PurplePandaLabs Raw source

How about you google that term and find out for yourself... you realize it’s more so an “awareness” thing than a prolonged thing.
I had a slight bit of hope for you in the beginning, giving you the benefit of the doubt. That hope quickly diminished after seeing how you interact with members here. I think you’d be doing your best at kissing ass here to keep this piss poor company afloat. No shit it’s not a prolonged event, I’ve been around long enough to know. Anyone else want to chime in on anything they’ve heard? Wether it’s came and gone.
I had a slight bit of hope for you in the beginning, giving you the benefit of the doubt. That hope quickly diminished after seeing how you interact with members here. I think you’d be doing your best at kissing ass here to keep this piss poor company afloat. No shit it’s not a prolonged event, I’ve been around long enough to know. Anyone else want to chime in on anything they’ve heard? Wether it’s came and gone.

Respect gives respect. I’m not a outlet for anyone’s short comings in life. And by the way The answer to your question can be googled too. It’s a week long event.

I’m here for the members who are interested in our products like most of you are and need a line of communication to assure the entire process is to their liking.

But thank you for the kind words sir.
Respect gives respect. I’m not a outlet for anyone’s short comings in life. And by the way The answer to your question can be googled too. It’s a week long event.

I’m here for the members who are interested in our products like most of you are and need a line of communication to assure the entire process is to their liking.

But thank you for the kind words sir.
Being a week long is not new knowledge to me. Google it yourself and see if you can see any dates on the 2018 operation because I sure as hell cant. The dates of the past operations are public knowledge so I’m going to assume it hasn’t happened or is currently going on. I could be missing the info entirely, so that’s why I asked here.
Respect gives respect. I’m not a outlet for anyone’s short comings in life. And by the way The answer to your question can be googled too. It’s a week long event.

I’m here for the members who are interested in our products like most of you are and need a line of communication to assure the entire process is to their liking.

But thank you for the kind words sir.

So, potential/current buyers either get your snarky ass or they get the egomaniac you call a boss, if they have a question/problem, huh?

Good luck to you poor bastards that deal with this dynamic duo. You're sure gonna need it.
I’m here for the members who are interested in our products like most of you are and need a line of communication to assure the entire process is to their liking.
Assume I’m interested in buying product. The lack of info on a topic is preventing me from placing an order. So I ask you, the line of communication for this company, to make sure the entire process will have an outcome to my liking, and you tell me to google. That’s some stand up customer service.
Being a week long is not new knowledge to me. Google it yourself and see if you can see any dates on the 2018 operation because I sure as hell cant. The dates of the past operations are public knowledge so I’m going to assume it hasn’t happened or is currently going on. I could be missing the info entirely, so that’s why I asked here.

I’ll tell exactly what it is... It is. It’s a piss poor excuse to Ruin the lives of people who depend on actual pharmaceuticals and life dependent drugs that they can no longer afford due to a healthcare system that’s hell bent on delivering profit over distribution over its funds. The whole idea of a health care insurance system is to alleviate the burden of a policy holders expense on all aspects of the medical process.

Every part of your insurance is up for “deal” what the doctor charges on paper the insurance pays out 10%. Your insurance is only as good as the people who process your claims, your prescriptions and your policy rights.

With that being said. There’s a lot of people in this world who can not afford their prescriptions and choose to take the risk of importing these prescriptions from EU, Asian continents.

And that’s what they go after mostly. It’s a sad pathetic excuse with no valid reason or alternative in helping these people who do such a thing.

I’ll give you a great example, my GP handed me a million bottles of a new and improved NSAIDs. I’m talking a life time worth. He had no care in the world when he took a plastic bag and shoved every single bottle in there and said “I’ll get more next week”

That’s perfectly legal.
Assume I’m interested in buying product. The lack of info on a topic is preventing me from placing an order. So I ask you, the line of communication for this company, to make sure the entire process will have an outcome to my liking, and you tell me to google. That’s some stand up customer service.

On products, our stealth, processing your order, helping you locate your order, resolving issues with your order. Helping you find the products you need. Those are things I can and will help you with.
I had a slight bit of hope for you in the beginning, giving you the benefit of the doubt. That hope quickly diminished after seeing how you interact with members here. I think you’d be doing your best at kissing ass here to keep this piss poor company afloat. No shit it’s not a prolonged event, I’ve been around long enough to know. Anyone else want to chime in on anything they’ve heard? Wether it’s came and gone.

Pharmasource stopped shipping order a for a while because he thought it was happening a week or 2 ago but is back shipping again. Doesn't mean much but some believe it's come and gone
I’ll tell exactly what it is... It is. It’s a piss poor excuse to Ruin the lives of people who depend on actual pharmaceuticals and life dependent drugs that they can no longer afford due to a healthcare system that’s hell bent on delivering profit over distribution over its funds. The whole idea of a health care insurance system is to alleviate the burden of a policy holders expense on all aspects of the medical process.

Every part of your insurance is up for “deal” what the doctor charges on paper the insurance pays out 10%. Your insurance is only as good as the people who process your claims, your prescriptions and your policy rights.

With that being said. There’s a lot of people in this world who can not afford their prescriptions and choose to take the risk of importing these prescriptions from EU, Asian continents.

And that’s what they go after mostly. It’s a sad pathetic excuse with no valid reason or alternative in helping these people who do such a thing.

I’ll give you a great example, my GP handed me a million bottles of a new and improved NSAIDs. I’m talking a life time worth. He had no care in the world when he took a plastic bag and shoved every single bottle in there and said “I’ll get more next week”

That’s perfectly legal.
That was a great little summary but again, I know what it is, I want to know when if possible. The only time I’ve ever had a pack seized was last year during op. Pangea, so I try to avoid ordering anything around the time frame it possibly occurs.
@JackSmooth if you want to level with me and talk with me instead of at me or down at me. Then I can and will change my tone.

I fully understand everyone’s concerns in this thread and I do my best to address them fully as of now.
So, potential/current buyers either get your snarky ass or they get the egomaniac you call a boss, if they have a question/problem, huh?

Good luck to you poor bastards that deal with this dynamic duo. You're sure gonna need it.

No bro, they’re talking to a really cool dude who left the school yard antics a long time ago and became a man who can talk like a man and hopes men here can talk like men too and have some sort of individualism in the way they conduct themselves.

I stand alone, Swole Panda stands alone. We’re very nice guys, Swole Panda is very busy and I’m here for the members.

We know our products, we’re constantly improving our methods and that will carry us forward.

We’re looking to the future.

Again, we’ll be rolling out a new line of Pressed tabs. I don’t know how anyone else feels but I prefer tabs over capsules.

We’re also very open to creating custom blends for our customers from our International store and that’s pretty exciting.