PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Lotta shit going on in this thread. According to the news report, the guy who got busted ( The one whose cousin snitched on him) has been doing this for years. My understanding is PPL just started using a new US domestic guy with in the past year.
Lotta shit going on in this thread. According to the news report, the guy who got busted ( The one whose cousin snitched on him) has been doing this for years. My understanding is PPL just started using a new US domestic guy with in the past year.
I would hope PPL wouldnt hire a rookie. I would give him that much.

PPL was desperate and hired someone who was already brewing domestic for other sources.
Its pretty cut and dry. His brewer got busted. PPL stops offering domestic until they find someone else. That poor fuck going to prison was just a pawn for PPL. Disposable. Dime a dozen.

Just like us....
Its pretty cut and dry. His brewer got busted. PPL stops offering domestic until they find someone else. That poor fuck going to prison was just a pawn for PPL. Disposable. Dime a dozen.

Just like us....
People don't give that ass hole any of your money.

Its pretty cut and dry. His brewer got busted. PPL stops offering domestic until they find someone else. That poor fuck going to prison was just a pawn for PPL. Disposable. Dime a dozen.

Just like us....
That poor guy lost his panda medical benefits and panda pension plan.
Lotta shit going on in this thread. According to the news report, the guy who got busted ( The one whose cousin snitched on him) has been doing this for years. My understanding is PPL just started using a new US domestic guy with in the past year.

Panda at one time stated he was hiring a new brewer who has been brewing for a while and has lots of experience almost right after the elite labs guy was supposedly let go
Lotta shit going on in this thread. According to the news report, the guy who got busted ( The one whose cousin snitched on him) has been doing this for years. My understanding is PPL just started using a new US domestic guy with in the past year.
I can't figure it out either... I read the articles and seen the pics...I guess it's his style packaging and stealth techniques....idk
I can't figure it out either... I read the articles and seen the pics...I guess it's his style packaging and stealth techniques....idk

Lots of pieces that just fit together .

1. All the sudden domestic shuts down.
2. The rep disappears.
3. The article and video of the bust gets released.
4. They are moving to a new location.

I’m sure more pieces can be added to the list.
Lots of pieces that just fit together .

1. All the sudden domestic shuts down.
2. The rep disappears.
3. The article and video of the bust gets released.
4. They are moving to a new location.

I’m sure more pieces can be added to the list.
Good enough for me to burn my purple panda nike sneaks I just got lol...
Lots of pieces that just fit together .

1. All the sudden domestic shuts down.
2. The rep disappears.
3. The article and video of the bust gets released.
4. They are moving to a new location.

I’m sure more pieces can be added to the list.

Ok Makes sense. Don’t get me wrong, I put this lab on the “Do not order from if they’re the last lab standing” list long ago, just trying to figure out what happened
Lmao! Believe this is from the potg thread. From when potg retired we made story that there was a super secret special people that he still would let order. Was funny as hell because people actually believed he was still around and there was a special people he would still let order. Many members ended up jumping on the joke wagon after they figured it out and kept it going for all the newbs for months.

Edit: looking at the date, that might be from the sp thread. I made a post about sending 250$ to me to get them on the list and make a deposit for the donkey. Believe it or not, I actually had some members I’ve never even heard of asking if I was serious[emoji85][emoji23][emoji85]

You fucking shill
That's why I've been telling you guys all the time
@Roger rabbit comes here with an agenda (and no it ain't customer safety).
Uncovered as a paid basher, then he uncovers himself as a paid shill.


1.) are you and @PurplePandaRep the same person
lol, Nope.


Didn't that teach you a lesson to become as jacked as you can?

You're on a roll.
G4P to afford pharma GH shouldn't be too difficult for you, is it?

It still blows my mind that these fucks are trying to lie to us to put dollars in their pocket.

Whos to say that their compounds are real if thats how they do business.

You cut one corner youre going to cut more.

Fucking scary. Makes me wonder if i should get blood tests to check for disease.
Welcome to the real world
illegal drug dealers lie
hookers lie too (she doesn't actually like you).
Santa doesn't exist.

Scroll my friend, scroll...

PPL was raided domestic side. Yes there is video and yes his gear is in it.

Lotta shit going on in this thread. According to the news report, the guy who got busted ( The one whose cousin snitched on him) has been doing this for years. My understanding is PPL just started using a new US domestic guy with in the past year.
Not to whitewash PPL
but it was an incidental finding.
Airport X-rays spotted powder that shouldn't be in soap noodle bags.
Then they visit the addressee, who begins crying like a little bitch ans rolls on everyone.

So LE weren't actively tracking Panda, it was an incidental finding.
Not meant to whitewash Panda, just to tell the way it is.

I would hope PPL wouldnt hire a rookie. I would give him that much.

PPL was desperate and hired someone who was already brewing domestic for other sources.

Its pretty cut and dry. His brewer got busted. PPL stops offering domestic until they find someone else. That poor fuck going to prison was just a pawn for PPL. Disposable. Dime a dozen.

Just like us....
The next brewer is going to be a total idiot, you can have that for sure.
Only idiots sell illegal drugs, especially domestically.

I can't figure it out either... I read the articles and seen the pics...I guess it's his style packaging and stealth techniques....idk
While hiding a few kilos ain't easy,
their stealth was shit. No wonder why they got caught at airport X-rays.

Lots of pieces that just fit together .

1. All the sudden domestic shuts down.
2. The rep disappears.
3. The article and video of the bust gets released.
4. They are moving to a new location.

I’m sure more pieces can be added to the list.
5. @Roger rabbit gets uncovered as a paid basher.
6. The plot thickens.

Chill out guys
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@master.on this is how much of a dumbass you are, me calling @Roger rabbit a shill...was sarcasm . A joke, kinda like you. Based off of forum posts, and the numerous private messages we've shared, he has never once let on, especially privately, that he was a "paid basher" of ppl. Or any one. At one point I privately spoke to him about a raw order from ppl, he didn't attempt to drive me away or to ppl. We both discussed the past and present of that lab and other topics . So, masteron, drop it. Pick another flat Earth wack job topic and move on and get off his back.
So LE weren't actively tracking Panda, it was an incidental finding.
Not meant to whitewash Panda, just to tell the way it is.
But you can sure as hell bet they are now, yet you believe it’s safe to continue to order because hey - this one bust took them off the radar. GTFOH dude. This was only the beginning now that they have an easy target.

I’m actually big into conspiracy theories, but given his vast knowledge and helpful messages both publicly and private, I’d venture to say you have the wrong paid basher and to continue this witch hunt against @Roger rabbit makes you a bigger idiot than previously thought. Like RR, I also wondered why people gave you shit all the time. Now I know.
But you can sure as hell bet they are now, yet you believe it’s safe to continue to order because hey - this one bust took them off the radar. GTFOH dude. This was only the beginning now that they have an easy target.

I’m actually big into conspiracy theories, but given his vast knowledge and helpful messages both publicly and private, I’d venture to say you have the wrong paid basher and to continue this witch hunt against @Roger rabbit makes you a bigger idiot than previously thought. Like RR, I also wondered why people gave you shit all the time. Now I know.

i enjoy a good conspiracy theory too, but extrapolating one from the fact that Roger gives this source hell hold's no weight.

For those that remember the Trinity thread, i gave that shit bag hell, all day, every day.

Was it because i was being paid by another source to do so? Not a fucking chance. i can't be bought by a source. Plain and simple.

i did it because that mother fucker was sketchy from day one. Had the mouth and the reading/writing skill's of a child and was only here to make quick money, then bounce. Which he ultimately did, with a couple outstanding noob orders.

So why do "source bashers" like myself and Roger do it? To make Meso a safer place and hold these sources to a higher standard. Given the recent revelations with PPL, it should be pretty obvious why Roger does what he does.

Next @master.on conspiracy... @MisterSuperGod is @Roger rabbit :D (Yes, i tagged myself). o_O:p