PurplePandaLabs Raw source

What about an @Roger rabbit bashing contest?
Hey @PurplePandaRep you don't even have to ask management for permission, you'd be glad to pay for that contest out pocket!

Just give it all to @master.on so he can STFU with his lousy no Testosterone cycles.

Careful what you wish for
... you may get a dildo vibrator in your prostate

Please ask him about a cycle designing contest.

Drug dealers have a soft side for people suffering
that's why they sell all those substances to soothe the pain and suffering.
Go home
You know, the thread was quiet until someone had to boot up the broken robot, and now he's back at it again, shit posting as usual.


If this works, the robot known as master.on will bug us no more. *Fingers crossed*
You know, the thread was quiet until someone had to boot up the broken robot, and now he's back at it again, shit posting as usual.


If this works, the robot known as master.on will bug us no more. *Fingers crossed*
Have you tried CONTROL+ALT+GTFO?
Something has to work.....
What about an @Roger rabbit bashing contest?
Hey @PurplePandaRep you don't even have to ask management for permission, you'd be glad to pay for that contest out pocket!

Just give it all to @master.on so he can STFU with his lousy no Testosterone cycles.

Careful what you wish for
... you may get a dildo vibrator in your prostate

Please ask him about a cycle designing contest.

Drug dealers have a soft side for people suffering
that's why they sell all those substances to soothe the pain and suffering.

I think we can all agree you’re mad fucking annoying...
@master.on are you that weird ass guy that use to post links to websites to get people to click on them and sink their address and collect people’s IP’s and shit?

I remember there use to be a guy on here that use to collect people’s IP addresses for fun..

Creepy shit if you ask me.
@master.on are you that weird ass guy that use to post links to websites to get people to click on them and sink their address and collect people’s IP’s and shit?

I remember there use to be a guy on here that use to collect people’s IP addresses for fun..

Creepy shit if you ask me.
That was @pumpingiron or whatever his handle was, if I'm not mistaken.
really blows my mind to be honest with you all.

I don’t care to be honest with you but you gotta look at this shit from a perspective that not everyone on this board is here because of “....”

Think about fight club... the movie. Think of these boards as self help therapy sessions for all the weirdos. Totally empowers them.
@master.on are you that weird ass guy that use to post links to websites to get people to click on them and sink their address and collect people’s IP’s and shit?

I remember there use to be a guy on here that use to collect people’s IP addresses for fun..

Creepy shit if you ask me.
When did I ever post a link that was unnecessary ?
When did I ask?

All my links are to pubmed studies (guys always ask me for that evidence)
or to articles in other steroid boards (sorry for crosslinking but that's the whole purpose of steroid discussion boards, to discuss things you read elsewhere)
Only lesbian porn is OK to watch
watching other people dicks is gay AF.

@PurplePandaRep no disrespect but you're becoming paranoic
yes I try to make funny posts (and unintendedly I may become annoying, true)
but I ain't involved in anything shady, you guys know.