PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I also learned a long time ago when anyone mentions “Private” as in Lab or source or whatever.

That’s just them being a little dicked asshole and having you think they got the hook up.

No such thing as private anything.

You’d be amazed what anyone is willing to say to gain an inch. And if a source is going private... that’s a big red flag that they’re low on stock and dealing individually with their current customers.

That's your opinion and it's wrong . So you'd rather everyone have a easily hacked website and no inventory control? The guy i use is private . For years. No issues. Like zero . He'll get backed up so he stops taking orders until he can supply them. You saying that its a red flag is absolutely wrong. Fuck man, ordering from a source that had your history is a true red flag . Feds and all!
That's your opinion and it's wrong . So you'd rather everyone have a easily hacked website and no inventory control? The guy i use is private . For years. No issues. Like zero . He'll get backed up so he stops taking orders until he can supply them. You saying that its a red flag is absolutely wrong. Fuck man, ordering from a source that had your history is a true red flag . Feds and all!

Good for you. Lol... why are you in the thread then? If I wasn’t sourcing (looking for a source) I wouldn’t be in the UG.... that’s my two cents...

Warning members? Back then, members use to produce hard facts and evidence. You’re just reading off an article... anyone can do that.

And cool. You’re paying extra for something you can make yourself... can’t blame someone for everything. That source is gonna be gone way before you decide to quit pinning....

There’s a lot of private sources and 99% of them I know and they all have quirks... so you’re paying for their quirks.

As for the website? I think I made you an offer before... if you can hack that website and do something to it. To prove you did it. I’ll personally rain BTC on you lol.
So lets say for a carb load. I always thought it better to use dextrose, since dextrose is glucose and body utilizes glucose immediately vs lets say sugar(sucrose) which is part glucose part fructose. So I dont pile on the sugar because I thought muscles wont get filled by fructose. The liver can, and excess fructose can lead to spill over into fat.

Basically what I'm asking in that context, is dextrose and maltodextrin interchangeable.
Actually if it's a polysaccharide, that probably means inlets not interchangeable with dextrose

I would think both would be suitable as a fast acting carb, but I couldn’t tell you much more detail than that. Personally I just eat a banana (fructose) or white rice when I’m looking for a fast carb lol.
Deca makes me literally the horniest person on earth, and I get an overwhelming fetish for unshaven asian bush. Never was into that shit until deca. Like I would smother my whole face in a Japanese bush. Then when I come off the deca, I go back to normal lol. It’s weird. It somewhat happens with tren too but not nearly as extreme. Don’t understand people who get deca dick because for me I become the horniest person ever. Always taken with test too though

If I ever go to Japan I’m gonna do a high test/deca cycle and go nuts over there lol
Good for you. Lol... why are you in the thread then? If I wasn’t sourcing (looking for a source) I wouldn’t be in the UG.... that’s my two cents...

Warning members? Back then, members use to produce hard facts and evidence. You’re just reading off an article... anyone can do that.

And cool. You’re paying extra for something you can make yourself... can’t blame someone for everything. That source is gonna be gone way before you decide to quit pinning....

There’s a lot of private sources and 99% of them I know and they all have quirks... so you’re paying for their quirks.

As for the website? I think I made you an offer before... if you can hack that website and do something to it. To prove you did it. I’ll personally rain BTC on you lol.

So you get to dictate who says what? Aren't you a special little prick . Hacking isn't my gig. But you're saying that your shitty website has better security than all the major corporations that get hacked? Pedal your complete and utter bullshit someplace else . 100 bucks on the DW would have you eating your words. How do you know you haven't already been hacked? You think the DEA doesn't have the resources to hack you without leaving a trace? Even a rep for purple pandas dirty gear, complete with floating hairs can't be that stupid.
Good for you. Lol... why are you in the thread then? If I wasn’t sourcing (looking for a source) I wouldn’t be in the UG.... that’s my two cents...

Warning members? Back then, members use to produce hard facts and evidence. You’re just reading off an article... anyone can do that.

And cool. You’re paying extra for something you can make yourself... can’t blame someone for everything. That source is gonna be gone way before you decide to quit pinning....

There’s a lot of private sources and 99% of them I know and they all have quirks... so you’re paying for their quirks.

As for the website? I think I made you an offer before... if you can hack that website and do something to it. To prove you did it. I’ll personally rain BTC on you lol.

How much bit coin. Put the number out there
That's your opinion and it's wrong . So you'd rather everyone have a easily hacked website and no inventory control? The guy i use is private . For years. No issues. Like zero . He'll get backed up so he stops taking orders until he can supply them. You saying that its a red flag is absolutely wrong. Fuck man, ordering from a source that had your history is a true red flag . Feds and all!

How would you know if he never has issues if hes truly a private source? You mean you never had issue with him.

That's the difference between public and private. Public sources fuck up, everyone knows and they get held accountable or at the very least people can make better decision on using them or not. Private sources, not so much. Unless they're semi private, or you personally know the majority of their customers.
How would you know if he never has issues if hes truly a private source? You mean you never had issue with him.

That's the difference between public and private. Public sources fuck up, everyone knows and they get held accountable or at the very least people can make better decision on using them or not. Private sources, not so much. Unless they're semi private, or you personally know the majority of their customers.

No, I don't need a correction, he's never had any issues . Here's the deal @AnTabolic73 , not everyiev is as lost as you are. Not everyone has to rely on shit, and it really is a shit source like ppl . Hell, Pcom kicks pandas ass. His busy model relies on people like you, smart enough to get to him, but no smarter. There are multiple people that use this source, on multiple boards. If he shit the bed, it would be know. It's called trust. Something panda or any this "sources" will never have. Have you ever had source send you the product BEFORE you paid, once you get it then you send out the CIM? No. You haven't. Because that puts all the risk on the source vs the buyer. How about a 15+ year track record? Can you name someone who's been around that long?

Keep scrapping for crumbs AnT. Keep chasing the next big thing. Keep sucking the cock of guys like ppl who'd gladly fuck you over in a heartbeat. Who lie nearly every time they speak. Who are "about to get things fixed" for the 30th time. Who send out dirty gear. Who send out under dosed gear. Who send out the wrong fucking gear. Who get fucking busted, lie about it, thinking you're too stupid or lazy to add it all up. Who save emails, saying that they don't, while sending out advertising. Keep on man. Because a private trustable source is so bad! Especially when pandas rep says so! :confused:
I'm just glad we're starting to get more raw sources popping up. Maybe the competition will cause that scumbags panda to get his shit together
Yeah, Good morning to you as well baby boy... sorry you woke up in a tantrum.
Just because you're the new rep around here (shitty one at that), doesn't mean all of pandas continuing epic fuckups have been forgotten. It's always been something with that shithead panda, and that will continue.
@AnTabolic73 you’re okay....

@Robfromga and @rpbb are just pretenders to a Meso throne that no longer exist. I bet they get all warm and fuzzy inside when members PM them for knowledge.... “show me the wheyyyy”

You guys aren’t Meso. That died with most of the members who actually moved on with their lives or no longer here...

Sad because we had a lot of fun times here.
Just because you're the new rep around here (shitty one at that), doesn't mean all of pandas continuing epic fuckups have been forgotten. It's always been something with that shithead panda, and that will continue.

It’s like that with every source... but I wasn’t here for all that so what happens now is corrected if not done right...
@AnTabolic73 you’re okay....

@Robfromga and @rpbb are just pretenders to a Meso throne that no longer exist. I bet they get all warm and fuzzy inside when members PM them for knowledge.... “show me the wheyyyy”

You guys aren’t Meso. That died with most of the members who actually moved on with their lives or no longer here...

Sad because we had a lot of fun times here.
Still trying to figure out why panda was using the hairy gear brewer who got arrested, when panda said he fired him a year ago

Now if you want to make money by working for a pathological lying drug dealer, that might be ok with you, but fortunately, I worked hard enough in life that I never needed to do n that
On a lighter note,

Gentlemen we are steadily approaching 29,500 post count.

We will begin our count down to both contest we are holding.

10 winners will receive 5 vials of Test Each.

1 lucky winner will receive a cycle of (3) Test E (3) Deca and (1) 100 tab pack of dianabol at 50mg a tab.

We will ship direct from our international line using a faster shipping method which would only take (7) days.

The promotion starts at thirty thousandth post. The thirty thousandth post will receive the full cycle and the 11 different posters after that will receive the test e vials.

Thank you. And hopefully soon we’ll hit that post count.
So to further break that down.

30,000th post will receive the full cycle.

After that. 10 different members who post afterwards will receive the (5) vials of Test e.

Shipping will not cost anyone.
On a lighter note,

Gentlemen we are steadily approaching 29,500 post count.

We will begin our count down to both contest we are holding.

10 winners will receive 5 vials of Test Each.

1 lucky winner will receive a cycle of (3) Test E (3) Deca and (1) 100 tab pack of dianabol at 50mg a tab.

We will ship direct from our international line using a faster shipping method which would only take (7) days.

The promotion starts at thirty thousandth post. The thirty thousandth post will receive the full cycle and the 11 different posters after that will receive the test e vials.

Thank you. And hopefully soon we’ll hit that post count.
How about Cyp over E?