PurplePandaLabs Raw source

LOL, tell that to my brother who got genital warts from it. Eating a chick with it can also cause throat cancer.

Get that shit frozen off and move on, people should be getting the vaccine these days anyway. If he got the warts tho he won’t get cancer from it, pretty sure the strains that cause warts don’t cause cancer. Red marine algae should suppress the virus from causing more till his body gets rid of it, plus some brags acv. I had a phobia of warts (not cancer) so I’ve read a lot lol.

True story I once had a wart on my foot, the dr had frozen 1 next to it a day or 2 before but didn’t see this one. I was like fuck it I took out a dull razor on tweezers and extracted that fucker. Tbh unlike the nitrogen my self surgery left no scar. Well maybe all that acid plus nitrogen is what caused the scar lol
Pretty gross bro
Get that shit frozen off and move on, people should be getting the vaccine these days anyway. If he got the warts tho he won’t get cancer from it, pretty sure the strains that cause warts don’t cause cancer. Red marine algae should suppress the virus from causing more till his body gets rid of it, plus some brags acv. I had a phobia of warts (not cancer) so I’ve read a lot lol.

True story I once had a wart on my foot, the dr had frozen 1 next to it a day or 2 before but didn’t see this one. I was like fuck it I took out a dull razor on tweezers and extracted that fucker. Tbh unlike the nitrogen my self surgery left no scar. Well maybe all that acid plus nitrogen is what caused the scar lol
Get that shit frozen off and move on, people should be getting the vaccine these days anyway. If he got the warts tho he won’t get cancer from it, pretty sure the strains that cause warts don’t cause cancer. Red marine algae should suppress the virus from causing more till his body gets rid of it, plus some brags acv. I had a phobia of warts (not cancer) so I’ve read a lot lol.

True story I once had a wart on my foot, the dr had frozen 1 next to it a day or 2 before but didn’t see this one. I was like fuck it I took out a dull razor on tweezers and extracted that fucker. Tbh unlike the nitrogen my self surgery left no scar. Well maybe all that acid plus nitrogen is what caused the scar lol
Had a wart on my hand and bit those roots right out. Some nasty looking things.
Meh, you really only got to worry about herpes and hiv, a shot of penicillin will clear most of the others right up.

Valtrex and prep.

Everyone has hsv 1, they may not know it but they do. Not saying I would want to get hsv 2 but it wouldn’t be the end of the world, 20-25% are infected.

Prep is there if people are especially worried about hiv, this hooker I know takes it.
Valtrex and prep.

Everyone has hsv 1, they may not know it but they do. Not saying I would want to get hsv 2 but it wouldn’t be the end of the world, 20-25% are infected.

Prep is there if people are especially worried about hiv, this hooker I know takes it.
You're a wealth of knowledge
Pretty gross bro

If you’re talking about the surgery yea I did it savage style, didn’t even sterilize my skin, may have sterilized the dull razor but idr. I would of used a new razor and done it like a real procedure if it was today but way back then I was so pissed I didn’t think I just acted. Luckily no infection