PurplePandaLabs Raw source

@Roger rabbit

If you dont mind me asking, what was this gentleman referring to.

If its personal, I understand. And don't bother. I know sometimes people hink those profile posts are personal messages, and not public.Screenshot_20181002-203129_Chrome.jpg
Still no answer to 2 really simple questions
So we can safely assume than @Roger rabbit either

A Has never used Panda gear so he doesn't know firsthand if "panda is a crappy as he says it is" because he's never tried PPL himself.

B He's a paid basher
paid by other sources
otherwise why would anyone who never used a source endlessly complain about it?

Or C. Masteron is just a raging moron.
Seriously you post the dumbest, off the fucking wall, flat Earth bullshit. And now, for no reason think that Roger is a paid basher? Maybe he takes the harm reduction a little more seriously than you? Maybe he sees all the shit ppl pulls and calls it? You are that guy. You are the guy no one listens to, likes or cares about. Not because you post any type of truth or wisdom, or help... Because either you copy paste some weird shit or you post your own weird shit. Either way .

Here's how it looks from the real world, ppl is a shit show has sent out sketchy gear, sketchy security protocols and now just got busted... But it's safe please order. And now, you are basically defending them. Do all of Meso a favor and go back to your flat Earth forum.
... .And that 10gm makes ALOT more than 10vials.

Just pointing out that 10ml of prop at 100mg/ml is a gram per vial. Enanthate at 250mg/ml in a 10ml vial is 2.5 grams per vial.... So 10grams is 10 vials at best and 4 vials otherwise at standard dosing and standard 10ml vials.
@Roger rabbit

If you dont mind me asking, what was this gentleman referring to.

If its personal, I understand. And don't bother. I know sometimes people hink those profile posts are personal messages, and not public.View attachment 98405

Lmao! Believe this is from the potg thread. From when potg retired we made story that there was a super secret special people that he still would let order. Was funny as hell because people actually believed he was still around and there was a special people he would still let order. Many members ended up jumping on the joke wagon after they figured it out and kept it going for all the newbs for months.

Edit: looking at the date, that might be from the sp thread. I made a post about sending 250$ to me to get them on the list and make a deposit for the donkey. Believe it or not, I actually had some members I’ve never even heard of asking if I was serious[emoji85][emoji23][emoji85]
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Lmao! Believe this is from the potg thread. From when potg retired we made story that there was a super secret special people that he still would let order. Was funny as hell because people actually believed he was still around and there was a special people he would still let order. Many members ended up jumping on the joke wagon after they figured it out and kept it going for all the newbs for months.

Edit: looking at the date, that might be from the sp thread. I made a post about sending 250$ to me to get them on the list and make a deposit for the donkey. Believe it or not, I actually had some members I’ve never even heard of asking if I was serious[emoji85][emoji23][emoji85]
Just pointing out that 10ml of prop at 100mg/ml is a gram per vial. Enanthate at 250mg/ml in a 10ml vial is 2.5 grams per vial.... So 10grams is 10 vials at best and 4 vials otherwise at standard dosing and standard 10ml vials.

You realize I corrected it in another post to 100 right?
Lmao! Believe this is from the potg thread. From when potg retired we made story that there was a super secret special people that he still would let order. Was funny as hell because people actually believed he was still around and there was a special people he would still let order. Many members ended up jumping on the joke wagon after they figured it out and kept it going for all the newbs for months.

Edit: looking at the date, that might be from the sp thread. I made a post about sending 250$ to me to get them on the list and make a deposit for the donkey. Believe it or not, I actually had some members I’ve never even heard of asking if I was serious[emoji85][emoji23][emoji85]

You fucking shill
It still blows my mind that these fucks are trying to lie to us to put dollars in their pocket.

Whos to say that their compounds are real if thats how they do business.

You cut one corner youre going to cut more.

Fucking scary. Makes me wonder if i should get blood tests to check for disease.
So what’s the story on the raid? Is this just coming through the grapevine, or is there a news story on this?