PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Sir please, I had my original placing screenshoted. This free test is very important to me.

@tengtren won. Okay. He won at 30,000
And I had the screenshots showing the whole top 11. Why would we not all get our prizes?

Please sir, please. The 11 winners will still get there prizes sir please. I have the original placings and the screenshots posted, and sent them to you also via PM.

Yes sir. I am 23, I could even offer 2 forms of photo ID privately. I am here to be a good member. I respect you sir. Thank you for offering the contest.

Can't let the epic-ness of these epic posts be buried. They deserve a solid bump.
Sir please, I had my original placing screenshoted. This free test is very important to me.

@tengtren won. Okay. He won at 30,000
And I had the screenshots showing the whole top 11. Why would we not all get our prizes?

Please sir, please. The 11 winners will still get there prizes sir please. I have the original placings and the screenshots posted, and sent them to you also via PM.

FOUND IT. Tell the World how old you are. You sound like your begging your Momma not to beat your Ass. Fucking Pathetic to say the least. I don’t even know what to say. FUCKING PATHETIC. Whoever sells you Teenagers Gear should have a Boot shooved so far up their ass, it should take a week to dig it out. And some of the people that support, chat it up with you kids are just as bad as you are. I’ve been on these Boards a couple years now, and this is BY FAR the Dumbest fucking comment to date!!!!!
FOUND IT. Tell the World how old you are. You sound like your begging your Momma not to beat your Ass. Fucking Pathetic to say the least. I don’t even know what to say. FUCKING PATHETIC. Whoever sells you Teenagers Gear should have a Boot shooved so far up their ass, it should take a week to dig it out. And some of the people that support, chat it up with you kids are just as bad as you are. I’ve been on these Boards a couple years now, and this is BY FAR the Dumbest fucking comment to date!!!!!
Sad thing is the dude is probably 20 something.
Sad thing is the dude is probably 20 something.

I’ll bet my left nut he is under the age of 18, what would you wanna bet? The other kid has videos out, and his is like 16 fucking years old, and dudes chat it up allday long with him. Look at his fucking pic.
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I’ll bet my left but he is under the age of 18, what would you wanna bet? The other kid has videos out, and his is like 16 fucking years old, and dudes chat it up allday long with him. Look at his fucking pic.
Oh I hear you man. Just think how bad he will be in 3 months after his cycle! He will be a lump of warm goo sitting in a corner trying to figure out what went wrong.:oops:
Oh I hear you man. Just think how bad he will be in 3 months after his cycle! He will be a lump of warm goo sitting in a corner trying to figure out what went wrong.:oops:

Lmfao. It drives me Crazy. Nobody wants to Eat, or Work hard. Just take fucking handouts. SMH
Hey guys,

I respect and am a loyal customer with @PurplePandaRep and if needed to you all, he could confirm verbally I've placed orders in the past. Since he has screenshots of those orders.

I've been brought up alot. So I'm gonna just make a post here. Well, I respect all members on this forum and am thankful to learn from and be apart of it. I don't expect to earn anyone's respect here, because once a member is thrown under the bus they continued to be trampled and that's a pattern I have caught on to.

I am 5'11 184lbs and shredding up nicely, I've cut 1-2lbs a week consistently for the last 6 weeks, while on pandas test E for cruise at 150MG per week. I'm deiting and training very hard, and considering a run at classic physique in the next year... I've done 5 test cycles in the past and have experience enough and have studied enough to know this lifestyle well and I'm confident in that. I love bodybuilding, And I am a student of the sport.

Also, I do not live with my mom, nor am I minor.. I am 23. I work a full time salaried job, and am impacting peoples lives. The kind of work I do Is in social services. Yes I'll admit I was pretty excited for the free gear. That does not mean I am am broke, nor desperate for gear.

Thanks to everyone, hope you all have a happy and fufilling week.

AND BIG respects to @PurplePandaRep for doing the contest for us. Rarely have I seen a lab offer a contest with free gear to so many members on any forum I've seen. So thanks again.
Hey guys,

I respect and am a loyal customer with @PurplePandaRep and if needed to you all, he could confirm verbally I've placed orders in the past. Since he has screenshots of those orders.

I've been brought up alot. So I'm gonna just make a post here. Well, I respect all members on this forum and am thankful to learn from and be apart of it. I don't expect to earn anyone's respect here, because once a member is thrown under the bus they continued to be trampled and that's a pattern I have caught on to.

I am 5'11 184lbs and shredding up nicely, I've cut 1-2lbs a week consistently for the last 6 weeks, while on pandas test E for cruise at 150MG per week. I'm deiting and training very hard, and considering a run at classic physique in the next year... I've done 5 test cycles in the past and have experience enough and have studied enough to know this lifestyle well and I'm confident in that. I love bodybuilding, And I am a student of the sport.

Also, I do not live with my mom, nor am I minor.. I am 23. I work a full time salaried job, and am impacting peoples lives. The kind of work I do Is in social services. Yes I'll admit I was pretty excited for the free gear. That does not mean I am am broke, nor desperate for gear.

Thanks to everyone, hope you all have a happy and fufilling week.

AND BIG respects to @PurplePandaRep for doing the contest for us. Rarely have I seen a consistent and great lab offer a contest with free gear to so many members on any forum I've seen. So thanks again.

This is your 6th cycle and you're 23??? So you started AAS when you were 20?
Why did you make the decision to suppress your natural body's testosterone while you're still developing and at peak hormone levels?

Chris bumstead is on the olympia stage since he was 22. Dexter Jackson was 16 when he started gear. There are plenty, PLENTY of top IFBB pros that started this lifestyle young. And myself who was passionate about aesthetics and physique, decided to give it a go, albeit at 20 years old.
There are no redoes in life. Do I regret it? No. It has improved my life, to improve my physique and I have stayed healthy doing it. I've learned to control E2, and have stayed between 500mg-700mg total test on my 10 week blasts.