PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I didnt defend anyone. I stated my opinion on private vs public sources. Not on panda or pcom or a specific private source. Rob chose to attack me. He chose to take it personal.

And what do you mean only when people shit on panda? As if thats far and few between. That's everyday.

Na thread went pretty silent and you disappear. Rob shows up and speaks about dea and how this lab sucks etc.. and you appear. Weird how that happens.
Na thread went pretty silent and you disappear. Rob shows up and speaks about dea and how this lab sucks etc.. and you appear. Weird how that happens.
Nah, you're mistaken. Rob gave his opinion about private sources. I gave mine. That was the extent of our conversation. It has nothing to do with panda, nothing to do with any specific source. Except for rob making it about them.
Here you go @Roger rabbit ,show me where i defend panda or even mention him, or Any other specific source.
That's your opinion and it's wrong . So you'd rather everyone have a easily hacked website and no inventory control? The guy i use is private . For years. No issues. Like zero . He'll get backed up so he stops taking orders until he can supply them. You saying that its a red flag is absolutely wrong. Fuck man, ordering from a source that had your history is a true red flag . Feds and all!

How would you know if he never has issues if hes truly a private source? You mean you never had issue with him.

That's the difference between public and private. Public sources fuck up, everyone knows and they get held accountable or at the very least people can make better decision on using them or not. Private sources, not so much. Unless they're semi private, or you personally know the majority of their customers.

No, I don't need a correction, he's never had any issues . Here's the deal @AnTabolic73 , not everyiev is as lost as you are. Not everyone has to rely on shit, and it really is a shit source like ppl . Hell, Pcom kicks pandas ass. His busy model relies on people like you, smart enough to get to him, but no smarter. There are multiple people that use this source, on multiple boards. If he shit the bed, it would be know. It's called trust. Something panda or any this "sources" will never have. Have you ever had source send you the product BEFORE you paid, once you get it then you send out the CIM? No. You haven't. Because that puts all the risk on the source vs the buyer. How about a 15+ year track record? Can you name someone who's been around that long?

Keep scrapping for crumbs AnT. Keep chasing the next big thing. Keep sucking the cock of guys like ppl who'd gladly fuck you over in a heartbeat. Who lie nearly every time they speak. Who are "about to get things fixed" for the 30th time. Who send out dirty gear. Who send out under dosed gear. Who send out the wrong fucking gear. Who get fucking busted, lie about it, thinking you're too stupid or lazy to add it all up. Who save emails, saying that they don't, while sending out advertising. Keep on man. Because a private trustable source is so bad! Especially when pandas rep says so! :confused:

you take things way too personal. Thanks for taking the time and writing that out tho, I appreciate it. I didnt mean to arouse such emotion out of you.

You cant know. That's one of the cons of using a truly privatte source. It's just an opinion. I'm lot attacking you. I'm not talking about panda, or pcom, or the private 15 year golden source you use(ironically you spend a lot of time on public forums for someone who has countless golden private sources at his disposal).

And I'm not sustaining panda with the 1 order ive placed in the year or 2 years hes been here. So take it easy.

Have a great day.
I want to know what swole panda thinks about the monkey king?

How do you plan to combat the already lower prices and discount codes?

Seeing as he is setting up on MEso and Bop it appears to be he has plans to being around for a while.
I want to know what swole panda thinks about the monkey king?

How do you plan to combat the already lower prices and discount codes?

Seeing as he is setting up on MEso and Bop it appears to be he has plans to being around for a while.

Monkey king and panda should fight it out on the main card at UFC 230 for the UFC PED championship belt.
I want to know what swole panda thinks about the monkey king?

How do you plan to combat the already lower prices and discount codes?

Seeing as he is setting up on MEso and Bop it appears to be he has plans to being around for a while.
Maybe they're one in the same? Maybe panda figures he has done irreparable damage and is starting over. But before even shutting down panda?!

I'll take my tin foil hat off.

Like @rpbb said competition is good for business.
Maybe they're one in the same? Maybe panda figures he has done irreparable damage and is starting over. But before even shutting down panda?!

I'll take my tin foil hat off.

Like @rpbb said competition is good for business.

Honestly that would have been the smartest move after everything happened.
Alright since we're all being conspiracy theorist right now, I've been wondering if one of the two new domestic labs that opened up are the new PPL domestic.
Alright since we're all being conspiracy theorist right now, I've been wondering if one of the two new domestic labs that opened up are the new PPL domestic.
Considering they are actually shipping gear, I doubt it, but who knows