PurplePandaLabs Raw source

We’re not purposely silent. And in no way does that mean we are heading for dire straits either.

We’re currently improving our International and our domestic line. With each step up the ladder I find we step back and analyze everything. It’s really not as easy as you think it is. Opinions and ideas are great on paper but if we implemented everything that was brought to us... we wouldn’t have a business.

I take everything everyone says as a “Great Idea” and We do take into consideration everything that is said here at Meso because we strongly believe you guys are our best customers. With that being said these changes will happen over time to compensate and replace our old methods.

Please bare with us. Thank You.

You aren’t purposely silent?

Then what’s preventing you from not being silent.. the big purple panda bust?

Your changes you are making.. do they pertain to the lax attitude and arrogant ways that caused the bust? You know... like breaking your own security policy on your website?
You aren’t purposely silent?

Then what’s preventing you from not being silent.. the big purple panda bust?

Your changes you are making.. do they pertain to the lax attitude and arrogant ways that caused the bust? You know... like breaking your own security policy on your website?

I just don’t have any New Updates about our finished products or any news pertaining to a change in our ability to process and ship your orders. That’s all. If there’s a change in anything that may effect you or any member here.. wouldn’t you like to know? That doesn’t open me up to any thing other than Our business. Interpretation here is quite the opposite. Words gets twisted around as you just did such a thing by claiming I was silent for a reason...

In the coming weeks or perhaps sooner I will be inundated with information related to our New Tablet Line, New Finished compounds and blends. We’re also very open to hearing suggestion on what the members would like to have made.

I’m also here talking privately to the members looking to utilize our WU info to facilitate a faster purchase or to bypass the use of bitcoin. Bitcoin is quite hectic and I do not want to see anyone lose money in an attempt to purchase any of our products.

Thank You.
I just don’t have any New Updates about our finished products or any news pertaining to a change in our ability to process and ship your orders. That’s all. If there’s a change in anything that may effect you or any member here.. wouldn’t you like to know? That doesn’t open me up to any thing other than Our business. Interpretation here is quite the opposite. Words gets twisted around as you just did such a thing by claiming I was silent for a reason...

In the coming weeks or perhaps sooner I will be inundated with information related to our New Tablet Line, New Finished compounds and blends. We’re also very open to hearing suggestion on what the members would like to have made.

I’m also here talking privately to the members looking to utilize our WU info to facilitate a faster purchase or to bypass the use of bitcoin. Bitcoin is quite hectic and I do not want to see anyone lose money in an attempt to purchase any of our products.

Thank You.
U guys need to stick to int raw is only .... it’s better for everyone
I just don’t have any New Updates about our finished products or any news pertaining to a change in our ability to process and ship your orders. That’s all. If there’s a change in anything that may effect you or any member here.. wouldn’t you like to know? That doesn’t open me up to any thing other than Our business. Interpretation here is quite the opposite. Words gets twisted around as you just did such a thing by claiming I was silent for a reason...

In the coming weeks or perhaps sooner I will be inundated with information related to our New Tablet Line, New Finished compounds and blends. We’re also very open to hearing suggestion on what the members would like to have made.

I’m also here talking privately to the members looking to utilize our WU info to facilitate a faster purchase or to bypass the use of bitcoin. Bitcoin is quite hectic and I do not want to see anyone lose money in an attempt to purchase any of our products.

Thank You.

I didn’t twist your words.. what I stated was facts.

1. Your lab was busted with your products. Proof from video .... and can be seen In the news footage in the thread here on meso.

2. Your lab did violate your own security policy and was validated by the boss man after numerous members received spam from a third party.

So where is the word twisting? Again? I commend you for trying to bounce the ball back.... utter fail though.
I didn’t twist your words.. what I stated was facts.

1. Your lab was busted with your products. Proof from video .... and can be seen In the news footage in the thread here on meso.

2. Your lab did violate your own security policy and was validated by the boss man after numerous members received spam from a third party.

So where is the word twisting? Again? I commend you for trying to bounce the ball back.... utter fail though.

I wasn’t made aware of this. The second point. Again, I’m not familiar with any problems we were having. But as far as the first point you make. Why would you want to be the person to talk about that and possibly implicate yourself in doing so? From my perspective you have quite the knowledge and you’re giving who ever is reading this the knowledge of whomever .

Have you ever heard of letting sleeping dogs lie? Or loose lips sink ships? If anyone is reading this you would seem like the perfect guy to flip. Just saying brother. I’m not commenting on who ever or whatever happened. If you want to continue to do so... by all means. If it makes you feel fulfilled in life to give away your thoughts to people who can use that against you... by all means do so.

Like who ever said it before me. You’re not immune. Guilty by association and you’re all over this thread. Pretty much everyone who commented added their own version of whatever happened. Is that wise? No it’s not....

Why push things you cannot change... it’s only going to hurt everyone.

And again, why do you feel you must stand out amongst the crowd? It makes you look like you know a lot of stuff.
Personally, if You want my perspective on that matter. It’s two people who are going to lose their freedom for things that shouldn’t have any schedule status.

If you fully searched him, he’s a musician and a person... makes you wonder right? And she is a Physicians assistant so again it makes you wonder.

If you read the FB comments you would see a million comments condemning it because there are more concerning problems plaguing that community..

It’s unfortunate.

@rutman , @wedorecover I do take your points into consideration and I’m trying my best to do this but it’s entirely someone elses decision. I cannot change it. I can only make valid points to the matter.

The best I can do is help everyone here get their packs and keep communication open for you guys.
I know this is off topic but earlier peeps were talking about bitcoins. I’m curious, have y’all found ways to buy bitcoins with minimal identity verification? If so how
I just don’t have any New Updates about our finished products or any news pertaining to a change in our ability to process and ship your orders. That’s all. If there’s a change in anything that may effect you or any member here.. wouldn’t you like to know? That doesn’t open me up to any thing other than Our business. Interpretation here is quite the opposite. Words gets twisted around as you just did such a thing by claiming I was silent for a reason...

In the coming weeks or perhaps sooner I will be inundated with information related to our New Tablet Line, New Finished compounds and blends. We’re also very open to hearing suggestion on what the members would like to have made.

I’m also here talking privately to the members looking to utilize our WU info to facilitate a faster purchase or to bypass the use of bitcoin. Bitcoin is quite hectic and I do not want to see anyone lose money in an attempt to purchase any of our products.

Thank You.

DHB good sir!!
Are you serious you basically called him a rat you tool !

I never said that. I said why would anyone want to talk about something like this and draw attention to it.

But thank you for the kind words. See how words are spun around here? I noticed that’s a big part of this place. Spinning words around to suit the point that’s trying to be made for no reason other than to make you feel good about yourselves.
I wasn’t made aware of this. The second point. Again, I’m not familiar with any problems we were having. But as far as the first point you make. Why would you want to be the person to talk about that and possibly implicate yourself in doing so? From my perspective you have quite the knowledge and you’re giving who ever is reading this the knowledge of whomever .

Have you ever heard of letting sleeping dogs lie? Or loose lips sink ships? If anyone is reading this you would seem like the perfect guy to flip. Just saying brother. I’m not commenting on who ever or whatever happened. If you want to continue to do so... by all means. If it makes you feel fulfilled in life to give away your thoughts to people who can use that against you... by all means do so.

Like who ever said it before me. You’re not immune. Guilty by association and you’re all over this thread. Pretty much everyone who commented added their own version of whatever happened. Is that wise? No it’s not....

Why push things you cannot change... it’s only going to hurt everyone.

And again, why do you feel you must stand out amongst the crowd? It makes you look like you know a lot of stuff.

Implicate myself in doing so? Guilty by association? You clearly have zero understanding of the law.

Loose ships sinks ships? What does this have to do with anything I stated that can be found in your thread or on in another thread and on the news and on Facebook? It’s all documented. Perhaps... your boss should stand by that rule?

Let sleeping dogs lie? Oh, you mean be silent and brush the huge concern and issues your lab is facing under the rug so new members and others won’t see this and business as usual can continue? Na I’m good.

I don’t feel I must stand out amongst the crowd, but I do feel like members should know and be aware. Let’s face it.... neither you nor panda was going to say the real reason of why the domestic line was taken off website. Both were hoping that this information would not be discovered and the new pill press and lab would make everyone excited and was the excuse on why domestic website was down while letting the sleeping dog lie and keeping lips sealed on the true nature of the beast and risking customers freedom.

And I don’t take what you are saying as an insult, we all defend our job and would expect nothing less.

I agree with everyone who said keep it international and raws only. It is what made panda, his down fall is the greed and the complexity of domestic. Should really go back to basics and use the KISS METHOD. ( keep it simple stupid)
Well, my final post until other wise noted. I won’t be responding to anyone’s comments on my comments. It only causes back and forth so please don’t waste your thumbs....

If I have any news or updates related to our products and availability of such. I will update this thread.

If anyone has any concerns with their packs. You can Inbox me here and I will promptly reply for your reassurance on that matter. Other than that. I’m not here for entertainment. Good night.
Implicate myself in doing so? Guilty by association? You clearly have zero understanding of the law.

Loose ships sinks ships? What does this have to do with anything I stated that can be found in your thread or on in another thread and on the news and on Facebook? It’s all documented. Perhaps... your boss should stand by that rule?

Let sleeping dogs lie? Oh, you mean be silent and brush the huge concern and issues your lab is facing under the rug so new members and others won’t see this and business as usual can continue? Na I’m good.

I don’t feel I must stand out amongst the crowd, but I do feel like members should know and be aware. Let’s face it.... neither you nor panda was going to say the real reason of why the domestic line was taken off website. Both were hoping that this information would not be discovered and the new pill press and lab would make everyone excited and was the excuse on why domestic website was down while letting the sleeping dog lie and keeping lips sealed on the true nature of the beast and risking customers freedom.

And I don’t take what you are saying as an insult, we all defend our job and would expect nothing less.

I agree with everyone who said keep it international and raws only. It is what made panda, his down fall is the greed and the complexity of domestic. Should really go back to basics and use the KISS METHOD. ( keep it simple stupid)

I whole heartedly agree and no our domestic is entirely separate from this incident. And we have anticipated the two coinciding would be a serious problem.

If anything, I whole heartedly agree with you on the international stand point and I wish we could have some resolve with that.


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