PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I thought about it... word of mouth is good enough.

Domestic is open for anyone who wants to place an order.

Why not have a live streamed ribbon cutting ceremony or a parade in front of your local DEA office to stir up sales?

Maybe blanket your city with PPL shirts dropped from a blimp who's scrolling marquee reads "PPL DOMESTIC IS NOW OPEN... FOR THE 4TH TIME"?
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Anyone have experience mixing their mk6777? I mixed mine with grain alcohol and heated it. It all looked combined then next day, it’s chunky. Should I heat it up again?
Anyone have experience mixing their mk6777? I mixed mine with grain alcohol and heated it. It all looked combined then next day, it’s chunky. Should I heat it up again?
Mine looked okay in ethanol and glycerine mind you one year ago, yellowish color and all mixed how much mg/ml did you make
Y’all talk about WAY TO MUCH SHIT ON HERE. Why don’t y’all all just go ahead and hand your info over. All you fuckers buying Rawz, and shit like that is what’s fucking this Game up. Leave that shit up to the Sources, bringing way to much god damn attention to simple AAS users. Everyone has to go above and beyond and make their own shit. It’s dumb, you leave traces everywhere all the fucking shit you buy. Then you get the Big Head and think your ready to Brew your own Juice and sale it. Shit is dumb as fuck. It’s become so popular now that the shit to make everything is just a fucking click away for someone overseas to make quick and easy money off you crazy fucks. And it’s funny to them cause they can’t be touched, and their making serious bank off of it. SMH
I dunno what are you on about it is actually a vendor who got caught and not retail

I’ve read all about it, I know what it was. These fuckers that keep ordering after the 2 Biggest Forces in america Homeland Fucking Security, and the God Damn DEA busts a Brewer that had this Labs Gear in the Bust with notebooks of nobody REALLY KNOWS the truth about what was in it. Tell me your not utterly fucking stupid. The Source makes it very clear that they don’t give a rats ass about anyone. If you think LE isn’t so far up this Sources ass right now, you need your head checked. And they already made it public that they have opened up shop in the States again. That’s a Fucking Class act. And they are over there smiling in the Face of Americans, making truckloads of money off of you. Maybe I’m venting today. But Jesus Christ people are so fucking stupid.
Why don't you go back to your thread and beg us to confirm if another vendor is okay
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Why don't you go back to your thread and beg us to confirm if another vendor is okay

Why don’t you Suck on this Dick. I follow several threads. Tell Bubba I said hello when he is Balls deep in your ass soon as you land a spot in the Shitter before long.
Yalll fuckers are stupid ..... i buy my gear made already cuz its not illegal .... and cuz idk whos brewing that shit in there bath tub ..... having a small Asian boy run in cycles to stir it ..... u dumb ass fuckers who know there gear is on point and clean y’all some stupid ass mother fuckers ...... now where is hammer at i need some gear....... and why the hell would you wanna pay a fraction of the price thats just retared
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I've been saying that those addresses are most likely to the remailers, who actually ship to the customers, and not the addresses and orders of actual customers.

Quite an assumption to make... just assume it’s no big deal right? Let’s just assume everything is completely safe despite there being a direct quote from the report stating that “shipping address found.”

People are suggesting that le end plan is to go after each customer individually, when historically that's just not what they do.

So no one has ever been busted for personal quantities... ever? No one has ever had a tarnished reputation based on revealed drug usage... ever?

Seriously, the shit you say in defense of sources...
I’ve read all about it, I know what it was. These fuckers that keep ordering after the 2 Biggest Forces in america Homeland Fucking Security, and the God Damn DEA busts a Brewer that had this Labs Gear in the Bust with notebooks of nobody REALLY KNOWS the truth about what was in it. Tell me your not utterly fucking stupid. The Source makes it very clear that they don’t give a rats ass about anyone. If you think LE isn’t so far up this Sources ass right now, you need your head checked. And they already made it public that they have opened up shop in the States again. That’s a Fucking Class act. And they are over there smiling in the Face of Americans, making truckloads of money off of you. Maybe I’m venting today. But Jesus Christ people are so fucking stupid.

You're good . Bit it's easier to ship 10gm of test rax than 10vials of oil .And that 10gm makes ALOT more than 10vials.
You're good . Bit it's easier to ship 10gm of test rax than 10vials of oil .And that 10gm makes ALOT more than 10vials.

To each their own I suppose. I just think it raises to much suspicion. I’m just a couple vial kind of person myself, I see no need for all that shit. I like to keep it simple.