PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Agreed, but let’s face it - it’s humorous when a noob gets screwed over financially for being careless and ignoring the importance of vets advice and vetting.

I don’t find it funny when anyone gets stolen from. It’s also not just noobs that getting fucking stolen from....look at RnR.

i agree with Steve. i don't find it funny either, but i do think the more hard-headed noobs need to learn the hard way.

Especially when they don't want to do basic research or listen to members that tell them to slow down and quit being so eager to throw their money at the first sources list they come across.

We can only lead the horses to water...
i agree with Steve. i don't find it funny either, but i do think the more hard-headed noobs need to learn the hard way.

Especially when they don't want to do basic research or listen to members that tell them to slow down and quit being so eager to throw their money at the first sources list they come across.

We can only lead the horses to water...
And that’s who I was referring to - those little cocksuckers who come in here and bounce through the UG just looking for the first lab with good prices. At one time, I was one of those asswipes. Fortunately I never got burned, but it’s better to just read and learn and be patient than jump on the first low priced bottle of gear.
I use to lurk on this board (as a member) for a couple years before I ever posted. I’d read through sources threads and how members would vet sources. It helped me a lot when I did finally decide to go with a certain source. Always knew it be a gamble, but because of the info I was given in the threads I was more confident in the decisions I made. (And still applies today)
I assume there’s a lot of people that come here and read and don’t post or may not even be a member but still buy from sources that are here, like I did.
I’m just saying even though the vetting system here could always improve, I still appreciate the guys here that are looking out for others. It helped me and I’m sure it’s helped others.
Now for the idiots that doesn’t read and do their research and order anyway, that’s really on them.
I try to think members here are helping more people than not.
Just my opinion :)
How is that dumb in any way?
Please elaborate.

You are literally requesting a source to sell infections! The exact fucking opposite of what we are trying to accomplish with HARM REDUCTION.

Holy shit man, like seriously??? Needed me to spell it out for you?
I wonder if the Schedule I drug (mentioned in the news release) had something to do with Homeland security getting involved?
Anyone knows what drug was it ?

She was charged with possession of a CI but no intent to sell, as well as paraphernalia. This almost certainly points to it being some personal supply, could be some weed or h etc. I doubt this a personal stash of CI would be the cause of this bust.
You are literally requesting a source to sell infections! The exact fucking opposite of what we are trying to accomplish with HARM REDUCTION.

Holy shit man, like seriously??? Needed me to spell it out for you?
You don't even seem to know what semi finished gear is

SFG is supposed to be sterile filtered before use.
it is way less conspicuous than vials, amps or even raws.

I’ve seen the DEA’s website. You can easily tip them off.
Competitor sources probably tip them off every so often.
You know when I first came here I didn't know shit.

So I used Pcom because of being well established. I read hundreds of pages between the 2 options of sources for them.
Then by the time other sources came on board like ppl domestic for example, I was smart enough to wait to see how things went by other members. Sure enough the hairs came in and all the other problems.

It's a learning curve for sure!!!!

Same when I stared gh... stuck to a reputable source and paid extra until I could learn more about it. Always read read read more and more.
You don't even seem to know what semi finished gear is

SFG is supposed to be sterile filtered before use.
it is way less conspicuous than vials, amps or even raws.

Competitor sources probably tip them off every so often.

I'm not even going to entertain your ridiculous idea with clarifying questions. You wanting someone to sell INJECTABLES "unfinished" is the the opposite of harm reduction, silly, and pointless.
You don't even seem to know what semi finished gear is

SFG is supposed to be sterile filtered before use.
it is way less conspicuous than vials, amps or even raws.

Competitor sources probably tip them off every so often.

You make me laugh.

Do you really think the same mother fuckers that are too lazy to do basic research on a source are gonna be competent enough to filter semi finished product?

What you're suggesting is making an already potentially dangerous thing even more dangerous.

Now please, shush and go away.
Like it happened to Alpha Pharma owner who got arrested in UK

Most dom sources are incredibly stupid and won't use remailers.
Tor and VPNs can be cracked.

I wonder if the Schedule I drug (mentioned in the news release) had something to do with Homeland security getting involved?
Anyone knows what drug was it ?

It is said that there are "labs" (actually a single guy with $1000 worth of equipment) who make a living by brewing all day long for larger labs.
They don't sell anything by themselves.
It is very possible than he has several domestic brewers and mailers. It makes sense.

First you have to be a shill "intern" for 6 months to be eligible for hiring. :D

I don't think it works like that.
Rather, they make undercover purchases, then pinpoint the shipping locations, place cameras, follow the suspect, and go from there.
At least so suggest several busts news releases.


A You're a pathological complainer
B You work for another source by endlessly bashing Panda.

Lmao! First off sonny boy, I don’t work for another company.

Second I don’t complain much except for this shady fucker I’ve called out from the beginning and have been almost spot on with each turn of events, even when people thought I was “conspiracy” theorists. Then the light is shown and we see what happens.

So keep on with your dumb ass ideas that everyone tolerates.

Half finished products[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]fucking idiot.
Why is everyone bashing him so bad? True, most people are not responsible enough to filter their “semi-finished” and the idea would never work. Doesn’t mean it’s this terrible horrific idea from hell. Sometimes you guys gotta chill out
Why is everyone bashing him so bad? True, most people are not responsible enough to filter their “semi-finished” and the idea would never work. Doesn’t mean it’s this terrible horrific idea from hell. Sometimes you guys gotta chill out

It's par for the course with him. Pie in the sky, far fetched ideas. Like how the Mexican cartels could put semifinished product in gas tanks and smuggle it across the border. :confused:o_O
It wouldn't be the 1st time I've seen semi finished products. I used another raw source and they offered semi finished products for a little less that you have to run through a filter yourself.

I see nothing wrong with that at all once it clearly states it's semi finished it's up to the user after that.
Why is everyone bashing him so bad? True, most people are not responsible enough to filter their “semi-finished” and the idea would never work. Doesn’t mean it’s this terrible horrific idea from hell. Sometimes you guys gotta chill out

There are a couple of other srcs that offer this currently.

Instead of inquiring about adding to the list of problems why not try to help fix the current ones?

If you have been in this thread for even a brief minute you can see domestic has been nothing but a nightmare full of problems from a customer stand point.
You can see that finished oils have been nothing but a problem.
So why add something else to the list that will essentially be a problem?

Last thing someone would need is finished and unfinished vials get mixed up domestically and somebody pin that shit.

What is this src good at?

Why not push them to go back to the basics? Upgrade the website and quit trying to be greedy jack of all trades hand in every pot.

There are enough dom srcs that it doesn’t even make sense for these guys to offer finished.

If they would have listened to this feedback in the first place you wouldn’t be seeing a bust with panda vials and stickers all over the place.

Only a selfish person or an idiot would keep beating a drum where the desired end result will just open another can of worms.

The facts are in this thread, It doesn’t take much logic to see the obvious.

On the other hand some people just like to hear themselves talk. They are know it alls. More than likely only get interaction and acceptance from others on the internet.... but this is another topic entirely.

Hope that makes sense and answers your question.
Here's 2 words: pollutants and pyrogens(fever causing agents- mainly endotoxins). Filtering may filter out bacteria but certainly not endotoxins nor exotoxins nor any other allergen nor pollutants that go from air or water or solvents, co solents, oils actually into solution. Proof: powder is in solution- does it filter out?
Anything rendered into solution via melting point or solubility will go through filter just as powder does.

In the real biopharma industry great pains are taken to solve these problems: pollutants, allergens, bacteria and bacterial toxins.

In the world of caring UG labs: an ideal is starting with clean, sterile and pyrogens free glassware. Heated and stirred under a hood and transferred aeseptically into a clean, sterile and pyrogen free vial with stoppers the same. Aeseptically means no contact with air or under class 100 conditions such as under a proper hood.
The enemy is air and also water used for cleaning.
Accumulation of small eras count. Example: the more dead bacteria filtered out- the more endotoxins left behind in solution.
Gram negative bacteria likes water/moisture so proper rinsing has to be a top priority or toxins can be left behind even if the bacteria left behind are killed.
There's exo, endo and entero toxins.
All concerns in bio pharma manufacturing especially parenterals(injectables).

This info is offered for those that need it.

Nothing more. Do not contact me please?

I'm not trying to get involved in drama nor conflict just sharing information. As with all information: don't believe it- look into it to see for yourself. Belief is how you're sold.

Hope this info helps somebody.
Here's 2 words: pollutants and pyrogens(fever causing agents- mainly endotoxins). Filtering may filter out bacteria but certainly not endotoxins nor exotoxins nor any other allergen nor pollutants that go from air or water or solvents, co solents, oils actually into solution. Proof: powder is in solution- does it filter out?
Anything rendered into solution via melting point or solubility will go through filter just as powder does.

In the real biopharma industry great pains are taken to solve these problems: pollutants, allergens, bacteria and bacterial toxins.

In the world of caring UG labs: an ideal is starting with clean, sterile and pyrogens free glassware. Heated and stirred under a hood and transferred aeseptically into a clean, sterile and pyrogen free vial with stoppers the same. Aeseptically means no contact with air or under class 100 conditions such as under a proper hood.
The enemy is air and also water used for cleaning.
Accumulation of small eras count. Example: the more dead bacteria filtered out- the more endotoxins left behind in solution.
Gram negative bacteria likes water/moisture so proper rinsing has to be a top priority or toxins can be left behind even if the bacteria left behind are killed.
There's exo, endo and entero toxins.
All concerns in bio pharma manufacturing especially parenterals(injectables).

This info is offered for those that need it.

Nothing more. Do not contact me please?

I'm not trying to get involved in drama nor conflict just sharing information. As with all information: don't believe it- look into it to see for yourself. Belief is how you're sold.

Hope this info helps somebody.

@Erin is that you?
I'm not even going to entertain your ridiculous idea with clarifying questions. You wanting someone to sell INJECTABLES "unfinished" is the the opposite of harm reduction, silly, and pointless.

You make me laugh.

Do you really think the same mother fuckers that are too lazy to do basic research on a source are gonna be competent enough to filter semi finished product?

What you're suggesting is making an already potentially dangerous thing even more dangerous.

Now please, shush and go away.

Lmao! First off sonny boy, I don’t work for another company.

Second I don’t complain much except for this shady fucker I’ve called out from the beginning and have been almost spot on with each turn of events, even when people thought I was “conspiracy” theorists. Then the light is shown and we see what happens.

So keep on with your dumb ass ideas that everyone tolerates.

Half finished products[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]fucking idiot.

Why is everyone bashing him so bad? True, most people are not responsible enough to filter their “semi-finished” and the idea would never work. Doesn’t mean it’s this terrible horrific idea from hell. Sometimes you guys gotta chill out

It wouldn't be the 1st time I've seen semi finished products. I used another raw source and they offered semi finished products for a little less that you have to run through a filter yourself.

I see nothing wrong with that at all once it clearly states it's semi finished it's up to the user after that.

@master.on has some pretty far out ideas, but this isn't one of them.

Everything semi-finished is supposed to be sterile filtered before use.
(in fact, it's good to refilter all UG gear, just in case)

If they're so dumb as to inject anything that comes in a plain bottle
... then it's Darwinism evolution at its best.

Do you guys at least agree that semi-finished gear is less conspicuous?