PurplePandaLabs Raw source

So far all I've seen is "it'd be safer not to use this source" and no one is saying use a specific other one.
There is a thread in home brew section that touches on some of the current options.

PPL was unique in they already had a big following prior on Reddit SST also they filled a very very unique niche.

They could have been one of the best sources ever had they just stuck to what they were good at but greed corrupts all. Easy money comes fast and hard. But that’s the streetlife.
How is it that people think ppl broke open the raw game? Yeah he made access easy but let’s not be so niave to think he saved determined people more than a week of research. LMC while not the greatest has been around a minute.

My brother had a guy in China he worked with to get replica Rolex’s made that were impossible to determine the difference without taking it to a specialist. When I got into this game he asked him about sourcing stuff for me, said all he had to do was go to a certain district and get some quotes, prices were laughable and he sent me purity reports that were far more legit than things I’ve seen on here, unfortunately I wasn’t ready for brewing so didn’t take advantage. I know other people that have gone to China and made these connections, word is it’s relatively easy if you ge there.

You know what ppl has done? Make it easy for the dipshits and lazy turds to get access to raws, then he bragged about it and spit in the face of various US legal organizations. I’m willing to risk a hefty bet the US LE knows everything about him and his organization. It’s ok though he’s in China right and there’s no way they can get him??!!? There’s a DEA in China..... They are also the country we do the most business with and bribery is the norm there. It’s all good though because people in the DEA, FBI, CIA, etc. would never manipulate or break the laws they’re responsible for inforcing... like bang hookers in Panama or something, maybe ship drugs on their planes from Columbia. Would be a shame if someone thought they were forgotten and took a vacation somewhere, like going home to visit someone or maybe swinging by a European country.
How is it that people think ppl broke open the raw game? Yeah he made access easy but let’s not be so niave to think he saved determined people more than a week of research. LMC while not the greatest has been around a minute.

My brother had a guy in China he worked with to get replica Rolex’s made that were impossible to determine the difference without taking it to a specialist. When I got into this game he asked him about sourcing stuff for me, said all he had to do was go to a certain district and get some quotes, prices were laughable and he sent me purity reports that were far more legit than things I’ve seen on here, unfortunately I wasn’t ready for brewing so didn’t take advantage. I know other people that have gone to China and made these connections, word is it’s relatively easy if you ge there.

You know what ppl has done? Make it easy for the dipshits and lazy turds to get access to raws, then he bragged about it and spit in the face of various US legal organizations. I’m willing to risk a hefty bet the US LE knows everything about him and his organization. It’s ok though he’s in China right and there’s no way they can get him??!!? There’s a DEA in China..... They are also the country we do the most business with and bribery is the norm there. It’s all good though because people in the DEA, FBI, CIA, etc. would never manipulate or break the laws they’re responsible for inforcing... like bang hookers in Panama or something, maybe ship drugs on their planes from Columbia. Would be a shame if someone thought they were forgotten and took a vacation somewhere, like going home to visit someone or maybe swinging by a European country.

Learn something new everyday.

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It would be that simple. Under normal circumstances, a source gets busted, you cant use them again. They're busted. This situation is unique in that, hes a source through proxy. So he cant get busted. Only his minions(so to say).

Logically I would hope people would err on the side of caution and just not use them. But I'm realistic. I know people will still use them.

To me harm reduction is about having properly labeled gear, properly dosed gear. Obviously the extreme example @Dw725 gave, as if you would have to tell someone not to use a source that's bottling aids, if only every decision was that easy.

They'll always be a possibility for legal ramifications. Itll never be zero. So how can legal ramifications come into play towards harm reduction?
Panda won't go down in the foreseeable future:
Too big to fail
too chinese to fail
And that hurts competing sources.

I'd say that preventing the risk of going to jail looks out for physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional well being.
Preventing your ass from hurting (because of prison rape) is harm reduction.

There is a thread in home brew section that touches on some of the current options.

PPL was unique in they already had a big following prior on Reddit SST also they filled a very very unique niche.

They could have been one of the best sources ever had they just stuck to what they were good at but greed corrupts all. Easy money comes fast and hard. But that’s the streetlife.
I believe the problem is that they just need idiots:
only idiots will sell illegal drugs, especially domestically.
And idiots can't get things right. Not even simple things like brewing, online security or deleting past customers info.

How is it that people think ppl broke open the raw game? Yeah he made access easy but let’s not be so niave to think he saved determined people more than a week of research. LMC while not the greatest has been around a minute.

My brother had a guy in China he worked with to get replica Rolex’s made that were impossible to determine the difference without taking it to a specialist. When I got into this game he asked him about sourcing stuff for me, said all he had to do was go to a certain district and get some quotes, prices were laughable and he sent me purity reports that were far more legit than things I’ve seen on here, unfortunately I wasn’t ready for brewing so didn’t take advantage. I know other people that have gone to China and made these connections, word is it’s relatively easy if you ge there.

You know what ppl has done? Make it easy for the dipshits and lazy turds to get access to raws, then he bragged about it and spit in the face of various US legal organizations. I’m willing to risk a hefty bet the US LE knows everything about him and his organization. It’s ok though he’s in China right and there’s no way they can get him??!!? There’s a DEA in China..... They are also the country we do the most business with and bribery is the norm there. It’s all good though because people in the DEA, FBI, CIA, etc. would never manipulate or break the laws they’re responsible for inforcing... like bang hookers in Panama or something, maybe ship drugs on their planes from Columbia. Would be a shame if someone thought they were forgotten and took a vacation somewhere, like going home to visit someone or maybe swinging by a European country.
Not only panda brought gear to newbies,
they brought high quality gear to newbies.

Being high quality, some small sources buy from them too, not just total newbies.
How is it that people think ppl broke open the raw game? Yeah he made access easy but let’s not be so niave to think he saved determined people more than a week of research. LMC while not the greatest has been around a minute.

My brother had a guy in China he worked with to get replica Rolex’s made that were impossible to determine the difference without taking it to a specialist. When I got into this game he asked him about sourcing stuff for me, said all he had to do was go to a certain district and get some quotes, prices were laughable and he sent me purity reports that were far more legit than things I’ve seen on here, unfortunately I wasn’t ready for brewing so didn’t take advantage. I know other people that have gone to China and made these connections, word is it’s relatively easy if you ge there.

You know what ppl has done? Make it easy for the dipshits and lazy turds to get access to raws, then he bragged about it and spit in the face of various US legal organizations. I’m willing to risk a hefty bet the US LE knows everything about him and his organization. It’s ok though he’s in China right and there’s no way they can get him??!!? There’s a DEA in China..... They are also the country we do the most business with and bribery is the norm there. It’s all good though because people in the DEA, FBI, CIA, etc. would never manipulate or break the laws they’re responsible for inforcing... like bang hookers in Panama or something, maybe ship drugs on their planes from Columbia. Would be a shame if someone thought they were forgotten and took a vacation somewhere, like going home to visit someone or maybe swinging by a European country.
Yup... Cotrolled Chaos... LE knows they cant stop em for the time being so they work with him to slowly keep an eye on whats going on in US.
People will build, get big LE knocks em down or bust em for other info.

LE would rather deal with controlled chaos then out of control chaos. Key Word is "Control"...

But soon you can watch it all on Fox... Pandas Most Wanted coming soon...

I would do a funny gif but Im Outy:confused:
Yup... Cotrolled Chaos... LE knows they cant stop em for the time being so they work with him to slowly keep an eye on whats going on in US.
People will build, get big LE knocks em down or bust em for other info.

LE would rather deal with controlled chaos then out of control chaos. Key Word is "Control"...

But soon you can watch it all on Fox... Pandas Most Wanted coming soon...

I would do a funny gif but Im Outy:confused:
Not gonna lie.... I was disappointed. I was hoping to see a gif at the end while I was reading. Lol.

Honestly I think it's just a bonus for the feds to get steroids coming across the border. They're looking for fentanyl. More people overdosed last year than deaths in the Vietnam war. That's fucking nuts.
Ok guys, so my buddy emailed PPL this since he just ordered domestic few days ago:
"heard your domestic side got busted with our personal information. Is this true?"

"of course NOT, its just brewer before our last one, so everything fine here, we keep sending orders to everyone

the brewer before the last got fired months ago, nothing relate to us."
Ok guys, so my buddy emailed PPL this since he just ordered domestic few days ago:
"heard your domestic side got busted with our personal information. Is this true?"

"of course it is, but since I only give a fuck about myself and don’t care if all of you fuckers burn, we keep sending orders to everyone

the brewer before the last got fired months ago, nothing relate to us, but rest assured if anything happens, I won’t be the one going down so keep sending me your money, dumb ass."

I should have clarified. Harm reduction should definitely include which source NOT to use .


We all take a risk, it's about mitigating those risks. One maybe less risky than another, but in this case, this lab is HIGH risk.
Yup... Cotrolled Chaos... LE knows they cant stop em for the time being so they work with him to slowly keep an eye on whats going on in US.
People will build, get big LE knocks em down or bust em for other info.

LE would rather deal with controlled chaos then out of control chaos. Key Word is "Control"...

But soon you can watch it all on Fox... Pandas Most Wanted coming soon...

I would do a funny gif but Im Outy:confused:

Not gonna lie.... I was disappointed. I was hoping to see a gif at the end while I was reading. Lol.

Honestly I think it's just a bonus for the feds to get steroids coming across the border. They're looking for fentanyl. More people overdosed last year than deaths in the Vietnam war. That's fucking nuts.
Not many steroid busts since Trump took office.

They're focusing on fentanyl and its derivatives instead.
Even sleeping pills now have a much higher priority than roids (roids are Schedule III while sleeping pills are Sch IV), but many sleeping pills have been tainted with fentanyl.

OTOH, raw powders will get more attention at customs, as they don't know if its fentanyl.

I’ll be the new rep now, so if u have any questions just ask

Wait, I thought @Roger rabbit was the new rep. I just reviewed my order with him and he gave me his promo code. 50% off.
In retrospect, it was pretty stupid to watch reps handling customer order issues in boards, sharing customer names and addresses through PM.
All that should be left to secure Email.

Reps should only handle general inquiries in public boards.