PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Ok guys, so my buddy emailed PPL this since he just ordered domestic few days ago:
"heard your domestic side got busted with our personal information. Is this true?"

"of course NOT, its just brewer before our last one, so everything fine here, we keep sending orders to everyone

the brewer before the last got fired months ago, nothing relate to us."
Well the current bust showed pictures of a pill press. Elite didnt sell pressed pills, so we were able to deduce that it wasn't elite that got busted but his current domestic lab.

Coupled with the fact that his domestic lab shut down and reopened recently.

Aside from us putting things together. He may be trying to deflect from the fact that his current domestic op was compromised.

Unless elite got a pill press some time since then. But I scanned his thread and remember him saying something like it wasnt worth the risk to acquire one, or it brings up red flags something along those lines.
Unless elite got a pill press some time since then. But I scanned his thread and remember him saying something like it wasnt worth the risk to acquire one, or it brings up red flags something along those lines.

That's how Mission (probably Canada's biggest lab) got busted: they ordered a pill press and the cops tracked it to the buyer.
Liquid orals for the win. Usually tastes like a rank pussy imo but it's all good in my book
Caps are easy but tedious, a pill press is not as tedious but still is a little but I prefer using either to liquid unless it's a miniscule dose like prami or adex
Caps are easy but tedious, a pill press is not as tedious but still is a little but I prefer using either to liquid unless it's a miniscule dose like prami or adex
Certain compounds I'll cap, the rest will be liquid. 100% about solubility to me
Liquid orals for the win. Usually tastes like a rank pussy imo but it's all good in my book

Personally I just hold my breath and try not to taste it...

...we are talking about the rank pussy, right?

No? Oh, well, I employ the same strategy for oral gear, as well!:eek:
Personally I just hold my breath and try not to taste it...

...we are talking about the rank pussy, right?

No? Oh, well, I employ the same strategy for oral gear, as well!:eek:
Still have the best booty pic that one with my name on it lol
Any of y’all brewed with Macadamia oil? Thinking about giving it a try

What's the fascination with exotic oils? Is it just to say you tried something new? Will it give the ability to hold higher dosages in solution? i'm just curious.

The tried and true oils like GSO have stood the test of time because they're great carrier oils and highly agreeable with the vast majority or users.

i mean, if you want to experiment, by all means, just make it in small batches in case the body doesn't like your chosen oil decision.
What's the fascination with exotic oils? Is it just to say you tried something new? Will it give the ability to hold higher dosages in solution? i'm just curious.

The tried and true oils like GSO have stood the test of time because they're great carrier oils and highly agreeable with the vast majority or users.

i mean, if you want to experiment, by all means, just make it in small batches in case the body doesn't like your chosen oil decision.
Experimentation that’s all. Was cooking with it and just thought it would make me gear look pretty with it’s nice color.