PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Not gonna mention names, but theres a guy on this forum that was busted for 20 ampules of test that he ordered online. Thats 2 fuckin vials. They raided his house fully armed dressed in swat gear and tore his house apart over 2 fuckin vials. Prosecuted him and he served some time. Says to this day it effects his ability to find a decent job
Never get complacent!!!

I agree 100% with what you are saying about taking precautions and not getting complacent, I don’t understand though how does something like this happen over 20ml of Testosterone and then guys like Rich Pianna are on YouTube talking about their use. Why aren’t the cops beating down their door?
I agree 100% with what you are saying about taking precautions and not getting complacent, I don’t understand though how does something like this happen over 20ml of Testosterone and then guys like Rich Pianna are on YouTube talking about their use. Why aren’t the cops beating down their door?

Actually i re read his pm and it wasnt 20ml , it was 10, 10 amps of Omnas!
And i agree, there is no rhyme nor reason to how they operate. Prob just wanted to make a public statement, but thats pure speculation on my part. Whatever it was, this guy has convicted felon on his record. Sad!
Actually i re read his pm and it wasnt 20ml , it was 10, 10 amps of Omnas!
And i agree, there is no rhyme nor reason to how they operate. Prob just wanted to make a public statement, but thats pure speculation on my part. Whatever it was, this guy has convicted felon on his record. Sad!
Was it intl. Or domestic order?
I agree 100% with what you are saying about taking precautions and not getting complacent, I don’t understand though how does something like this happen over 20ml of Testosterone and then guys like Rich Pianna are on YouTube talking about their use. Why aren’t the cops beating down their door?

BecauSe it’s entertainment purposes. They can’t prove anything to raid him.

Even if rich was to inject on camera and post that publicly, they can’t prove what was in the syringe because it was entertainment only and could be water just like a tv show.

But that’s what sucks is ampules is more product the total liquid volume doesn’t matter as much, total bottle count is more important if someone was building a case.. Same as a drug dealer... you got 1 ounce on you versus the same ounce in many dime bags. Two different outcomes.
Queue: The Beatles - In My Life...

While i may have the procession of events slightly off, the main point is still valid. Let's take a stroll down memory lane with PPL domestic.

1). PPL opens domestic with his brother? Uncle? Kissin' cousin? Whomever, as the brewer. Dude gets hit by a bus or a pig farmer on his way to the slaughter house or whatever and thus ends the first foray into domestic sales.

2). PPL finds a new brewer. Meso's very own "Elite Labs".
Thing's begin to look up, that is until vigilant members begin to inspect their vials. Thus begins Hair Gate. Hair's and other unsanitary bits are found in several vials. PPL "fires" Elite Labs and domestic operations once again come to a screeching halt.

3). Word has it, once the fallout from Hair Gate was swept away that Elite Labs continued to brew for PPL domestic.

4). PPL domestic rolls along... That is until his jerk off brewer gets busted by more 3 letter government agencies than Carter has peanuts.

5). Coincidentally, PPL domestic is now moving it's domestic operations to a new "warehouse" (read: garage) and only time will tell how long this next attempt at domestic sales will last.

What is the meaning of all this? Well, first, i have the day off from work and i'm bored, but more importantly, it's a reminder that PPL domestic has been plagued by problems from the beginning, right through to our current point in time.

Like many have said, and i'm inclined to agree, that PPL should stick with what they know best. International raws.

Greed is one hell of a motivator, but the writing is on the wall for domestic. What is PPL's next move? Stay tuned and you'll find out in the next episode of Days of Our Meso Lives.
BecauSe it’s entertainment purposes. They can’t prove anything to raid him.

Even if rich was to inject on camera and post that publicly, they can’t prove what was in the syringe because it was entertainment only and could be water just like a tv show.

But that’s what sucks is ampules is more product the total liquid volume doesn’t matter as much, total bottle count is more important if someone was building a case.. Same as a drug dealer... you got 1 ounce on you versus the same ounce in many dime bags. Two different outcomes.

I’ve also wondered when a professional althlete tests positive for say nandrolone and gets suspended from so many games but there are never any criminal charges. Is he not on law enforcements radar now?

Could there just be more to the story of the guy who was busted with some testosterone. Like someone in law enforcement had it out for him?
I’ve also wondered when a professional althlete tests positive for say nandrolone and gets suspended from so many games but there are never any criminal charges. Is he not on law enforcements radar now?

Could there just be more to the story of the guy who was busted with some testosterone. Like someone in law enforcement had it out for him?

How could they prove how much the person actually took? He’s not in possession of it. [emoji106]

I would also believe any high level athlete would not keep said products in their own home but rather several places where they could stop by and take the product.
I’ve also wondered when a professional althlete tests positive for say nandrolone and gets suspended from so many games but there are never any criminal charges. Is he not on law enforcements radar now?

Could there just be more to the story of the guy who was busted with some testosterone. Like someone in law enforcement had it out for him?

Well JonJones just rolled on whoever or whatever he could and got his suspension reduced .So it happens . Know what he said or who he snitched on.
Really? I guess everyone really does respond completely different.

Numbers fluctuate so much between different people. There’s really no way to determine what a person “should” get ion a certain dosage. I think the highest I ever got was around 8k on 1200mg.