of whatever happened. Is that wise? No it’s not....

Why push things you cannot change... it’s only going to hurt everyone.

And again, why do you feel you must stand out amongst the crowd? It makes you look like you know a lot of stuff.

"Again, I’m not familiar with any problems we were having"
^^^ what kinda rep are you then?

"Why would you want to be the person to talk about that and possibly implicate yourself in doing so?"
^^^ Never ordered, and to protect members WTF DUH

"If anyone is reading this you would seem like the perfect guy to flip"
^^^ u keep talking like the one to flip..... you not familiar with the problems??????? U are the problem

"Like who ever said it before me. You’re not immune. Guilty by association and you’re all over this thread."
^^^ Sounds like a admission of guilt... dang loose lips

@PurplePandaRep there is nothing wrong with members asking questions and demanding answers.... and protecting members....
something you would understand if you where a REAL member.... Seems you jumped off your other handle here at meso.... saving that for a rainy day??

Been pretty silent on here cuz PPL sucks.... but to hear PPL DO-BOY calling respected members Rats GTFO
I was arrested for 3 grams of weed!!!!!
Lol back in like 09 Ohio decriminalized weed but if you got caught with 112g it became a charge. So the rule of thumb was smoke a fat blunt when you cop a QP. Thank God I did one day cause I got busted with 110gs. $50 ticket. Put my credit card on the back of a piece of paperwork. Mailed it. End of story. It was pretty awesome.

AAS needs to be decriminalized.
The only people crying to keep domestic are either too lazy to find a good source for oils.
Or wouldn’t be brewing otherwise.

Quote how many times it has been said in this thread, To only offer Int.Raws.

See when the very first time that was said, Then look how many times it has been said since.

Like I said Greed conquers all.

PPL should figure out if they want to supply good quality raws with excellent customer service in a void market place? Niche.

Or do they want to be just another oil src?

Can’t do both and eventually someone will stumble upon the fact there is a need in the market place for the first one and not even bother with the second one and then boom all you will be left with are the oil guys amongst the vast amount of other oil src’s.

Clearly you @purplepandalabs @PurplePandaRep @PurplePandaLabs Rep. can see you are alienating the bigger portion of your customer base.

If you guys do not care that’s fine.

Just say so.
I think a lot would stop beating the war drum if you just came out and said your intentions instead of playing cat and mouse like scammer sources do before they exit scam.

Not implying that’s what you’re doing just saying that’s the attitude being depicted here.
Why would they listen? People keep buying regardless of member sentiment, regardless of past issues, regardless of possible busts.

So why would they? The profit from oils is so much greater than raws.

If oils didnt sell, trust me, they wouldn't be selling them.
Why would they listen? People keep buying regardless of member sentiment, regardless of past issues, regardless of possible busts.

So why would they? The profit from oils is so much greater than raws.

If oils didnt sell, trust me, they wouldn't be selling them.

I know bro I just don’t understand ...
truly you can not serve two masters successfully...

That’s really my only point and every time they try some mistake happens.