PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Can anyone who has used or can remember elite_Labs, he didnt have pressed pills did he? A quick search I believe only liquids and capsules come up.

I remember when @purplepandalabs changed brewers he said the guy was a known brewer who brewed for few different ugl. I may be mistaken.

This most recent bust had a pill press, and a few different brands on display.

Aurum rx Google search shows they've been around a while, I dont think elite would be been running both brands at the same time. At first glance I assumed it was a rebrand, but that doesnt look to be the case.

Maybe some can help me fill in the gaps if I'm not remember correctly.

But bottom line is I'm wondering if this bust is pandas most recent domestic operation and not elite.
I am nearly certain PPL is under no threat, RC labs have been running years and nothing happened until regulation changed. On the other hand the users are most likely in danger especially in USA. What do you expect when people cba to learn cryptocurrency and probably haven't even heard about PGP encryption. You have to learn from the people that have been running illegal operation much longer and more efficiently than you which is on the darknet and how many do you think accept WU or whatever 20th century payment and unencrypted ordering? And if you think LE wouldn't have been monitoring every known to you illegal operation then well okay. I recall giving you an advice to use PGP when I made my initial order with you and 1 year later you continue doing clearnet unencrypted ordering and nearly accept paypal what could go wrong right @purplepandalabs can you please be reasonable and change your approach on placing an order cause with all that being what it is your product line is what mattered to me and it would be a pity if you had to cancel your operation one day due to your low priority on doing it right and greed taking care of customers which are too lazy. I equally blame you and the people who don't have the drive to learn. If you want an illegal product at least learn how to take care of yourself, why do you think would elite be busted when he ran a rather minor operation and wouldn't have been monitored even remotely close to what 99% of the darknet is, cause you underestimate importance of running an illegal operationg the way it had been run nearly a decade. Change your email and allow only ordering with encryption.
Can anyone who has used or can remember elite_Labs, he didnt have pressed pills did he? A quick search I believe only liquids and capsules come up.

I remember when @purplepandalabs changed brewers he said the guy was a known brewer who brewed for few different ugl. I may be mistaken.

This most recent bust had a pill press, and a few different brands on display.

Aurum rx Google search shows they've been around a while, I dont think elite would be been running both brands at the same time. At first glance I assumed it was a rebrand, but that doesnt look to be the case.

Maybe some can help me fill in the gaps if I'm not remember correctly.

But bottom line is I'm wondering if this bust is pandas most recent domestic operation and not elite.

Good catch. Elite did only run liquid orals. Remember panda was going to change his caps to liquid when elite came on.

The new rep had mention maybe 1-2 days before that they would start offering pressed pills.. then a video of pandas gear plus a pill press machine show up in a bust......

Seems to be matching up that this was probably not elite... good catch
What I found interesting is that PPL said it’s Elite like he knew for sure... almost like a tip was placed to the DEA
I'm just guessing. But if it is his current domestic operation, he probably is trying to save face by saying its elite.

But that would bring up another question. Why would elite still be brewing panda gear?

I think we can piece it together, with what we seen and know. And with the fact the domestic shop is off the website, this isn't looking good.
If you watch the video they actually show ppl vials close up.

Yeah finished vials I can tell are PPL, but it wasn't a huge amount. But if all those labels are PPL it would be logical to assume he was still manufacturing for PPL. That's why I was more concerned with those, I didn't see anything close up on the labels themselves in the video.
Yeah finished vials I can tell are PPL, but it wasn't a huge amount. But if all those labels are PPL it would be logical to assume he was still manufacturing for PPL. That's why I was more concerned with those, I didn't see anything close up on the labels themselves in the video.

I don’t think the video will show all of what was actually taken. Showed some bags of ppl, but I would have to believe with the amount they said was seized there were a lot more than what was actually shown.
Take it for what its worth , but I talked to elite when they first hit the scene because i was in a pinch and needed a few things and without giving out to much detail they definitely worked out of eastern Texas and Louisiana. Im sure there are plenty of Labs in the same region so it could be completely coincidental but atleast that part of the story somewhat adds up .
Yeah finished vials I can tell are PPL, but it wasn't a huge amount. But if all those labels are PPL it would be logical to assume he was still manufacturing for PPL. That's why I was more concerned with those, I didn't see anything close up on the labels themselves in the video.
Yea I'm more concerned with if panda is being dishonest, and not telling us about his current lab being busted(if that is the case).

I doubt elite was still brewing for him. Nor would I believe elite would have a semi decent lab set up like that one shown.
Yea I'm more concerned with if panda is being dishonest, and not telling us about his current lab being busted(if that is the case).

I doubt elite was still brewing for him. Nor would I believe elite would have a semi decent lab set up like that one shown.
Why would he tell us? That affects his bottom line