PurplePandaLabs Raw source

No.... It’s not the Acetate Ester. It’s the fact that Primobolan Acetate was never meant to be made into an injectable.

There’s a reason for that. It’s just a unstable compound. Just like Bold Prop or Bold No Ester... Fuck around with those and you’re dying for days...
Believe me I pinned Suspensions with a 21 gauge.... Harpoons...

Feel bad for the guys who use to pin with 18 gauges. It’s definitely not that.

It’s something about that compound and it causes more sides than it’s worth

Primo Enanthate is a lot better. 600-800mg a week of that stuff and you feel healthy as fuck.
You're a snowflake. No one attacked you. Don't be such a fucking pussy. And you are a shill. Do you beg for freebies too? You only pipe up for panda. Are you a cop? A fed? Trying to drive business to a source that's being watched so more people can get busted? Dude..you're a freaking cop aren't ya.
Yea I dont know why I'm concerned. If your opinion was valued around here panda would've been out business by now. But people just ignore you. I should probably do the same.
No.... It’s not the Acetate Ester. It’s the fact that Primobolan Acetate was never meant to be made into an injectable.

There’s a reason for that. It’s just a unstable compound. Just like Bold Prop or Bold No Ester... Fuck around with those and you’re dying for days...
Your such smart :) tell panda to make a bold no ester tne dbol drol sdrol methyl tren TrNE halo nand no ester cheque drop preworkout injectable I will buy all

Thanks in advance
Yea I dont know why I'm concerned. If your opinion was valued around here panda would've been out business by now. But people just ignore you. I should probably do the same.

If that was the case you wouldn't have quoted me officer.

So you are either a cop or anpaid shill. Which one snowflake?