PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Who are these higher ups? Below swole panda? They just run the warehouse? Why would they be able to authorize free gear for the contest?

I dont know why I'm so interested? I'm just gonna put a question mark after everything I say? From now on?

Yeah they do authorize things on their own. This was the General Managers idea. Very nice guy to deal with.
I was told the guys who want the gear will get it and the guys who don’t leave there slots empty.

This was suppose to be a fun surprise type thing... nothing more. Turned into an animal house and I gave the respect to everyone here who placed.

One guy turning down “free shit” doesn’t make a contest look good.

Could of just taken it and given it to a homeless guy.. I don’t care. But we’re not going back and pretending it didn’t happen. We’re fine with criticism but a slap in the face is a slap in the face.
Yeah, I’ve seen you like posts in other threads and I figured they all watch, like how Jano pops up as well. What’s the point though - to blacklist people? Give them shit gear if they piece together who is ordering?

I still don’t see how he ruined it for anyone who would’ve gotten his place. He declined, so next in line should have gotten it. What bearing would his negative comments have on someone else since he declined before his comments in the other thread?

Been blown a bit out of proportion, all seems kinda silly.
I don’t know why anyone is surprised RR doesn’t want the gear and publicly stated why he didn’t.
Authentic @Roger rabbit, at the least we know his integrity doesn’t waiver for bottled up testosterone
Just to put this into perspective the general manager asked me to choose (2) winners for the Big Prizes.

He could of just said “the one who made 30,000” but he was watching the thread and saw there was a problem and remedied it easily...

Now two guys are getting cycles... the rest 5 vials whoever wants it from the original list
We gotta travel more. To learn all these cultures strange little quirks.

I heard in Japan its considered a compliment if you burp during dinner.

I heard in Russia, if you compliment someone decor in their house, they feel obligated to give you whatever it is you compliment.

And now we know in China it is frowned upon to turn down free gear.
We gotta travel more. To learn all these cultures strange little quirks.

I heard in Japan its considered a compliment if you burp during dinner.

I heard in Russia, if you compliment someone decor in their house, they feel obligated to give you whatever it is you compliment.

And now we know in China it is frowned upon to turn down free gear.
Panda isn’t even Chinese, so PPR is obviously talking about someone else being offended.
Yeah I honestly didn’t think it would of went down like that.

Embarrassing is an understatement. I thought everyone would be respectful enough to let this happen naturally. Ridiculous, I had to go back 100 pages just to get to the contest.
I read it all too.
I think I actually lost IQ points.
The good thing is, now everyone knows that the post # type of contest is incompatible with meatheads, juicers, and gear whores (AKA MESO) lol
Take that dapoxetine first.... make em work for it lol
Fuck you just reminded me. I tried the dapo I ordered from panda a while back last night. Did a low dose. Its blended with cialis so its 10mg cialis 30mg dapo. It worked. I mean I guess it did. I was able to plow (literally plow. Like in and out) for longer than I normally could. It was weird, I was plowing and plowing, and I was like oh wow I'm not gonna cum. I preceded to plow, and the just came without even realizing I was gonna cum. Caught me off guard. But it might've had a diminishing effect on my orgasm. Wasnt explosive or anything.

Where are my manners. Hi. My name is antabolic.
Yeah I honestly didn’t think it would of went down like that.

Embarrassing is an understatement. I thought everyone would be respectful enough to let this happen naturally. Ridiculous, I had to go back 100 pages just to get to the contest.
Dude, it was that fucking kid... I’m telling you, his barely legal ass doesn’t deserve anything.