PurplePandaLabs Raw source

It wasn’t a small amount of pandas gear in that video of the bust either.

I mean homeland security and dea were Involved.... this raid didn’t just happen, it has been being monitored for a while. And like @dr.jim said.. if you think the strong arm of the law is limited to USA soil you are mistaken greatly.

And as I said way back when... panda supplying all these labs with raws makes him a fish any country wants to catch.

Panda said he deleted all the elite passwords etc, but you don’t know how long these feds have been watching, and didn’t have the information they needed to log in under his passwords etc.

This is far more serious than panda is letting everyone believe.

Exactly. It's no secret that many UGLs source their raws from PPL. Those jackboot government thugs would kill to "cut off the head of the dragon" so to speak, and watch the trickle down effect really fuck up the underground supply.
Why don’t you see more raw sources come to this board?
Good raw sources in general arent on boards for alot of reasons , but mainly Because dealing raws is a volume game , and not profitable unless you have a sizable amount of start up capitol and connections with a manufacturer.

So typically most good raw sources are private because they have close ties directly to the manufacturer, and need anonymity as to not implicate the manufacturer in any shady dealings (since manufacturers cant directly ship , or would even be bothered with sending small packages to places like the US). Or you have the few notable sources that are on the the boards or private that have not only the connect but enough capitol up front to make the margins worth while ( which is few and few between) .

So typically what you get on the boards are raw sources that are hit and miss because they have a connect thats to many steps removed from the manufacturer , and/or dont have the money to buy enough bulk to get preferred pricing . Which makes them prone to trying to "stretch their profits" .

So sadly if ppl and a very select few other raw sources dissapeared from the boards this new era of homebrewing goes with them because most people dont have the network to find quality raw suppliers , or your left dealing with the hit and miss over priced sources you see around the boards now.

Edit : and just to be clear that isnt an advertisement for ppl's service . I wouldnt touch this sources with a 10 foot pole reguardless of their raws quality and price point . To much drama right now , i personally have to take my business elsewhere for the time being .
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I dont think panda would have much to worry about. If he planned to live in China for the rest if his life. Sure he could get snatched up if he traveled over here. Or maybe to other countries more friendly with america.
Probably why its business as usual in their minds.
Like I said its us, and the domestic ugl's who use him who should be concerned.
I dont think panda would have much to worry about. If he planned to live in China for the rest if his life. Sure he could get snatched up if he traveled over here. Or maybe to other countries more friendly with america.
Probably why its business as usual in their minds.
Like I said its us, and the domestic ugl's who use him who should be concerned.

He doesn't in China, probably...but we do .
Like I said its us, and the domestic ugl's who use him who should be concerned
Well hopefully most of the sources using him are smart enough to only work through secured emails , using tor and vpn , reshippers , and covering their money trail as well as they can . I wouldnt use Elite as a barometer for what most ugls are doing . Those guys werent exactly the brightest crew ive ever seen .

But yeah the government isnt to proud to pick off any low hanging fruit when they can lol . But Considering the politcal climate right now between the US and China id bet panda is pretty safe for the time being.
Homeland security says it all. I may be wrong here but I rarely see them mentioned in a domestic bust.

You can only walk by and taunt a dog on a chain so many times..
No. But you should always use your head .
Elite getting popped isn't good . He isn't a good dude, and honestly a "good" dude would probably roll over too. I can all but guarantee you that he would make a deal, wouldn't you? I certainly hope he doesn't . I dont want to see panda go away...but he tries put too much out there and eventually it goes bad.

This goes one of two ways, either it goes away and nothing else happens, or it gets kicked up the chain and someone makes a big deal and makes the investigation grow.
You know for a fact that Elite fuck is rolling on Panda! Shit he rolled on him here when he tried to make his comeback to Meso! I’d be really careful with orders right now! Not a good time to order big! Not cool be safe gentlemen.
Be honest though, it was not 30lbs lean muscles my man. If this is so.. you would be mr.olympia in 3 years if you ran two cycles per year.

Steroids don’t put that much of lean muscle mass on in a cycle.

You had extra glyco in muscle which added weight, you has stored water weight on top of that and finally you had if everything was good like diet etc you gained 7-10lbs lean muscle.

I’d say 12 lbs of lean muscle
Lol.... you cracking me up bud

How u been?
Hah pretty good man. Been working and whatnot. Busy with life shit.

Just caught that video on the UGL bust out of LA. PPL gear all up in it. I've caught some of your resent posts in this thread and agree 100%. The way PPL is handling this just goes to show he feels that as long as he's personally safe, he don't give a fuck about us. That was obviously his domestic operation judging by the quantity of ppl product.
Hah pretty good man. Been working and whatnot. Busy with life shit.

Just caught that video on the UGL bust out of LA. PPL gear all up in it. I've caught some of your resent posts in this thread and agree 100%. The way PPL is handling this just goes to show he feels that as long as he's personally safe, he don't give a fuck about us. That was obviously his domestic operation judging by the quantity of ppl product.

Damn didn’t know it was that bad
I didn’t avoid the question. If anything I was told by Swole Panda this is a very tough crowd...I see that. You guys are definitely pinning gear. You don’t have to respect me... Aslong as I make good on any problem that occurs with our customers and I have a direct line to Swole Panda. That’s all that matters to me.

So your handle is nothing more than a place holder then for PPL to give login info with whatever employee he chooses at whatever time. Got it.

So essentially you are the equivalent of the email customer service where we have no idea who we are talking to at any given time.
Will semi-finished gear be available too?
Vials are hard to get trough customs these days.

Dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.