PurplePandaLabs Raw source

We're over run with pigs here . We go out with thermals and NV and clean house . It's not uncommon to take 50 pigs in a night . Sadly we dump everyone of those bastards. In the summer months you cannot clean them fast enough . Plus it's not good for you. We'll trap one and BBQ it every now and then .

My one buddy pig hunts with 338 Lapua . There's not much left after the shot
Homeless shelters don’t take the meat?
We're over run with pigs here . We go out with thermals and NV and clean house . It's not uncommon to take 50 pigs in a night . Sadly we dump everyone of those bastards. In the summer months you cannot clean them fast enough . Plus it's not good for you. We'll trap one and BBQ it every now and then .

My one buddy pig hunts with 338 Lapua . There's not much left after the shot
That’s an expensive round to put in a hog lol.
Homeless shelters don’t take the meat?

Couldn't get it to them . You have field dress and cool wild hogs fast . Trichinosis. Their skin is full of bacteria . Bullet goes in, pushes the skin into the wound, bacteria starts spreading. If it is in summer time, even if you had the coolers set up I wouldn't want the meat . The are a pest here. The sows breed so often with so many piglets. They destroy a farmers crop in a few days. $100,000 of damage .
Couldn't get it to them . You have field dress and cool wild hogs fast . Trichinosis. Their skin is full of bacteria . Bullet goes in, pushes the skin into the wound, bacteria starts spreading. If it is in summer time, even if you had the coolers set up I wouldn't want the meat . The are a pest here. The sows breed so often with so many piglets. They destroy a farmers crop in a few days. $100,000 of damage .
Read an article where wild boars were running free in some middle eastern country. That was funny af because well... put it together lol
Domestic is closed indefinitely. We’re focused on international at the moment. That’s all. It won’t be open within 10 days.

I’m willing to bet T-bagger money on that. Today is the 26th. According to Mr. Fisted he says 10 days? So Wednesday of next week? I highly doubt if he did wager anything he would pay up...
So why is Bicep over at BoP saying domestic will be opened back up in about 2 weeks? He just wrote that this morning.

How much are you willing to put down?
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Couldn't get it to them . You have field dress and cool wild hogs fast . Trichinosis. Their skin is full of bacteria . Bullet goes in, pushes the skin into the wound, bacteria starts spreading. If it is in summer time, even if you had the coolers set up I wouldn't want the meat . The are a pest here. The sows breed so often with so many piglets. They destroy a farmers crop in a few days. $100,000 of damage .
How often do you hunt? I'm not too far from ya and would love to shoot some hogs ;)
Anyone got a good HCG protocol? I wanted to shoot 250 IU with each test shot but then I've been advised not to. Now I'm thinking to start it week 4 but it turns out that there's a ton of different school of thought about it.
In about a week im going to get a deer its healthy an cheap as hell getting enough meat while I'm bulking is killing my budget I can't wait for some venison
Dbol raws are no longer in stock due to a Chinese mandate that has currently seized production of Dbol due to the pollution it causes.

Three compounds we have concluded that causes production halt. DHB, Clomid and Dbol.

At this time I would be incredibly weary of anyone who is selling Dbol raws that are “new”.


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