PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Hey guys,

I respect and am a loyal customer with @PurplePandaRep and if needed to you all, he could confirm verbally I've placed orders in the past. Since he has screenshots of those orders.

I've been brought up alot. So I'm gonna just make a post here. Well, I respect all members on this forum and am thankful to learn from and be apart of it. I don't expect to earn anyone's respect here, because once a member is thrown under the bus they continued to be trampled and that's a pattern I have caught on to.

I am 5'11 184lbs and shredding up nicely, I've cut 1-2lbs a week consistently for the last 6 weeks, while on pandas test E for cruise at 150MG per week. I'm deiting and training very hard, and considering a run at classic physique in the next year... I've done 5 test cycles in the past and have experience enough and have studied enough to know this lifestyle well and I'm confident in that. I love bodybuilding, And I am a student of the sport.

Also, I do not live with my mom, nor am I minor.. I am 23. I work a full time salaried job, and am impacting peoples lives. The kind of work I do Is in social services. Yes I'll admit I was pretty excited for the free gear. That does not mean I am am broke, nor desperate for gear.

Thanks to everyone, hope you all have a happy and fufilling week.

AND BIG respects to @PurplePandaRep for doing the contest for us. Rarely have I seen a lab offer a contest with free gear to so many members on any forum I've seen. So thanks again.

Lol ....This has 2 be the dumbest thing I’ve seen.[emoji6]
Chris bumstead is on the olympia stage since he was 22. Dexter Jackson was 16 when he started gear. There are plenty, PLENTY of top IFBB pros that started this lifestyle young. And myself who was passionate about aesthetics and physique, decided to give it a go, albeit at 20 years old.
There are no redoes in life. Do I regret it? No. It has improved my life, to improve my physique and I have stayed healthy doing it. I've learned to control E2, and have stayed between 500mg-700mg total test on my 10 week blasts.

Are you a top IFBB pro or on the olympia stage? Those genetic freaks max out their potential and bodies pretty much within 3-5 years of puberty and in the professional competing world it is needed, and they know it comes at a price.

If you need AAS under 25 to see results (assuming no underlying medical condition resulting in low TT) then you aren't eating and working out consistently.
I'm not going to say anything about starting young, but your behavior has shown your immature.

Why did those pros you mentioned start young? Because they showed mature enough to handle it and do it right by older people who were guiding them! Other professionals
Are you a top IFBB pro or on the olympia stage? Those genetic freaks max out their potential and bodies pretty much within 3-5 years of puberty and in the professional competing world it is needed, and they know it comes at a price.

If you need AAS under 25 to see results (assuming no underlying medical condition resulting in low TT) then you aren't eating and working out consistently.

No I am not a top IFBB pro. Although you don't have to be to choose to cycle, and I have chose to cycle responsibily. What I chose to do with my body is my business, thank you and have a good day. I'm going to be very busy today and tonight, probably this week. So have a good week I wish you the best.

I'm not going to say anything about starting young, but your behavior has shown your immature.

Why did those pros you mentioned start young? Because they showed mature enough to handle it and do it right by older people who were guiding them! Other professionals

That's debatable. Virtually all pro's started young. And you do not know me personally with all due to respect. I am very mature. I have university education and am working a social services profession impacting lives. If you're referring to my ideal man thread, I would agree I am still growing when it comes to love. That girl hurt me, and I was in love, enough said. If you're talking about the Bitcoin do whatever you want me to thread. It was a joke and I thought it could be fun
Am I doing any of those things? No I am not. Thanks and have a good day.I'm going to be very busy today and tonight, probably this week. So have a good week I wish you the best.

Debatable ......I kid , I kid [emoji85][emoji23][emoji85]
Nothing you say here matters. You have been outspoken about hateing ppl. So whatever man. I like this lab and am a loyal customer. Hope you have a good week.
LOL, even dumber than the quotes @MisterSuperGod posted up? :D

Have a good week, I have a very busy week coming up, I know you're Mr. Mature taking every shot you possibly can. Maybe if you took a look in the mirror and began criticizing yourself as much as you do a stranger on the internet, than you'd probably not live on this forum and would have a life too. Alright man have a good week.
No I am not a top IFBB pro. Although you don't have to be to choose to cycle, and I have chose to cycle responsibily. What I chose to do with my body is my business, thank you and have a good day. I'm going to be very busy today and tonight, probably this week. So have a good week I wish you the best.

That's debatable. Virtually all pro's started young. And you do not know me personally with all due to respect. I am very mature. I have university education and am working a social services profession impacting lives. If you're referring to my ideal man thread, I would agree I am still growing when it comes to love. That girl hurt me, and I was in love, enough said. If you're talking about the Bitcoin do whatever you want me to thread. It was a joke and I thought it could be fun
Am I doing any of those things? No I am not. Thanks and have a good day.I'm going to be very busy today and tonight, probably this week. So have a good week I wish you the best.

Nothing you say here matters. You have been outspoken about hitting ppl. So whatever man. I like this lab and am a loyal customer. Hope you have a good week.

Have a good week, I have a very busy week coming up, I know you're Mr. Mature taking every shot you possibly can. Maybe if you took a look in the mirror and began criticizing yourself as much as you do a stranger on the internet, than you'd probably not live on this forum and wound have a life too. Alright man have a good week.

You keep justifying starting young with being a pro, yet you aren't one. So like I said unless there was an underlying medical condition it was a very reckless decision to disrupt your natural testosterone production when it was at it's peak, curious what your reasoning behind starting AAS that young was.

But hey if you want to get all "I am an independent woman and no man can tell me what to do my body my choice," all good brother.
Have a good week, I have a very busy week coming up, I know you're Mr. Mature taking every shot you possibly can. Maybe if you took a look in the mirror and began criticizing yourself as much as you do a stranger on the internet, than you'd probably not live on this forum and would have a life too. Alright man have a good week.
Lol, I’m on a lot because I’m at work and still making money while I read through and post replies. I’m not going to bash you anymore kid, because you’re going through a lot right now. I wish you the best and hope you get what you need out of life.

*edit* I actually DO have a life, but thanks for your uninformed concern.
No I am not a top IFBB pro. Although you don't have to be to choose to cycle, and I have chose to cycle responsibily. What I chose to do with my body is my business, thank you and have a good day. I'm going to be very busy today and tonight, probably this week. So have a good week I wish you the best.

That's debatable. Virtually all pro's started young. And you do not know me personally with all due to respect. I am very mature. I have university education and am working a social services profession impacting lives. If you're referring to my ideal man thread, I would agree I am still growing when it comes to love. That girl hurt me, and I was in love, enough said. If you're talking about the Bitcoin do whatever you want me to thread. It was a joke and I thought it could be fun
Am I doing any of those things? No I am not. Thanks and have a good day.I'm going to be very busy today and tonight, probably this week. So have a good week I wish you the best.

Nothing you say here matters. You have been outspoken about hateing ppl. So whatever man. I like this lab and am a loyal customer. Hope you have a good week.

Have a good week, I have a very busy week coming up, I know you're Mr. Mature taking every shot you possibly can. Maybe if you took a look in the mirror and began criticizing yourself as much as you do a stranger on the internet, than you'd probably not live on this forum and would have a life too. Alright man have a good week.

It wasn’t a jab at you. So chill.... the person it was a jab at will know.
You keep justifying starting young with being a pro, yet you aren't one. So like I said unless there was an underlying medical condition it was a very reckless decision to disrupt your natural testosterone production when it was at it's peak, curious what your reasoning behind starting AAS that young was.

But hey if you want to get all "I am an independent woman and no man can tell me what to do my body my choice," all good brother.
I am not saying what you are saying here is wrong BUT Everyone needs to start somewhere who says he wont be a pro in a few years to come? And as for saying it was a very reckless decision to disrupt your natural testo production really isn't in the bigger picture of things. Most people his age are out sniffing cut up Cocaine with fuck knows what in it along with a fuck ton of different alcohol and also taking MDMA or Ecstasy. And when I say most his age I really do mean most you go to clubs now and lucky if you can find a handful of people not taking something. There is also thousands of other people and a good few on this bored to also took their first cycle at a young age. Personally I think he is much better running the life style he is with just shutting down his test temporary while on cycle than taking all the other substances and alcohol abuse like most do.

@Keepittight Am not trying to stick up for him personally either as tbh I find a lot of what he said is bullshit but just the statement you said I don't really agree with. I find it impossible to believe "I am very mature. I have university education and am working a social services profession impacting lives"
you have a university education and tbh you act like 13 kid on these forums. your working with social services and yet are begging and crying for free gear on a forum. Fuck you gotta try help yourself out here first before helping and impacting other peoples life. To say all that just seems like totally bs and to post a thread willing to embarrass yourself is just fucken mental just for some bitcoin. A lot of people joke around say stupid stuff as a joke but that just wasn't even a joke that's just fucken embarrassing. Long story short you really do act like a little girl you act like a little bitch towards PPL I don't know if your test levels did ever recover from your cycle they seem super low that you do shove straws up other dudes arse holes and am not just saying that cause its PPL I don't have a bad thing to say about PPL I use them a lot and have placed much bigger orders than you ever will but fuck the way you talk is pathetic.
I am not saying what you are saying here is wrong BUT Everyone needs to start somewhere who says he wont be a pro in a few years to come? And as for saying it was a very reckless decision to disrupt your natural testo production really isn't in the bigger picture of things. Most people his age are out sniffing cut up Cocaine with fuck knows what in it along with a fuck ton of different alcohol and also taking MDMA or Ecstasy. And when I say most his age I really do mean most you go to clubs now and lucky if you can find a handful of people not taking something. There is also thousands of other people and a good few on this bored to also took their first cycle at a young age. Personally I think he is much better running the life style he is with just shutting down his test temporary while on cycle than taking all the other substances and alcohol abuse like most do.

@Keepittight Am not trying to stick up for him personally either as tbh I find a lot of what he said is bullshit but just the statement you said I don't really agree with. I find it impossible to believe "I am very mature. I have university education and am working a social services profession impacting lives"
you have a university education and tbh you act like 13 kid on these forums. your working with social services and yet are begging and crying for free gear on a forum. Fuck you gotta try help yourself out here first before helping and impacting other peoples life. To say all that just seems like totally bs and to post a thread willing to embarrass yourself is just fucken mental just for some bitcoin. A lot of people joke around say stupid stuff as a joke but that just wasn't even a joke that's just fucken embarrassing. Long story short you really do act like a little girl you act like a little bitch towards PPL I don't know if your test levels did ever recover from your cycle they seem super low that you do shove straws up other dudes arse holes and am not just saying that cause its PPL I don't have a bad thing to say about PPL I use them a lot and have placed much bigger orders than you ever will but fuck the way you talk is pathetic.
Are you mad or did you skip school regularly?
I am not saying what you are saying here is wrong BUT Everyone needs to start somewhere who says he wont be a pro in a few years to come? And as for saying it was a very reckless decision to disrupt your natural testo production really isn't in the bigger picture of things. Most people his age are out sniffing cut up Cocaine with fuck knows what in it along with a fuck ton of different alcohol and also taking MDMA or Ecstasy. And when I say most his age I really do mean most you go to clubs now and lucky if you can find a handful of people not taking something. There is also thousands of other people and a good few on this bored to also took their first cycle at a young age. Personally I think he is much better running the life style he is with just shutting down his test temporary while on cycle than taking all the other substances and alcohol abuse like most do.

If his motivation is to go pro that's something else entirely. But he never stated that. And no offense but with his physique being 6 cycles in, if that was truly his goal you can tell his diet and work ethic aren't at the pro level. The pros his age he mentioned are FAR beyond where he is and if they started at 19-20 as well they are just as many cycles in as him +- some.

Unless you plan to TRT at a young age, messing up your natural test production IS the big picture. Especially for those who cycle.

If you cycle for 10-18 weeks and have TT <2,000 ng/dL but then go off for just as long and your test production is dropping down to 300-400 because of messing up your natural production at a young age you are going to really struggle keeping your gains off cycle.

So many guys who TRT talk about how a reckless cycle when they were a late teen or early twenties messed them up permanently.


Also he is claiming here to TRT and not cycle off. The dude is all over the place.

Yup, I should have cycled off. I realized later in the game I didn't wanna do this cycling shit forever.
If his motivation is to go pro that's something else entirely. But he never stated that. And no offense but with his physique being 6 cycles in, if that was truly his goal you can tell his diet and work ethic aren't at the pro level. The pros his age he mentioned are FAR beyond where he is and if they started at 19-20 as well they are just as many cycles in as him +- some.

Unless you plan to TRT at a young age, messing up your natural test production IS the big picture. Especially for those who cycle.

If you cycle for 10-18 weeks and have TT <2,000 ng/dL but then go off for just as long and your test production is dropping down to 300-400 because of messing up your natural production at a young age you are going to really struggle keeping your gains off cycle.

So many guys who TRT talk about how a reckless cycle when they were a late teen or early twenties messed them up permanently.


Also he is claiming here to TRT and not cycle off. The dude is all over the place.

in this kids case, don't think he has the knowledge or discipline to go to any level, and evidently has "budget constraints" which leads to a desperate need to win free gear. That's not even the most expensive part of training to compete. I'm not convinced he's 23 and went to college either, hasn't shown the maturity for that
in this kids case, don't think he has the knowledge or discipline to go to any level, and evidently has "budget constraints" which leads to a desperate need to win free gear. That's not even the most expensive part of training to compete. I'm not convinced he's 23 and went to college either, hasn't shown the maturity for that

Food counting protein powder and casein remains my number one expense.
Hey guys,

I respect and am a loyal customer with @PurplePandaRep and if needed to you all, he could confirm verbally I've placed orders in the past. Since he has screenshots of those orders.

Why does he have screenshots of your orders? Once placed and delivered, that info should no longer be available. o_O

I've been brought up alot. So I'm gonna just make a post here. Well, I respect all members on this forum and am thankful to learn from and be apart of it. I don't expect to earn anyone's respect here, because once a member is thrown under the bus they continued to be trampled and that's a pattern I have caught on to.

We tend to trample those that have left a negative impact for themselves. Your pleading for a few vials was probably the most epic act of desperation many of us have ever witnessed.

I am 5'11 184lbs and shredding up nicely, I've cut 1-2lbs a week consistently for the last 6 weeks, while on pandas test E for cruise at 150MG per week. I'm deiting and training very hard, and considering a run at classic physique in the next year... I've done 5 test cycles in the past and have experience enough and have studied enough to know this lifestyle well and I'm confident in that. I love bodybuilding, And I am a student of the sport.

5 cycles and several years in? Whatever you've been doing obviously isn't working.

Also, I do not live with my mom, nor am I minor.. I am 23. I work a full time salaried job, and am impacting peoples lives. The kind of work I do Is in social services. Yes I'll admit I was pretty excited for the free gear. That does not mean I am am broke, nor desperate for gear.

Thanks to everyone, hope you all have a happy and fufilling week.

Bullshit. You were begging a source for 5 vials. You need to find a better job. Your paper route doesn't earn you enough money. So little money in fact, that you sold your dignity for 5 stinking vials.

AND BIG respects to @PurplePandaRep for doing the contest for us. Rarely have I seen a lab offer a contest with free gear to so many members on any forum I've seen. So thanks again.

Slurp, slurp, slurp!
Bullshit. You were begging a source for 5 vials. You need to find a better job. Your paper route doesn't earn you enough money. So little money in fact, that you sold your dignity for 5 stinking vials.

Slurp, slurp, slurp!
Let’s not forget putting out a post asking for bitcoin to perform anything on video.