PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Fuck you just reminded me. I tried the dapo I ordered from panda a while back last night. Did a low dose. Its blended with cialis so its 10mg cialis 30mg dapo. It worked. I mean I guess it did. I was able to plow (literally plow. Like in and out) for longer than I normally could. It was weird, I was plowing and plowing, and I was like oh wow I'm not gonna cum. I preceded to plow, and the just came without even realizing I was gonna cum. Caught me off guard. But it might've had a diminishing effect on my orgasm. Wasnt explosive or anything.

Where are my manners. Hi. My name is antabolic.
That was my experience as well. Orgasm is diminished and comes out of nowhere. Did you get an initial lightheadedness? It tears my stomach up too.
That was my experience as well. Orgasm is diminished and comes out of nowhere. Did you get an initial lightheadedness? It tears my stomach up too.
I didnt get light headed. But at one point during I felt as if my head(actual head) was hot as fuck. But it couldve been cuz i was going in overdrive.
Fuck you just reminded me. I tried the dapo I ordered from panda a while back last night. Did a low dose. Its blended with cialis so its 10mg cialis 30mg dapo. It worked. I mean I guess it did. I was able to plow (literally plow. Like in and out) for longer than I normally could. It was weird, I was plowing and plowing, and I was like oh wow I'm not gonna cum. I preceded to plow, and the just came without even realizing I was gonna cum. Caught me off guard. But it might've had a diminishing effect on my orgasm. Wasnt explosive or anything.

Where are my manners. Hi. My name is antabolic.
That about sums up my experience with it too.
Definitely takes away from the pleasure and makes it take almost forever.
You also probably won't get the girl to go 2 nights in a row either. My wife was so pissed.....made me go to my work and get one of the soft ice packs and cussed me till I fell asleep. We laughed about it the next night but there was no getting her to go again lol
It ain’t fair to the guys who posted in the thread during the madness.

It’s nothing personal. Just want it to be fair.

It ain’t fair to anyone who was posting in this thread prior to the contest being announced and then weird ass children come into the thread posting and begging and thank you sir please can I have another sir and all that shit either.

Life ain’t fair bro.
A winner asked to gift his winning to a fellow member who has actually posted in this thread for a hot minute and still continues to be a customer after some of the shenanigans that have gon on.

Let’s not talk fair business.
On another note you should give master.on non able to brew ass some free gear so he can move around and not clog up the thread with his bullshit.

Don’t mind me it’s just the tren.
Right before @Ripped left he said something about a primo giveaway

Now that’s a fuckin contest! Now that might be something one would consider pulling off shenanigans for! Lol even at what 19 a gram a 20 week cycle at a respectable dose isn’t a walk in the park for anybody’s pocket book ... usually lol
It ain’t fair to anyone who was posting in this thread prior to the contest being announced and then weird ass children come into the thread posting and begging and thank you sir please can I have another sir and all that shit either.
I still think that fucktard should be dq’d. Even after your warning initially to stop spamming @PurplePandaRep, his childish ass came back in and did it for the rest of the night once you left the thread. Please sir, please disqualify him sir, please!
It ain’t fair to anyone who was posting in this thread prior to the contest being announced and then weird ass children come into the thread posting and begging and thank you sir please can I have another sir and all that shit either.

Life ain’t fair bro.
A winner asked to gift his winning to a fellow member who has actually posted in this thread for a hot minute and still continues to be a customer after some of the shenanigans that have gon on.

Let’s not talk fair business.
On another note you should give master.on non able to brew ass some free gear so he can move around and not clog up the thread with his bullshit.

Don’t mind me it’s just the tren.

I don’t know what you’re saying but anyone who orders, especially from here gets taken care of.
"Hey guys, how do we sweep our recent domestic bust, dea/FBI/customs investigation and our dirty under dosed gear under the rug?"

"Dude you should give some shit away"

" You know those fiends will sell their soul for 50ml of test"

So panda donates $120 to AL . Seriously? 120 bucks? Remember back in between, was it rep 4 and 5 or was it rep 7 and 8, when panda was bragging about the amount of gear he moves, like 50k a week. It was something insane. And all they donate is 120 bucks? A $40 vial of test c is like 25-30 bucks profit . And pcom donates 2k? But then why would he donate...he doesn't want his gear tested . So why would he donate.

And this KIT dude... You know he's jacking his cock thinking about how huge he's going to get. That chick that won't pay attention to his pimplie ass... He's going to get ripped with 5 vials of test, deca and some dbol with no ai. :p