PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Quite an assumption to make... just assume it’s no big deal right? Let’s just assume everything is completely safe despite there being a direct quote from the report stating that “shipping address found.”

So no one has ever been busted for personal quantities... ever? No one has ever had a tarnished reputation based on revealed drug usage... ever?

Seriously, the shit you say in defense of sources...
You're pretty good at putting words in peoples mouth. But not that good at understanding.
If it's test e at 250mg/ml it'll only make 4

Typo .100gm .And that's still a small pack, and ALOT cheaper than finished oil, and give the track record of shit labs like PPL, safer to boot. Since not only do they brew some sketch, they got freaking busted!
Really?!?!?! Let's just start incriminating ourselves why don't we! SMFH
Not neccesarily
He might be a mexico, china or moldova citizen, or elsewhere where gear is legal.

Even if he says no, what difference does it make?

You don't have to be a customer to know that this operation is going to hell in a hand basket at an accelerated speed.
If he says no, then that'll prove he's a paid basher.

@Roger rabbit where are you?

PPLs new stealth? :D
That failed too
it's already leaking out

I’ve read all about it, I know what it was. These fuckers that keep ordering after the 2 Biggest Forces in america Homeland Fucking Security, and the God Damn DEA busts a Brewer that had this Labs Gear in the Bust with notebooks of nobody REALLY KNOWS the truth about what was in it. Tell me your not utterly fucking stupid. The Source makes it very clear that they don’t give a rats ass about anyone. If you think LE isn’t so far up this Sources ass right now, you need your head checked. And they already made it public that they have opened up shop in the States again. That’s a Fucking Class act. And they are over there smiling in the Face of Americans, making truckloads of money off of you. Maybe I’m venting today. But Jesus Christ people are so fucking stupid.
That's not going to be any different with any source.
Every dom bust will leave customers praying your name ain't listed there.
Like day and night.
You have to have a plan.
That's not going to be any different with any source.
Every dom bust will leave customers praying your name ain't listed there.
Like day and night.
You have to have a plan.

I don’t have a Plan. If they want to come after me for a couple vials then so be it.
Not neccesarily
He might be a mexico, china or moldova citizen, or elsewhere where gear is legal.

If he says no, then that'll prove he's a paid basher.

@Roger rabbit where are you?

That failed too
it's already leaking out

That's not going to be any different with any source.
Every dom bust will leave customers praying your name ain't listed there.
Like day and night.
You have to have a plan.

Tall order you're fixing up to serve with the paid basher stuff. Better have your duck's in a row before you open that can of worms.
Not neccesarily
He might be a mexico, china or moldova citizen, or elsewhere where gear is legal.

If he says no, then that'll prove he's a paid basher.

@Roger rabbit where are you?

That failed too
it's already leaking out

That's not going to be any different with any source.
Every dom bust will leave customers praying your name ain't listed there.
Like day and night.
You have to have a plan.

You are a fucking idiot. I always wondered why everyone on meso would pick on you and refer to you as the meso town drunk...

I clearly see why now copy and paste boy.

I have no reason to respond to your idiotic question on who I use or don’t use and if I don’t use this particular source then I’m a “paid basher” gtfo with that stupid ass shit trying to deflect from the real topic at hand.

if anything it would be clear you are being paid to defend this shit hole.

So keep on trolling you fuck stick
You are a fucking idiot. I always wondered why everyone on meso would pick on you and refer to you as the meso town drunk...

I clearly see why now copy and paste boy.

I have no reason to respond to your idiotic question on who I use or don’t use and if I don’t use this particular source then I’m a “paid basher” gtfo with that stupid ass shit trying to deflect from the real topic at hand.

if anything it would be clear you are being paid to defend this shit hole.

So keep on trolling you fuck stick
1 Have you ever used Panda's gear yes or no?

2 Are you a paid basher, yes or no?

Just answer the questions.
1 Have you ever used Panda's gear yes or no?

2 Are you a paid basher, yes or no?

Just answer the questions.

Lmfao you fucking tool. Go ask ripped if I have, fucking tool bag.

And to your second question paid basher? Who the fuck does this. You just make Shit up internet troll.

What are you accomplishing ? How much does panda pay you? Fucking idiot

1 Have you ever used Panda's gear yes or no?

2 Are you a paid basher, yes or no?

Just answer the questions.
@master.on , answer the following questions;
1/ where do you live? You deserve a special visit.
2/ have you ever used pandas gear?
3/ how much is he paying you for talking shit about members known to look out for the community and help out almost anyone in need of help?
Lmfao you fucking tool. Go ask ripped if I have, fucking tool bag.

And to your second question paid basher? Who the fuck does this. You just make Shit up internet troll.

What are you accomplishing ? How much does panda pay you? Fucking idiot

Yes or no
how difficult a question can that be?

@master.on , answer the following questions;
1/ where do you live? You deserve a special visit.
2/ have you ever used pandas gear?
3/ how much is he paying you for talking shit about members known to look out for the community and help out almost anyone in need of help?
1 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
2 yes
3 Nothing
Lmfao you fucking tool. Go ask ripped if I have, fucking tool bag.

And to your second question paid basher? Who the fuck does this. You just make Shit up internet troll.

What are you accomplishing ? How much does panda pay you? Fucking idiot

2018-10-02-19-29-50.jpg he is all the robots combined
I’ve read all about it, I know what it was. These fuckers that keep ordering after the 2 Biggest Forces in america Homeland Fucking Security, and the God Damn DEA busts a Brewer that had this Labs Gear in the Bust with notebooks of nobody REALLY KNOWS the truth about what was in it. Tell me your not utterly fucking stupid. The Source makes it very clear that they don’t give a rats ass about anyone. If you think LE isn’t so far up this Sources ass right now, you need your head checked. And they already made it public that they have opened up shop in the States again. That’s a Fucking Class act. And they are over there smiling in the Face of Americans, making truckloads of money off of you. Maybe I’m venting today. But Jesus Christ people are so fucking stupid.


Damn! This guy gets it....
Lmfao you fucking tool. Go ask ripped if I have, fucking tool bag.

And to your second question paid basher? Who the fuck does this. You just make Shit up internet troll.

What are you accomplishing ? How much does panda pay you? Fucking idiot

Do you have to ask @Ripped for permission to post?
Why should I ask him? I'm asking YOU

Since the questions haven't been answered:

1 Have you ever used Panda's gear yes or no?

2 Are you a paid basher, yes or no?
You need to charge your phone [emoji23][emoji23]
Lol. Man the struggle is real. It was a rough day. Long day at work. My quads busted through my pants on my inseam from my knee cap all the way to my nuts. Came home. Showers. And been on the couch since then. 2018-10-02-17-06-39.jpg
Stfu shill.

Buyer beware panda has been raided by homeland security and dea
Still no answer to 2 really simple questions
So we can safely assume than @Roger rabbit either

A Has never used Panda gear so he doesn't know firsthand if "panda is a crappy as he says it is" because he's never tried PPL himself.

B He's a paid basher
paid by other sources
otherwise why would anyone who never used a source endlessly complain about it?
Still no answer to 2 really simple questions
So we can safely assume than @Roger rabbit either

A Has never used Panda gear so he doesn't know firsthand if "panda is a crappy as he says it is" because he's never tried PPL himself.

B He's a paid basher
paid by other sources
otherwise why would anyone who never used a source endlessly complain about it?

This will be my last post replying to you.

But you obviously can’t read between lines. And you obviously haven’t fully comprehended the situation at hand here and lastly you obviously haven’t read or even bothered to look at my post threads and see who I have helped since I’ve been here at meso, not including my pm’s that I also help members out.

But I will not publicly announce who I use or do not use as I see zero need to do so in order to feed my ego or boost anyone’s sales by using my status. what I WILL DO is hold labs ACCOUNTABLE when they fuck up and help ensure members safety. And if that is complaining, then so be it,fuck stick.

So stop with the stupid shit of what you ASSUME I am based on NOTHING.