PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Poachers in the Jungle
Not monkeys that their after
Each time they slay a panda
All you hear is laughter
So now one must wonder
If the poachers must muster
Taking their hunt abroad
Making the pandas fluster
Welcome to the Jungle
Is the tune of the day
If you think its a game
Then continue to play
Fate always comes knocking
Shortening our stay
But we do have a choice
That subtle silent voice
Jimney Cricket type shit
And if you shut down real quiet
And don't fuck up
You can almost hear him whisper
As he fills your empty cup
Because while you think your plate is full
And you sit on a throne while crowned
The Universe is humbling
Has ways of slapping us around
There is so much more we don't know
Never will
If we stay in limitation
And choose not to grow
So keep lifting them weights
Making them gains
Save yourself the worry and unnecessary pains
Keep your head up, nose clean, and stay out of trouble
Or the poachers will come knocking
To crack on some skulls while tearing shit down
Hijacking our throne and seizing out crown
Leaving us with nothing
But some hindsight regrets
And a big fat frown..........

Stay safe brohammons.......
I doubt because elite never had anything pressed for orals. Then for a while PPL had his label stickers on his site you could purchase. So that's probably they did and put on their gear.
None of this shit would be going on right now if he would have just stuck to:
Like many members said to him.
Greed conquers all.
You think so? Idk I've never had finished from him. I thought they were purple (obviously) and shiny or some shit. Idk

They are. Or were. Pics fuzzy. At the very least theyre extremely close.

And there's is too much coincidence here .Ripped goes away, domestic shuts down, new rep, new brewer, new domestic location. All from someone with an unsecured website .
Oh, and those are for sure his vials
This has been said twice now, if that's elite, why does he still have pandas stuff? Old stock? You mean he couldn't sell off the stock in a year? C'mon...it's freaking test e . Something doesn't add up...other than avoid, danger will Robinson warning warning danger!
They are. Or were. Pics fuzzy. At the very least theyre extremely close.

And there's is too much coincidence here .Ripped goes away, domestic shuts down, new rep, new brewer, new domestic location. All from someone with an unsecured website .
And doesn't help that every new god damned domestic lab that pops up on meso says they get their raws from panda.

And I know this is a stretch but elite used black flip tops. And all those vials had black flip tops. BIG STRETCH. Lol. I guess if we could see the fucked up fill levels, crooked ass lables, hairs, and poor crimp jobs we would know for sure.
It really makes zero sense that aurum rx and elite are the same lab . I dont know much about aurum rx but from what i could find they were operating at the same time , and the quality and presentation of aurum seemed to be way superior to elite .

So if aurum and elite are the same lab , why would they come to meso and brand as an unknown name and sell a shittier product than they already had available? Considering the two labs seemed to be working in the same part of the country there could have been some connection between the 2 , but they dont seem to be the same lab. Obviously this speculation, but this story doesnt add up ?
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Yea I'm more concerned with if panda is being dishonest, and not telling us about his current lab being busted(if that is the case).

I doubt elite was still brewing for him. Nor would I believe elite would have a semi decent lab set up like that one shown.

He’s lied to everyone all along on everything. Lol.
Take it for what its worth , but I talked to elite when they first hit the scene because i was in a pinch and needed a few things and without giving out to much detail they definitely worked out of eastern Texas and Louisiana. Im sure there are plenty of Labs in the same region so it could be completely coincidental but atleast that part of the story somewhat adds up .
So did R&R. o_O
So did R&R. o_O
Yeah they sure did ! It really wouldnt surprise me if they were the same lab . But there are so many shady fucks trying to scam in the underground its hard to tell ?

Thats why im bent on the idea , that unless these labs start posting a proper lab set up , a substantial donation to anabolic lab , a substantial inventory we need to tell them to kick rocks .

Anytime a lab looks like they could POTENTIALLY turn out to be a good source to many people naively jump to buy their gear. And when shit goes south they have no financial incentive to stick around and make their business last . Its easier to just dissappear for awhile and rebrand because the cost of admission here is so low .

Everyone believes that one of these start ups is gonna be the next potg or 24k , but its just turning this place into a scammers paradise. And ive yet to see another 24k come out of the vetting process we have now.

This is an uncensored board and that obviously brings alot of amateurs trying to make a name for themselves. But if people would stop "taking one for the team because someone has to try them to know what their gears like" these labs would actually have to live up to are standards to survive here.

Lol sry for ranting , but the solution to stopping the majority of scammers here is so simple. We just cant seem to get members to stick together and make a community standard that labs have to live up to , or take the show elsewhere.
Yeah they sure did ! It really wouldnt surprise me if they were the same lab . But there are so many shady fucks trying to scam in the underground its hard to tell ?

Thats why im bent on the idea , that unless these labs start posting a proper lab set up , a substantial donation to anabolic lab , a substantial inventory we need to tell them to kick rocks .

Anytime a lab looks like they could POTENTIALLY turn out to be a good source to many people naively jump to buy their gear. And when shit goes south they have no financial incentive to stick around and make their business last . Its easier to just dissappear for awhile and rebrand because the cost of admission here is so low .

Everyone believes that one of these start ups is gonna be the next potg or 24k , but its just turning this place into a scammers paradise. And ive yet to see another 24k come out of the vetting process we have now.

This is an uncensored board and that obviously brings alot of amateurs trying to make a name for themselves. But if people would stop "taking one for the team because someone has to try them to know what their gears like" these labs would actually have to live up to are standards to survive here.

Lol sry for ranting , but the solution to stopping the majority of scammers here is so simple. We just cant seem to get members to stick together and make a community standard that labs have to live up to , or take the show elsewhere.

Rant on man . Rant on!
Rant on man . Rant on!
Sadly I think it will be pretty hard to get alot of people to wrap their mind around this sceening process. Mostly because there are to many people here that arent interested in the well being of the community , but more concerned with getting a 25$ bottle of test .
Sadly I think it will be pretty hard to get alot of people to wrap their mind around this sceening process. Mostly because there are to many people here that arent interested in the well being of the community , but more concerned with getting a 25$ bottle of test .

Yep. The first time this lab had problems the red alert went up... And never got better .

I think about 10% of the members give a shit about safety and security, the other 90% of these guys will give up their dignity for a connection, let alone caring about anything else .
Yep. The first time this lab had problems the red alert went up... And never got better .

I think about 10% of the members give a shit about safety and security, the other 90% of these guys will give up their dignity for a connection, let alone caring about anything else .
Without a doubt.
Yeah they sure did ! It really wouldnt surprise me if they were the same lab . But there are so many shady fucks trying to scam in the underground its hard to tell ?

Thats why im bent on the idea , that unless these labs start posting a proper lab set up , a substantial donation to anabolic lab , a substantial inventory we need to tell them to kick rocks .

Anytime a lab looks like they could POTENTIALLY turn out to be a good source to many people naively jump to buy their gear. And when shit goes south they have no financial incentive to stick around and make their business last . Its easier to just dissappear for awhile and rebrand because the cost of admission here is so low .

Everyone believes that one of these start ups is gonna be the next potg or 24k , but its just turning this place into a scammers paradise. And ive yet to see another 24k come out of the vetting process we have now.

This is an uncensored board and that obviously brings alot of amateurs trying to make a name for themselves. But if people would stop "taking one for the team because someone has to try them to know what their gears like" these labs would actually have to live up to are standards to survive here.

Lol sry for ranting , but the solution to stopping the majority of scammers here is so simple. We just cant seem to get members to stick together and make a community standard that labs have to live up to , or take the show elsewhere.
Sadly, even if the community holds them to strict vetting with all required, they more than likely won’t do it and people will still order regardless. Millard won’t make a source donate to AL to be on here because at that point, Meso becomes almost a source board.

Noobs will always be noobs and do nooby things and then we even have vets who jump the gun or accept their free shit.
Sadly, even if the community holds them to strict vetting with all required, they more than likely won’t do it and people will still order regardless. Millard won’t make a source donate to AL to be on here because at that point, Meso becomes almost a source board.

Noobs will always be noobs and do nooby things and then we even have vets who jump the gun or accept their free shit.

Oh trust me i get it brother , its been the same problem here for awhile . And now i understand why alot vets gave up on the underground . Its just frustrating when its a relatively easy problem to fix .

The worst part about it is alot of the older members screen labs trying to save newer members from their own ignorance. Then they give them shit because they're scared their precious new source will get run off lol . Alot of long term members arent even buying from sources here , and are really just vetting sources for others benefit with nothing to gain from it other than protecting fellow members.
Oh trust me i get it brother , its been the same problem here for awhile . And now i understand why alot vets gave up on the underground . Its just frustrating when its a relatively easy problem to fix .

The worst part about it is alot of the older members screen labs trying to save newer members from their own ignorance. Then they give them shit because they're scared their precious new source will get run off lol . Alot of long term members arent even buying from sources here , and are really just vetting sources for others benefit with nothing to gain from it other than protecting fellow members.

You are spot on today, brother!
Alot of long term members arent even buying from sources here , and are really just vetting sources for others benefit with nothing to gain from it other than protecting fellow members.
I have noticed a lot of the members that vet sources Homebrew. Even though this is an uncensored board I think there should be a $500 donation to anaboliclab right off the gate. Then the vetting process can begin. I'm not saying the donation should be a paid membership. But it at least weed out the people who are here to scam. It also weeds out the labs that put the bare minimum into their production. If I see a lab come in and drop $500 on an anaboliclab donation I would be inclined to think they at least put some money into their equipment
Oh trust me i get it brother , its been the same problem here for awhile . And now i understand why alot vets gave up on the underground . Its just frustrating when its a relatively easy problem to fix .

The worst part about it is alot of the older members screen labs trying to save newer members from their own ignorance. Then they give them shit because they're scared their precious new source will get run off lol . Alot of long term members arent even buying from sources here , and are really just vetting sources for others benefit with nothing to gain from it other than protecting fellow members.

Part of it, I think, is because they are so terrified of not being able to get gear. It's bizzar .