PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I dont think panda would have much to worry about. If he planned to live in China for the rest if his life. Sure he could get snatched up if he traveled over here. Or maybe to other countries more friendly with america.
Probably why its business as usual in their minds.
Like I said its us, and the domestic ugl's who use him who should be concerned.
Like it happened to Alpha Pharma owner who got arrested in UK

Well hopefully most of the sources using him are smart enough to only work through secured emails , using tor and vpn , reshippers , and covering their money trail as well as they can . I wouldnt use Elite as a barometer for what most ugls are doing . Those guys werent exactly the brightest crew ive ever seen .

But yeah the government isnt to proud to pick off any low hanging fruit when they can lol . But Considering the politcal climate right now between the US and China id bet panda is pretty safe for the time being.
Most dom sources are incredibly stupid and won't use remailers.
Tor and VPNs can be cracked.

Homeland security says it all. I may be wrong here but I rarely see them mentioned in a domestic bust.

You can only walk by and taunt a dog on a chain so many times..

When homeland security gets involved... it’s bad lol...

We have to protect the motherland!
I wonder if the Schedule I drug (mentioned in the news release) had something to do with Homeland security getting involved?
Anyone knows what drug was it ?

I remember when @purplepandalabs changed brewers he said the guy was a known brewer who brewed for few different ugl.

From what I've read on another board this tracks. It makes me doubt it was elite.

Yea I'm more concerned with if panda is being dishonest, and not telling us about his current lab being busted(if that is the case).

I doubt elite was still brewing for him. Nor would I believe elite would have a semi decent lab set up like that one shown.

It really makes zero sense that aurum rx and elite are the same lab . I dont know much about aurum rx but from what i could find they were operating at the same time , and the quality and presentation of aurum seemed to be way superior to elite .

So if aurum and elite are the same lab , why would they come to meso and brand as an unknown name and sell a shittier product than they already had available? Considering the two labs seemed to be working in the same part of the country there could have been some connection between the 2 , but they dont seem to be the same lab. Obviously this speculation, but this story doesnt add up ?

It is said that there are "labs" (actually a single guy with $1000 worth of equipment) who make a living by brewing all day long for larger labs.
They don't sell anything by themselves.
It is very possible than he has several domestic brewers and mailers. It makes sense.

Can I be a rep
First you have to be a shill "intern" for 6 months to be eligible for hiring. :D

What I found interesting is that PPL said it’s Elite like he knew for sure... almost like a tip was placed to the DEA
I don't think it works like that.
Rather, they make undercover purchases, then pinpoint the shipping locations, place cameras, follow the suspect, and go from there.
At least so suggest several busts news releases.

He’s lied to everyone all along on everything. Lol.

A You're a pathological complainer
B You work for another source by endlessly bashing Panda.
So your handle is nothing more than a place holder then for PPL to give login info with whatever employee he chooses at whatever time. Got it.

So essentially you are the equivalent of the email customer service where we have no idea who we are talking to at any given time.

Dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.
How is that dumb in any way?
Please elaborate.
If I see a lab come in and drop $500 on an anaboliclab donation I would be inclined to think they at least put some money into their equipment
Yep exactly , it doesnt say that theyre a good experienced brewer more just that they are serious about being a source . Not just coming to make a quick buck . Then layer that in with a few other practical levels of screening/vetting and we could seriously cut down how easily these labs could bail on their investment or out right scam.

We've got some highly intelligent business minded people here im sure we could come up with some reasonable screening methods , that are easy enough to enforce but strict enough to detract scam attempts. Like has already been mentioned the only barrier is the people who will buy from sources regardless of the source being vetted or not .
Yep exactly , it doesnt say that theyre a good experienced brewer more just that they are serious about being a source . Not just coming to make a quick buck . Then layer that in with a few other practical levels of screening/vetting and we could seriously cut down how easily these labs could bail on their investment or out right scam.

We've got some highly intelligent business minded people here im sure we could come up with some reasonable screening methods , that are easy enough to enforce but strict enough to detract scam attempts. Like has already been mentioned the only barrier is the people who will buy from sources regardless of the source being vetted or not .

One thing that I think would help is to have sources marked as verified by lab tests / bloodwork or not.

It's not a perfect system since a source is only as good as their last batch, but it would help to at least identify the more reputable labs.
Part of it, I think, is because they are so terrified of not being able to get gear. It's bizzar .
Yeah i think thats pretty much the gist of it lol . But if they would just stick around and read like everyone of them are told theyd figure out GOOD sources are all over the place lol .
What if you had to have a certain post count to even view the underground? Could keep the “noobs” that don’t know any better from walking right in.
I like that idea.

My only concern would be all of the noobs flooding the main forum asking for sources.
I’m going to assume you can be banned here for spamming just like trolling. Make the minimum like 100 post, a number high enough where you can’t just make a ton of useless post to get in quick.

Edit: you could even make it where you had to have a certain amount of likes turning the underground private in a way, and the ones already on the inside basically determine if you’re ready to be in.
What if you had to have a certain post count to even view the underground? Could keep the “noobs” that don’t know any better from walking right in.
I know Meso is about harm reduction, but hey - if a noob wants to inject non-vetted crap in their bodies, let them. Most believe in evolution and natural selection.

And I know that comes off as an asshole statement, but these fucking noobs are annoying as hell.
I know Meso is about harm reduction, but hey - if a noob wants to inject non-vetted crap in their bodies, let them. Most believe in evolution and natural selection.

And I know that comes off as an asshole statement, but these fucking noobs are annoying as hell.
I agree. I don’t even use the sources here for finished gear so I have nothing to lose if other people get an infection or lose money, but it’s also annoying when you have people or even the same person coming here every week with the intent of stealing money. Both parties are to blame, but it’s about principle.
I agree. I don’t even use the sources here for finished gear so I have nothing to lose if other people get an infection or lose money, but it’s also annoying when you have people or even the same person coming here every week with the intent of stealing money. Both parties are to blame, but it’s about principle.
Agreed, but let’s face it - it’s humorous when a noob gets screwed over financially for being careless and ignoring the importance of vets advice and vetting.
Agreed, but let’s face it - it’s humorous when a noob gets screwed over financially for being careless and ignoring the importance of vets advice and vetting.
I don’t find it funny when anyone gets stolen from. It’s also not just noobs that getting fucking stolen from....look at RnR.
That could be a small reason why, I think the main reason is the newer guys dont trust some of the vets. Sometimes it's rightfully so.

That's nonsense. They're just morons that's why. They'll do one shitty cycle, with shitty results and never do it again.
I don't think it works like that.
Rather, they make undercover purchases, then pinpoint the shipping locations, place cameras, follow the suspect, and go from there.
At least so suggest several busts news releases
I’ve seen the DEA’s website. You can easily tip them off.