PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Unrelated to the disaster unfolding in front of us I have a question. How come when you click on new posts not all posts are there but if you go into the section that it was originally posted in it is.
Sadly I think it will be pretty hard to get alot of people to wrap their mind around this sceening process. Mostly because there are to many people here that arent interested in the well being of the community , but more concerned with getting a 25$ bottle of test .
That’s cuz most guy here never lost there freedom and sat in a cell 23 hours a day .... not that u have to lose ur freedom to understand how bad this really is but on the other hand .... commonsense isn’t vary common
And ppl is sadly mistaken if he thinks they can’t hack his site ..... they bust the best hackers in the world and put them on there payroll .... shit there are dudes on meso that are good enough to hack ur site ...... i know 6 tweakers that can’t handle that job
And ppl is sadly mistaken if he thinks they can’t hack his site ..... they bust the best hackers in the world and put them on there payroll .... shit there are dudes on meso that are good enough to hack ur site ...... i know 6 tweakers that can’t handle that job

Lol like it’s hasn’t been done yet.. hacking and cracking are two different games.

I mentioned way back when on how easy and amateurish his site actually is... but ppl stayed arrogant and never listened.
An easy way to prove PPL was not hacked by a regular hacker is that nobody here came online raging their bitcoin or whatever payment was paid to another individual. Usually when hackers hack anything they hack in order to make money. It is either due to him being under the radar or employing a good whitehat to take care of the webpage. I imagine you can do that if you are making enough money you can easily be paying $10k month. I dunno whether LE hacked him already or not but anyway continuing to run the operation in that way would be retarded.
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An easy way to prove PPL was not hacked by a regular hacker is that nobody here came online raging their bitcoin/whatever payment was sent to another individual. Usually when hackers hack anything they do it in order to make money. It is either due to him being under the radar or employing a good whitehat to take care of the webpage. I imagine you can do that if you are making enough money you can easily be paying $10k month. I dunno whether LE hacked him already or not but at any rate continuing to run the operation in that way would be retarded.
I think everyone's just speculating at this point.
An easy way to prove PPL was not hacked by a regular hacker is that nobody here came online raging their bitcoin or whatever payment was paid to another individual. Usually when hackers hack anything they hack in order to make money. It is either due to him being under the radar or employing a good whitehat to take care of the webpage. I imagine you can do that if you are making enough money you can easily be paying $10k month. I dunno whether LE hacked him already or not but anyway continuing to run the operation in that way would be retarded.
What? I think that's a little much.
Oh ya, choose me to argue your point with rather then @AnTabolic73. Okay...

An easy way to prove PPL was not hacked by a regular hacker is that nobody here came online raging their bitcoin or whatever payment was paid to another individual. Usually when hackers hack anything they hack in order to make money. It is either due to him being under the radar or employing a good whitehat to take care of the webpage. I imagine you can do that if you are making enough money you can easily be paying $10k month. I dunno whether LE hacked him already or not but anyway continuing to run the operation in that way would be retarded.

Well let's start with your first piece of evidence towards the idea that panda DIDN'T get hacked and that was that nobody came online raging about their money being paid to someone else. Why would they do that? Dudes got 10's of thousands of customers and they all post on here right? Wrong! Just a poor speculation on your part that anyone could or would jump on here to say they sent to this address and blah, blah.
Secondly, you said "usually hackers" okay what are you hacker? How would you know what they usually do or go for? Your not so that's pure speculation like AT73 said.
Lastly, and the only other thing I'd actually waste time addressing is that LE hacked panda...are listening to yourself? LE hacked panda to change Bitcoin addresses or anything other then to gain knowledge? And knowledge about what?! He's in China! There's no expedition in China!
They can't do anything but see a customer list and they're not gonna get the okay to have someone hack panda for a customer list by any judge! That just not gonna happen.

What exactly do you mean by that which part?
Oh ya, choose me to argue your point with rather then @AnTabolic73. Okay...

Well let's start with your first piece of evidence towards the idea that panda DIDN'T get hacked and that was that nobody came online raging about their money being paid to someone else. Why would they do that? Dudes got 10's of thousands of customers and they all post on here right? Wrong! Just a poor speculation on your part that anyone could or would jump on here to say they sent to this address and blah, blah.
Secondly, you said "usually hackers" okay what are you hacker? How would you know what they usually do or go for? Your not so that's pure speculation like AT73 said.
Lastly, and the only other thing I'd actually waste time addressing is that LE hacked panda...are listening to yourself? LE hacked panda to change Bitcoin addresses or anything other then to gain knowledge? And knowledge about what?! He's in China! There's no expedition in China!
They can't do anything but see a customer list and they're not gonna get the okay to have someone hack panda for a customer list by any judge! That just not gonna happen.
I am uncertain whether I wrote it hard to understand or you are illiterate. I am monitoring every board I know PPL is on and I have not heard of a customer ever complaining about being phished. I made an example to prove with rather high accuracy the likelyhood of him being hacked, which earlier was deemed as an easy job, is really low. Do you need to be a thief to know why they rob people? I have actually had close friends being the victim of a scam and hiring a whitehat to investigate and I am nearly certain I have much more experience than you in that regard... And why I mentioned PPL being hacked by LE? Again earlier people claimed how easy it would be for them to do that, which I agree with. And if you think LE is only working in USA then well more power to you. I will explain in layman terms what my point is with all that, I have liked each and every product carried by PPL and have no problem with him at all. I am concerned the way he conducted an ILLEGAL operation until now is rather weak and if you think a vendor carrying your brand getting caught wouldn't be a red flag then I really have nothing more to contribute to our chat
What I meant by it being speculation is that people are saying it would be easy to hack them, or that le could hack them, I don't think anyone is saying that is what's actually happening.

Anything is possible.
Oh ya, choose me to argue your point with rather then @AnTabolic73. Okay...

Well let's start with your first piece of evidence towards the idea that panda DIDN'T get hacked and that was that nobody came online raging about their money being paid to someone else. Why would they do that? Dudes got 10's of thousands of customers and they all post on here right? Wrong! Just a poor speculation on your part that anyone could or would jump on here to say they sent to this address and blah, blah.
Secondly, you said "usually hackers" okay what are you hacker? How would you know what they usually do or go for? Your not so that's pure speculation like AT73 said.
Lastly, and the only other thing I'd actually waste time addressing is that LE hacked panda...are listening to yourself? LE hacked panda to change Bitcoin addresses or anything other then to gain knowledge? And knowledge about what?! He's in China! There's no expedition in China!
They can't do anything but see a customer list and they're not gonna get the okay to have someone hack panda for a customer list by any judge! That just not gonna happen.

I would have to disagree with not getting a warrant to watch customer list, it’s not the customer list they would go after, it would be the order history and incoming packages. These can be used for several means.

1. Product order for potential distributors.
2. Product orders for manufacturing.

Easily obtainable especially with plenty of evidence on the forums, his images on Instagram of his young cousin capping drugs etc.

Would they ignore the the 200$ orders and small placements? Probably... but as I’ve seen many brag about 2,3,4K orders... you bet they will snag those at customs and follow those packages... it’s how leads turn to busts. When you have several points of evidence it makes the case easy.
What I meant by it being speculation is that people are saying it would be easy to hack them, or that le could hack them, I don't think anyone is saying that is what's actually happening.

Anything is possible.
Yeah I understand exactly what you meant hence why I quoted another individual.