PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Good god, you’re the biggest conspiracy theorist I know[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Unfortunately this isn’t a conspiracy.. his ex lab was busted with his labels in the same place the bust took place.

You really think the Feds will say look at this lead with the website address on it.. eh just tossed it we got the middle guy.

Nope, not how it works
There is no security breaches in my company. The owner of Silk Road was caught in a library with his laptop open with the admin account. Read up before you start spewing BS

So you need to understand something, for your safety and all of your customers safety. It is totally possible to hack a site and watch it . Without the site owners knowledge . I appreciate your confidence in your security practices, but with all due respect you can't even build a simple inventory tracking system tied to current sales, one that mom and pop hardware stores have, yet some how you have NSA level net protocols?

I've said it dozens of times, I'm not against you, I wish there were a dozen pandas with they're shit together. But you're not stopping them from gathering order info from your sites.
I get what you’re saying but wouldn’t your point apply to every lab on forums. This forum and other forums are public. Shit it’s not hard to find steroid forums. It’s not like the feds don’t know where to look for labs right? So should we freak everyone out cause the feds know the website addresses.
So should we freak everyone out cause the feds know the website addresses
No. It's the fact that a domestic brewer/lab got busted with his product. An arm/extension of him. He took orders and shipped them out. He has customer info. I would trip if a Fed had my addy.
I get what you’re saying but wouldn’t your point apply to every lab on forums. This forum and other forums are public. Shit it’s not hard to find steroid forums. It’s not like the feds don’t know where to look for labs right? So should we freak everyone out cause the feds know the website addresses.

No. But you should always use your head .
Elite getting popped isn't good . He isn't a good dude, and honestly a "good" dude would probably roll over too. I can all but guarantee you that he would make a deal, wouldn't you? I certainly hope he doesn't . I dont want to see panda go away...but he tries put too much out there and eventually it goes bad.

This goes one of two ways, either it goes away and nothing else happens, or it gets kicked up the chain and someone makes a big deal and makes the investigation grow.
No. But you should always use your head .
Elite getting popped isn't good . He isn't a good dude, and honestly a "good" dude would probably roll over too. I can all but guarantee you that he would make a deal, wouldn't you? I certainly hope he doesn't . I dont want to see panda go away...but he tries put too much out there and eventually it goes bad.

This goes one of two ways, either it goes away and nothing else happens, or it gets kicked up the chain and someone makes a big deal and makes the investigation grow.

I can agree with that!
Anybody would have to be a complete and utter fool to order from these guys domestic or international.

Elite is busted, ripped goes missing, who’s to say they aren’t already compromised and the knew rep isn’t one fooling panda himself.

Be cautious, this lab is wreckless.
Sir, I’m trying to keep this as professional as possible. I am strictly here for the members of the online community. My apologies for my offensive language.
Hi and welcome

take it easy it's just a job
be nice

Can anyone vouch for their injectables? I guess @purplepandalabs reputation is pretty clear judging on how long this thread is but I would like to hear from someone who tried them and has a direct experience.
Always sterile filter any UG gear before use, just in case.
It only takes like 10 min and $10 for such a peace of mind.

I’m gonna address this bust now before people start to think this was my current lab. The bust that happened was elite. My old brewer. That is why there was not a large stock of panda products or labels there. But for the time being I am shutting down my domestic products in order to move locations of my warehouse(moving states). Once we are in a new location I will reopen the domestic shop again. This bust has nothing to do with the current panda domestic. I am only moving warehouse locations as an extra security precaution
What about cash in mail, with the printed order sent by mail too?
That might be the future.
Yes , he was for sure at some point. He stated it once in his thread.

I’m sure he was still getting from him too. You panda will say no he wasn’t in order to make sure people don’t freak.

Makes you wonder. Elite claimed that even after the hair gate debacle that he was still brewing for Panda domestic, though we were told he was fired. May be a ring of truth to it after all.

Frankly, i don't trust either of them.
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Makes you wonder. Elite claimed that even after the hair gate debacle that he was still brewing for Panda domestic, though we we're told he was fired. May be a ring of truth to it after all.

Frankly, i don't trust either of them.

It wasn’t a small amount of pandas gear in that video of the bust either.

I mean homeland security and dea were Involved.... this raid didn’t just happen, it has been being monitored for a while. And like @dr.jim said.. if you think the strong arm of the law is limited to USA soil you are mistaken greatly.

And as I said way back when... panda supplying all these labs with raws makes him a fish any country wants to catch.

Panda said he deleted all the elite passwords etc, but you don’t know how long these feds have been watching, and didn’t have the information they needed to log in under his passwords etc.

This is far more serious than panda is letting everyone believe.